Cooking with Pumpkin – Cookbook Announcement!


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I’ve been waiting to formally announce this forever.

It’s been two years that I’ve kept it to myself, but two years feels like forever.

I wrote a second cookbook called Cooking With Pumpkin: Recipes That Go Beyond the Pie.

Cooking With Pumpkin: Recipes That Go Beyond the Pie by Averie Sunshine

About a month after I finished writing Peanut Butter Comfort in late 2012 I was contacted about writing a pumpkin recipes book.

I don’t know whether I was insane or just thought I was superwoman to say yes coming off the heels of one book and literally jumping right into the next. But I said yes and spent the remainder of 2012 and early 2013 writing Cooking with Pumpkin.

Although I was done writing it in the spring of 2013, I just missed the cutoff to have it ready for a fall 2013 launch. No one launches a pumpkin book at any time other than the fall because it would make no seasonal sense, so I waited. Another year.

Now, finally, the fall is upon us and my book is here! It’s available for pre-order on Amazon! It will be in stores like Barnes and Noble and Costco starting October 6, 2014.

The book is filled with over 50 of my favorite pumpkin recipes, and nearly every recipe has a glossy image accompanying it. I did all my own interior photography as well as the cover.

While there are plenty of desserts and sweeter treats, there’s also a savory chapter and a drinks chapter.

Some of my favorite recipes include:

Pumpkin Monkey Bread with Caramel Glaze

Pumpkin Monkey Bread with Caramel Glaze

Fudgy Pumpkin Brownies with Fudgy Ganache

Fudgy Pumpkin Brownies with Fudgy Ganache

Pumpkin-Spice Latte

Pumpkin-Spice Latte

Bourbon Pumpkin Ice Cream with Chocolate Cookies and Chocolate Chunks

Bourbon Pumpkin Ice Cream with Chocolate Cookies and Chocolate Chunks

Pumpkin Chipotle Hummus

Pumpkin Chipotle Hummus

Chocolaty Pumpkin Hot Chocolate

Chocolaty Pumpkin Hot Chocolate

Cheesy Baked Pumpkin Mac ‘n’ Cheese

Cheesy Baked Pumpkin Mac 'n' Cheese

Vegan Coconut Oil Pumpkin Muffins

Vegan Coconut Oil Pumpkin Muffins

Soft Buttery Pumpkin Pretzels

Soft Buttery Pumpkin Pretzels

Pumpkin Buttermilk Pancakes with Vanilla Maple Butter

Pumpkin Buttermilk Pancakes with Vanilla Maple Butter

Hello Dolly Seven-Layers-Of-Magic Pumpkin Bars

Hello Dolly Seven-Layers-Of-Magic Pumpkin Bars

Nutella-Swirled Pumpkin Muffins

Nutella-Swirled Pumpkin Muffins

Whew. And there’s about 40 more. It’s surreal looking back at these photos because some I took nearly 2 years ago and now, finally, I can show them to you.

Looking back I don’t know how I made 50 different recipes using pumpkin, but I did and pumpkin lovers, you’re going to be in your glory.

I would greatly, greatly appreciate your support. Please head over to Amazon, spend $13 bucks, and purchase your copy of the book. Thank you so very much!! I know I have the best blog readers out there! Thank you all!

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.


  1. Maybe I’m weird, but there’s no off season for pumpkin in my book. I freeze some in the fall to use year round. I’ll definitely pick up the book when it hits B&N. Grats!!

    1. There’s no off-season for me either. I just don’t post those recipes to my blog in say April :)

  2. Congrats on your second book, Averie! It looks delicious and beautiful! Your recipes are always so creative, drool-worthy, and well-photographed, so it makes perfect sense that someone grabbed you for book 2 right after book 1. You’re such an inspiration!

  3. Hooray!!!

    Me: You know the woman who makes basically all the desserts I make? She wrote another cookbook!
    Husband: ….
    Me: Her name is Averie.
    Husband: Oh, Averie Cooks!

    Yay! Congrats!

    1. I love that you AND your husband! know my recipes and make them :) Thank you for your support!!

  4. Congrats Averie! I know how very challenging this huge project was for you and now look at it! It’s just beautiful and those Fudgy Pumpkin Brownies with Fudgy Ganache have my stomach growling. What beautiful images, too! It’s so crazy to think about how long ago you shot this cookbook. I can’t even imagine your excitement now that it’s coming to life. Congrats!!!

    1. Oh Sally, you know the trials and tribulations of any book, and this one was not without it’s share of hair-tearing moments. You were by my side as I was in the trenches writing it, shooting it, etc. and we were even writing cookbooks together. I remember our emails, well today I got ahead on the book recipes, but fell behind on blog recipes, etc…oh gosh, that was like 2 houses ago and a lifetime ago for me :) Finally, FINALLY, it is here :) xo

  5. How exciting! Congrats, Averie! I bet waiting for this to come out was the hardest thing ever!! Can’t wait to get one!Your photos are amazing as always!

  6. Congratulations! The pictures of your recipes look gorgeous. Pumpkin is so good for us to eat. Have a beautiful day!!

  7. Congratulations for your new book! The recipes you shown in this post are great and I’m sure that these that you didn’t are even better! The pictures are glamorous! Everything looks mouthwatering.

  8. Love your blog, love your “Peanut Butter Comfort” cookbook, and now so excited to love your new pumpkin cookbook! Preordered!! (but secretly hoping that the release date gets moved up earlier, so I can start making all those delicious recipes!)

    1. Thanks for pre-ordering and I’ve actually had it before with other books when it’s on pre-order IF it does come out early, Amazon ships it early, even before it’s in bookstores :) Thanks for buying both my books!

  9. Pre-ordered :). Peanut butter and now pumpkin–two of my very favorite baking ingredients! I’m surprised, given my love of sweets, that the recipe I’m most looking forward to is the one for pumpkin chipotle hummus…it sounds incredible.

    1. Thanks for pre-ordering, Laura! And thanks for LMK what looks great to you – that’s helpful as an author/cook!

  10. Oh my gosh, I am seriously SO excited! You are SO talented and I am just drooling looking at these pictures! I can’t wait to get your book. Congrats and thanks for all your hard work!

  11. Congratulations! You’ve just given me the perfect gift idea for my sister, the quintessential pumpkin lover!

  12. Woooo Hoo can’t wait for this one!! Love me some pumpkin- the pumpkin pretzels sound amazing!! I remember somewhere you talking about the pumpkin cook book ages ago, can’t believe it’s finally here :) Congrats sister, you deserve it!! And yes you were crazy to do two cookbooks that quickly!! WORK IT!!

    1. Thank you sweetie and yes on maybe my personal FB page? not sure where in the last year or so I’ve been a little loose-lipped but yeah it’s been what feels like ages in the making! :)