Windy Window Shopping


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I hope you had a nice weekend.  Mine was nice but fast.  Wham-bam and it was over.

The weather was craptastic here for most of the weekend in San Diego.

This was as nice as it ever got and even this photo is a bit deceiving.  It was so windy and dreary and rainy all weekend.

Blue sky and palm trees on street

Scott is a big Chicago Bears fan and the Bears were playing the San Diego Chargers in Chicago.  When I was running on Sunday, I felt like I could have been running down Lake Shore Drive in the Windy City or that I could have been sitting at Soldier Field freezing my butt off with the wind and misty weather that we had here in “sunny” San Diego.

Bad weather outside is a perfect excuse for some cooking and baking time inside.

In honor of it being National Peanut Butter Month, I have been hard at work using PB in just about every recipe I can dream up.

Jar of Planters Creamy peanut butter

I made a batch of Nutella & Peanut Butter Graham Bars with Chocolate Frosting (No Bake) and gave them to Scott to take to his friends’ house where he watched the football game.

Nutella & Peanut Butter Graham Bars with Chocolate Frosting stacked

Apparently there were no leftovers.

Instead of watching the game, I did a little Williams-Sonoma window-shopping.  Well, almost.  These pictures are from my trip to the mall last week that I forgot to post.  I would not st foot inside the mall on a weekend during Holiday Shopping Season.  No way!

Williams sonoma display window

I saw “my” machine in the window.  Hint hint, Scott.

Red Kitchen aid mixer on wood platter

And saw all these machines…

Mixing machines shelves

…And Vitas and food processors and was in blending heaven.

Food Processors and blenders on shelvesI’m sure there’s enough horsepower on that shelf to pulverize rocks.

And this Le Creuset set, in person, is the most amazing shade of teal blue meets dusty turquoise meets I would love to own this set that I’ve ever laid eyes on.

Le Creuset blue pots

But it was just window shopping in Williams-Sonoma for me.

Good thing I had Stuffed Dark Chocolate Chocolate-Chip Cookies at home waiting for me.

Stuffed Dark Chocolate Chocolate-Chip Cookies stackedGood thing, yes.


1. Best thing you ate or did over the weekend?

Those dark chocolate chip cookies rank right up there for me.

I also tackled a few projects around the house that felt nice to accomplish.

And spending time with my family was nice, too.

2. Have you done any window shopping lately?  Seen anything fun, new, or interesting?

It never hurts to look, right?  You can mentally draft your holiday gift list that way.  You know, with field research by window shopping.

Have a great (and short) week!

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.


  1. I have been doing a lot of “window” shopping online for designer bags – can’t seem to find exactly the right one.

  2. I love browsing WS, but haven’t bought anything recently. Agreed on holiday weekend shopping, not fun if you’re just trying to shop.

    My weekend was not exciting being sick and getting bad weather here too.

  3. I haven’t been anywhere near a store lately. Everyone seems to be going holiday crazy right now. It seems less sane now than in the first couple of weeks in December for some reason. I actually hate window shopping though. It’s all about “Oh that’d be cool if I could afford it. Man I really want one of those.” etc. etc. It’s just a bummer!

  4. I love Window shopping, well no not really, I love shopping, shopping. he he Oddly enough, this year I want a Kitchen Aid Hot Pink hand mixer that I saw at Sur La Table. Mine is so old, by Black & Decker, do they even make Black & Decker anymore?

    Best thing I ate this weekend? Cherry Cobbler from a buffet I went to on Sunday. I’m a sucker for cherries!!

  5. Hi Averie,
    Love this post. But was trying to get to the link for your Fudgy Nutella Brownies but was unable to get to it. Could you please help? Thanks!

  6. I spent all day thinking it was Friday. Probably because the weekend went too fast, though I got a lot done. Christmas gift making, not shopping.

    My mom made your butterfinger bars again. She’s an addict. I remember those nutella bars from this time last year? I think we were going to make them. Might have to put them on the list again. Sadly, things on the list don’t always get made.