Cinnamon-Sugar and Ginger-Roasted Potato Sticks


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I’ve had quite a few potato recipes lately because I had several taters on my hands that needed to be used, and a husband who will never say no to potatoes.  Today’s recipe is my latest spud creation.

Cinnamon-Sugar and Ginger-Roasted Potato Sticks

It was met with husband approval.

Overhead of Cinnamon-Sugar and Ginger-Roasted Potato Sticks on white plate

A Visual Guide

Combine all ingredients, toss and coat

Ingredients for Cinnamon-Sugar and Ginger-Roasted Potato Sticks in bowl with spoon

Get ready to bake

Cinnamon-Sugar and Ginger-Roasted Potato Sticks on foil lined pan

After flipping halfway through roasting

Cinnamon-Sugar and Ginger-Roasted Potato Sticks on pan after being flipped halfway through baking


Overhead of finished Cinnamon-Sugar and Ginger-Roasted Potato SticksCinnamon-Sugar and Ginger-Roasted Potato Sticks on white plate with fork

You may enjoy serving these potatoes with everything from ketchup to maple syrup to cinnamon-flavored cream cheese.  What can I say, I live for dips and condiments and creative flavor combinations.

Or simply eat the cinnamon sugar and ginger roasted potato sticks plain.

Close up of Cinnamon-Sugar and Ginger-Roasted Potato Sticks


And yes, I think this is my last tater recipe for a bit.

Layered Cinnamon-Sugar and Ginger-Roasted Potato Sticks on white plate

No more spuds.  For awhile.

Overhead of layered Cinnamon-Sugar and Ginger-Roasted Potato Sticks on plate

Side of layered Cinnamon-Sugar and Ginger-Roasted Potato Sticks

Cinnamon-Sugar and Ginger-Roasted Potato Sticks on white plate with fork

Cinnamon-Sugar and Ginger-Roasted Potato Sticks

1 large potato, chopped into sticks

2 to 3 tbsp EVOO or coconut oil

1 tsp ground ginger

1 tbsp cinnamon

2 tbsp brown sugar (or use white sugar, stevia, reduce/omit the sugar)

Optional: pinch of nutmeg, pumpkin pie spice, cardamom, garam masala, or other warming spices


Place potatoes in a bowl and add all ingredients.  Toss with a spoon to coat.  Place potato sticks on foil-lined baking sheet (to save on clean-up time).  Bake at 400F for 30-40 minutes (or until crispy).  Flip potatoes once halfway through cooking to ensure even crisping.  Because brown sugar caramelizes, watch them near the end of the cooking time to make sure they don’t burn.

Do you ever make your potato recipes sweet?  Are you a potato fan?

She’s a fan!

Please check out my Potato Themed Recipes Post.  Full of ideas and recipes that include potatoes in everything from soups to one-pot meals to stand alone side dishes.

Young girl with pony smiling with hands to face


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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. I usually do say no to potatoes, but man those look awesome!! Think if they are on the menu of the Gerson Therapy for Cancer, then they can’t be all bad! Beautiful photos!

  2. I love this! I do cinnamon sugar squash and sweet potato all the time, but it never occurred to me to do it with regular potatoes!

  3. I just made roasted potatoes, but I didn’t think of adding cinnamon and ginger! what a great idea!

  4. I prefer savoury flavours to sweet, so I usually don’t make my potatoes sweet.

  5. These look just fabulous. I bet the cinnamon sugar would work on roasted sweet potato wedges equally well.

  6. Yum, these Cinnamon Sugar & Ginger Roasted Potato Sticks sound amazing, awesome job!

    1. I’ve done sweet recipes with sweet potatoes, but never the white variety.
    2. Sure, the lighting and contrast seem better.
    3. Well, we’re getting tons of rain and wind gust up to 70 MPH today, so I’m okay with spending it indoors at work!:-)

  7. I always add cinnamon to my sweet potato fries! Sometimes I’ll just do cinnamon, others I’ll throw in some curry, celtic sea salt, cracked pepper and nutmeg in too. I <3 cinnamon and sweet potatoes.

  8. I indulged and had Sweet Potato fries this past weekend! I forgot how amazing they can be sometimes

  9. Yum! I love the spices you used.. normally I wouldn’t think to use them with white potatoes.. but I’ll bet it’s really good.

    I love potatoes. I scored 3 lbs of organic red potatoes for .99 recently from my reduced produce bin.. I love using them in soup the most!