Bring On The Juice!


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What a fabulous high on life feeling I’ve got right now. Keep reading and you’ll find out why…

First, Big Thank You to my Friend Justine for her post yesterday featuring my Raw Vegan Freezer Brownie Love! I am so glad you and your little one liked my “sludge”…enough to polish off the whole batch in one sitting.
Raw Vegan Brownies in clear container

Now that’s some chocolate love and I am soooo glad you loved it! I do not recommend recipes or keeping making the same thing over and over and over (aka broc & brussels’s for dinner practically every night and vegan brownies around midnight every night) unless it’s damn good. Glad you agreed :)

A recap of a few of my Eats from yesterday

The Monster Smoothie I made yesterday.
Monster Smoothie in glass garRaw Veggies including: *Greens *Carrots *Red Peppers *Yellow Peppers *Jicama
Raw vegetables tossed together in round white shallow bowlThen some: *Broc *B.S. *Cukes *Red Peppers *Jicama *Carrots *Juice of 1/2 an orange & Agave
Chopped vegetables mixed together in clear container
This morning started off with a run. Had a really rude interchange when a man’s dog was off the leash dashing all over the sidewalk and trying to jump on me. I politely & calmly simply said, “Lease Law.” He camly said, “Bite Me.” Ahhh, the pleasantry amongst neighbors these days.

So that was good reason to come home and do a little yoga! Marichyasana C with a wrist bind.
Woman doing Marichyasana C with a wrist bind yoga poseAnd Janu Shirsasana with a wrist bind, too.
Woman doing Janu Shirsasana with a wrist bind yoga poseThen Scott was kind enough to pick up enough greenery to make the Jolly Green Giant jealous! *Head of Romaine *Bunch of Celery *Bunch of Kale *4 Cukes *Bag of Carrots *Bag of Apples *Ginger
Bagged various vegetables on countertopAll this raw freshness was just waiting to go into this….

My brand new Juicer!!!!!!!!! The model I chose was the Breville Juice Fountain Elite, referred to as the Mack Daddy in this post. I got it from BB & B where I was able to use a 20% off coupon, save those coupons for stuff like this. Made the machine about $40 cheaper than the cheapest place I’ve seen it online. And like I mentioned yesterday, if this is anything like my Vita-Mix, when I look back on things, I will wonder why I didn’t do this years sooner.

Here’s My New BFF
Breville Juice Fountain Elite JuicerSparkly Stainless Steel…doesn’t is just look like a Workhorse?
Side of juices showing the name and style
You’ll have to stay tuned for my first juicing post. I did it, and the short answer: I’m freakin’ hooked! Love at first sip. OMG, Mouthgasm. So tell me everyone, what is your favorite juice recipe?? There are so many. Sarma has some great one’s in her RFRW book and Gena posted her Top 10 Faves, but I am curious about your tried-n-trues. Do tell!


Tip of the Day: Border’s sent me an email that they are having 30% off all cookbooks now through Monday, August 17, 2009 in stores only (not online) with your Border’s Reward Card (free if you don’t have one). Go stock up on some great books!

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.


  1. Deb & Emily-I plan to post on this tomorrow but the juice was not good. It tasted good going down but it was just Too Much. Perhaps if I used less rind, but first there was too much pulp that I didnt really realize was there and it was pithy, good word Emily, and it kinda skeeved me and I felt crappy rest of the day. Food combining 101 is no melon with anything else. Period. Perhaps that's it? Will post tomorrow.

    Deb I'm impressed you keep the peels on for your soups after drinking my rindy juice today I am like blech! towards peels! LOL missing the Crane gene, BTW.

    Emily, I dig the long comments, it helps me to know someone is reading. It takes time for me to blog so glad to know people are enjoying the blog :)

    nitey nite. zzzz….

  2. Skylar is so cute!

    With my juicing I use the broccoli stalks and anything else too, but I never did juice the watermelon rind (we could never find organic where we lived before). How did it taste? Just watermelony or a bit different? I imagine it having a pithy sort of flavor.

    Best memories of summer so far are too many to mention after a month in the SW USA on vacation :)

    I had no idea about which side to start with i yoga twists, so thank you so much for the tip!

    Happy Sunday (and apologies for leaving you two long essays!).

  3. Your daughter is so adorable!

    Wow, watermelon rind and lots of volume? Yes please! I used to keep my banana peels in my smoothies til my Dad and hubby nearly bit my head off about it!

    Hey, in my VitaMix soups I make ALL the time I always keep the peel of the squash- butternut, kabocha, whatever!

    I have only ever done Bakasana once or twice. I am genetically missing the Crane-gene Grrrr! :-D

  4. Fit Collegiate-Thx so much for stopping by! I went over to your bloggie and said hi, back at ya. I love yoga, my total passion. Just for the record, I only have one child. Not plural. That would just be too much insanity for me! Thx for the darling kid compliment. She is my pride and joy :)

  5. I love the crane pose…I always feel so powerful when doing it. I think it's so cool how yoga really cleanses out the body, ridding it of toxins and other "bad" stuff.

    Your kids are darling!