Chia Seeds GiveAway Winners Announced!


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Thank you to everyone who took the time to enter the Chia Seed GiveAway!!!  Thanks Chia Seeds Direct for helping make this possible!  The winners are:

1. Janetha

Janetha said…
entry #1 because i can’t find them for purchase around here ANYWHERE!


Alison said…
OKay this is entry #2! You have been officially blog rolled. You were destined to be blog rolled though, chia contest or not!I just read your comment on my half marathon post – it only took me 30 years to figure this out too! I think it’s possible we were separated at birth?

Winners please get in touch with me at and I’ll get ya hooked up!

If anyone is still lookin’ to win a GiveAway, I’ve got 6 gift sets of NuNaturals Stevia to be handed out on Friday, so go get entered!

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. holy oaties, girlllllllllll – you've got fab. recipes coming outcha ears! seriously, I would've just eaten all those ingredients together out of the bowl.

    I've never seen that yoga pose before.. looks very kung-fu-esque :)

    Happy Sunday, A! xo

  2. Ahhhh I'm all for a raw dinner party in AZ! Hehe, that'd be SO fun! Those oaties look delicious, and the raw cuke wraps are gorgeous :D

  3. Deb you crack me up LOL!!!!

    CarolineB-Yeah girl, these are what's UP, that's fo sure!

    Cindy-glad to hear my raw apple crumble recipe is such a hit in your casa, woo-hoo!

    LilVeggie-Ummm yeah and what's too weird is CCK Choco Katie posted this *today* after I too have had it bookmarked for months…we're all thinkin' alike I guess!

    Rach-Hi babe great to catch up with ya yesterday and when I'm not trying to park my car in a super crowded place, I won't just fly off the phone in 1 nanosecond flat :)

    Kimberly-Yeah girl, it's all bout bein' flexible and open and goin' with the flow, whatever that is on whatever day :) Welcome back!

    MamaWeeds-I sometimes use Bob's Red Mill certified GF. They are certified to be GF wheresas regular oats are cross contaminated with gluten, but oats in and of themselves as a grain, do not contain gluten. It took 6 mos of me hanging out on allergy chat boards to understand that distinction. I am not sensitive enough to gluten to really react to the cross contam that's present in regular oats. So, unless I am feeling rich in the wallet, I don't buy the certified GF, regular oats are fine. The cert GF don't taste any diff to me but they are oz for oz about 4-5x times the price. $8 bucks for a small bag that's half the size of the $4 can that I buy of good old Quaker. No, I dont buy organic oats either. I pick n choose what I buy organic and that's not one of the items :)

    Hope that helps ya!

  4. Those oaties look great! I've been meaning to ask you if you use GF oats. Are they more expensive than reg oats? Do they taste different? Inquiring minds need to know!

    That arm lift is uber impressive, rock out with your strong mama self!

  5. Your cookies made my mouth water! I love how you said that you go with recipes that inspire you–raw or not. I know you are mostly raw, but it's cool that you still have the freedom to eat other things too. Love reading your blog and glad to be back to bloggieland:)

  6. Wow! These look so yummy. I hope I have everything in the kitchen to give these babies a try. Going to try and check your blog out every morning but I guess I'll aways be a day behind since I do my interneting in the morning before Blaine gets up. I'll let you know how they turn out. Have a wounderful Sunday! Rach

  7. WHOA, so much goodness here! I've had Heather's "oaties" saved on my desktop for, oh, a few MONTHS?! You're giving me quite the incentive to bake them up with all of those photos!

    I really need to start bringing my own mat to class, or at least wiping the gym's down. They do hot yoga in the class before mine, and sometimes a towel just ain't enough!

  8. Still lovin the Apple crumble ness in our home.

    I made my second batch today (this time in the food processor) and my guys gobbled em up.

    high fives all around.
    (and when my picky eaters are "high fives" you know it's a good day)

    I think I am gonna switch gears now and get out my mandolin.

    I have to give your question o the day some thought. I am a serious thinker and when I've made up my mind to persue something (or end)…that's it…no looking back and no regrets…as soon as I am convinced I am making the dec that's right for me i go for it.

    I need to go find an easy yoga plan that I can do daily…nothing complicated just something to get a good 10 m stretch in.

    It's a great day!

  9. Awwww Heather knows what is UP!!! Love it those look delish! I have all those ingredients at my houuuuse back in CA- but i'll have to go by them here! Plus if the don't stick, looks like u have some good granola or ice cream topping :D

  10. Yes, the oaties do look nothing short of fabuloso.

    Perhaps my bandhas are heavier than yours because I can NEVER get my aS$ off the ground! :-D

  11. Hayley and Maggie, glad the recipes are inspiring you and you're collecting an Averie's Recipes folder. I promise I won't let the flattery go to my head :)

    Hayley thanks for Votes on the Food Buzz polls…wow, namaste my friend, I'm honored you'd most like me of all people to cook you a meal..thank you! Ummm and Cirque? I am so freakin' jealous. I need to apply for a job LOL

    VG-I know you're not hugely into oats, but they are GF and vegan and so if you're lookin' to expand your baking arsenal (I know you've got plenty goodness goin' on already though!) these may work for ya.

    Thanks, Alisha for the shout out! And they're dairy free of course :)

    Heather-It took me a few years to do certain arm balance poses and lifts. I actually don't really think of them as that hard because you just engage your bandhas and lift, and voila, you're up before you know it. Once you figure out how to get up, then a whole new world opens and you just wanna like balance on your left-hand pinky and nothing else. Well, at least I do :) But as I just said to Hayley, I would apply for a job at Cirque. Kidding…but 10 yrs ago woulda shoulda coulda. Biggest tip would be practice makes perfect. And always in anything, lean farther forward than you'd ever think you'd need to. Shifting your center of gravity slightly forward will enhance your booty's chances of coming off the ground :)

    Raw Dinner Party at my casa? Who's coming? I am serious about the offer for anyone who finds them self wanting a little west coast get away thang…c'mon over, anytime friends!!

    Love to you all you guys, have a rocking weekend! xoxo

  12. So glad your Oaties turned out so well. They look delicious Averie. Love the addition of butterscotch chips.

    Your raw Cuke Wraps looked delicious as well. Raw dinner party in Arizona? Just name the time and place, and I be there.

    Witch Hazel and peppermint oil spray – I need some of that stuff. Sounds awesome, and I love how you put a yoga pose at the end of every post. Lifts – so not there – how long did it take before you could do those types of poses and arm balances?

  13. I'm with Hayley! I just found your blog and now I have a bajillion recipes on my list to try. Just kidding; keep posting 'em! I'm sure I'll get to all of them eventually.

  14. Slow down! LOL…I'm trying to keep up with all of your fabulous new recipes, but man do I feel behind! This is why I started that folder titled "Averie's Recipes" on my computer. So I can save them all when I actually have time to start making them! These look fabulous, and then plan IS to make your raw apple crumble either today or tomorrow! We ate dinner late last night and no one wanted dessert so I'm hoping today it will happen.

    I love how I get two things out of your blog – your fabulous recipes, your incredible pictures and the inspiring yoga poses. Ok that was 3…I get a lot more out of your blog, but those are the big three.

    I voted for you a few times on the Food Buzz blog polls and oddly enough one of those was to have you cook me a meal!! :)

    Thanks so much for your email…I will write you back as soon as I can. Must eat and then run – we're headed to see Cirque!