11 Years


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It’s hard to believe that 11 years ago today, I was standing in a little chapel in Las Vegas getting married by a minister with spiked hair and a tail. A pink plastic corsage was affixed to the hot pink Betsey Johnson mini-dress I wore and I had a bubblegum machine pink light-up plastic ring that was used when we exchanged vows. My real ring was being made.

Scott has lost so many wedding bands over the years that I can’t even remember what his looked like. Put that man near an ocean, and watch him lose a wedding band.

What I do remember is that everyone said it wouldn’t last. Well, we lasted. Over a decade and a child later, we lasted.

Scott is my best friend, my confidante, my cheerleader, one of very people in the world whom I truly trust; the only person I want to talk to when I’ve had a bad day, and the first person I want to call when I have amazing news or something fabulous happened.

I always loved my husband and the majority of days I’ve even liked him. I won’t say we’ve never fought. We’ve had our share of doosies; we’re both passionate people and when you put two of those in a room, every once in awhile all that passion collides and fireworks ensue. But we always kiss and make up.

I fell in love with my husband in a whole new way just over 5 years ago when Skylar came on the scene. I took this picture Friday afternoon with my iPhone at a Mother’s Day luncheon at her school. Scott and I were both in attendance and couldn’t believe what a big girl she is now and how much joy she brings us.

Skylar smiling in a grassy field

He is the most amazing father. I could not ask for a better father to her. I am truly blessed and she is truly blessed to have such a doting, caring, attentive, giving, and loving father.

She made this for me for Mother’s Day at school and all the kids presented their moms with their gifts. It’s a little easel, with a tiny canvas she painted and decorated, and a photo of her is affixed to the canvas. And there was a hand-made card, too. I melted.

Mini easel canvas present

It’s been quite the 24 hours for me. Mother’s Day and my anniversary.

I need to go buy more Kleenex. Lots of Hallmark happy tears have been shed.

Picture of skylar on painted mini canvas

It’s been a crazy, wonderful, exciting, and amazing 11 years with Scott, and 5+ as a family. I can’t wait to see what the future brings.

Ironically, on this day last year for our 10 Year Anniversary, I was sitting in the Atltanta-Hartsfield airport en route to Aruba. I’d like to buy airline tickets as our belated anniversary present to us, to our family, but I have to wait for the school year to wrap up and then maybe we’ll get lost for awhile.

Aruba beach with ships

I should probably cook something special for dinner tonight. But I’m not.

And we’re not going out. We’re homebodies these days.

However, I took care of the beverages. That’s the next post. Holy moly, so good.

Dessert? I’ve got that covered, too. I’m thinking these. Funfetti is always fun for a celebratory day.

Cookie Butter funfetti triple chip bars

Do you have any dating, wedding, or marriage stories?

In some ways it feels like just the blink of an eye that we were saying I do. In another sense, it feels like a lifetime ago because I can’t even imagine what it feels like to be single or without a child. Overall though, 11 years have gone fast. Really, really fast. I can’t even believe it some days!

Any Mother’s Day stories?

I had a wonderful day. I cooked and baked a ton, we went for a family power walk, the sun was shining and it was in the low 70s. A picture perfect day.

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  1. :-) congratulations to proving everyone wrong, and what looks like a beautiful 11 years. :-) i think i remember you saying you don’t post photos for his work…? but regardless, you do an awesome job painting a picture for us.

    my anniversary with EP was last week, but it’s just a dating anniversary.

  2. Congratulations on your anniversary! Ours was May 11 (16 years ago) and we came to SF for our honeymoon so this trip is our “2nd honeymoon”. My husband used to get migraines a few times per year (triggered by stress or weather). So guess what he had the first day of our honeymoon? Yes, a big honkin’ migraine. He told me he’d try not to get one this time and I told him everything should be fine because we weren’t getting married before this trip. So far so good!!

    1. Glad you made it there, this time with no migraine! And happy anniversary to you two. You’re 5 years ahead of us, almost to the day!

  3. This is such a great post, Averie! I want to see pictures from your wedding!! And Skylar….wow. I hadn’t realized how long it has been since you’ve posted a photo of her until just now. She’s so BIG!! She’s like a little person now. Aruba last year at this time/!? Crazy.

    WHOA. I just realized that exactly one year ago I walked across the stage to get my PhD! Wow. That went FAST.

    NO Mother’s Day stories, and clearly no wedding stories for me. But, my brother is getting married in 5 weeks, and I can’t wait! I love a good wedding party and I just bought a hot little red dress to wear. Dancing, dancing, dancing….!

    1. Oh I want to see pics of you in that dress! And how did I not know he was getting married?! Congrats!

  4. This post was real-talk. So awesome! It was like getting to read one of your old posts. Keep it up :)

  5. awww how sweet is this?
    she is just gorgeous.
    sorry i’ve been missing, got a new mac and still adjusting

    1. no apologies necessary..new computers…and transferring files, pics, etc..SUCH a headache. Good luck!

  6. Love those photos of Skyler and everything else. Picture photos are beautiful! Happy Mother’s Day to you!

  7. Congratulations! I vividly remember your airport tenth anniversary post. You’re an unconventional but awesome couple–and unconventional is definitely good.

    So nice to see a pic of Skylar–so beautiful and so grown up!

    1. It feels like just a blink of an eye that I wrote that airport/anniversary post! :)

  8. I love you’re wedding story so much, its so fun and spontaneous. Me? I want a small wedding, nothing extravagant someday… who knows when. It’s so funny to hear you say you can’t imagine your life any other way, before a family… because here I am single about to graduate college and I can’t imagine myself ever settled down. But I’m sure it’ll feel like a blink until I’m feeling the way you are (maybe!). Anways, happy anniversary and Mother’s day to you!

    1. I never thought I’d talk that way…trust me. I couldn’t have imagined it. I went from single, to married..in about 4 months time. And we moved across the country together. It all happened so fast, like out of the blue fast. You just never know what life (or who) is going to present.

  9. Happy Anniversary Averie! What a beautiful story of your lives, Averie. True love at its finest. Skylar is so beautiful- I love that smile!

  10. So sweet! Congratulations on your anniversary, and a happy belated mothers day to you. I spent mine lounging around the house. I put off the laundry and cleaning for the day, which was nice, and we went out only for some brunch. :)