Baking Bomb


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A bomb went off in my kitchen.  Well, not quite, but almost.  There was a period Sunday evening when I had two completely different recipes going.  I was microwaving, using the oven and using the stove.

Every cupboard was open, tons of bowls and measuring cups were in use, and I had multiple sink-fulls of dishes to do.  And I hate doing dishes.

Sink full of bowls, red, blue and purple bowls stacked next to sink

But I do love baking

Ingredients for both recipes were out

White chocolate chips, chocolate chips, jet-puffed marshmallow creme, and condensed milk on hardwood

I had these on the brain

And also had something else in mind with these ingredients below

Ingredients on counter -- brown sugar, candy corn, and butter snap pretzels

Hello, Candy Corn.  Tis the season.  No time like the present to get in the holiday spirit.

bags of candy cornI have to do a photo session + edit session, then type the recipe but I’ll be posting the recipe soon for my latest creation.  Easy and good.  And for all the candy corn lovers, I gotcha covered.

If someone had walked into my kitchen they would have thought I was baking for a catered 300 person wedding.  Nope, just our little family of three.   That, or that a bomb went off.

And yes, I was tempted to buy those humongous jars of sprinkles at Target but exercised restraint.

Stacks of jars of sprinkles with different types of sprinkles

I did not exercise restraint with the Peanut Butter Oatmeal White Chocolate Cookies

Peanut Butter Oatmeal White Chocolate Cookies stacked

They are my new favorite cookie recipe.  Well, for this week at least.

And the winner of the Shabby Apple Giveaway is:

kathleen @ the daily crumb October 14, 2011 at 3:18 pm

“i want to win the da vinci dress! so cute” :)

Congrats, Kathleen!


1. When you cook or bake does it look like a bomb went off in your kitchen?

I try hard not to dirty every dish, bowl, spoon, and spatula.

And I try not to open every bag of chips I have on hand and spread them all out over the countertop:  dark chocolate, milk, white, peanut butter, toffee, butterscotch, and mini chips…

…But sometimes I just don’t know what I am making until I am actually doing it (Wing It Queen for sure) and so all of a sudden all my chips are out and I am throwing handfuls of this and that into a bowl and hoping for the best.

Repeat the same school of thought with flour: almond, oat, cashew, white, wheat

Repeat the same school of thought with sweeteners: agave, maple, white sugar, brown, powdered, stevia

Yes, that’s why it sometimes looks like a bomb went off.  But that’s okay.  It’s kinda fun, actually.

Normally I am a total neatfreak but sometimes a little messy is good.  Provided that I clean it all up immediately afterward.  A messy kitchen after I’m done with my baking or cooking projects makes me shudder and I get heart palpitations just looking at disarray.  Must.Clean.Up.

Same with leaving dirty dishes, or dinner dishes, in the sink and then going to bed.  Dirty dishes induced insomnia would prevail.

2.  Best part of your weekend?

Best part of mine was being with my family, being outside and enjoying the weathers, and spending time in the kitchen creating.  Those things were relaxing, fun, recharged my batteries, and made me happy.

sunflowers and purple flowers

Hope your week is off to a good start!

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.