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Hey Everyone hope you’re having a great night! Just wanted to let you know about a couple cool GiveAways going on:

First, Gina The Fitnessista is having one. You can win a $100 Dick’s Sporting Goods Gift Card…how awesome! I would definitely Go Check It Out!

Next, Healing With (Raw) Juices, aka Raw Juice Girl, is having a Yoga DVD and Yoga Mat GiveAway! This one is near to my heart because the woman who’s DVD is being given away is a former and fellow yoga teacher and friend, Stacy McCarthy. Before my little pumpkin came along and I had unlimited personal free time (ahh…the memories :)) I took a couple of Stacy’s classes everyweek and I have such fond memories. I’m sure her DVD is awesome and you can also score yourself a yoga mat, too! Go get your Om’ing selves over to the giveaway!

And a final favor from me….I am so honored that so many of you have found my blog and have enjoyed stopping by and if you feel comfortable, I’d love it if you could please Become a Follower of My Site. There’s a little button to click on the righthand margin of the page. Very quick n easy! If you’re not into followin’, no worries…you can continue to read in stealth mode :)

Monster post to follow later tonight….


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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.


  1. I would most definitely wind up face planting! Though when I started out doing yoga my intention was to improve my balance by strengthening my core, so… I'll give your tip a go! Thank you :)

  2. That picture of watermelon and blueberries made me drool! Nice poses! I can't even to levitation holds let alone get my legs to stick out like that:)

    I'm with you on the working out subject. I have friends that say they don't get a chance to workout, what? I make it a priority as well and I NEVER miss!

  3. Justine, cukes = cucumbers. Someone yesterday asked me what nanners are (bananas). I guess my lingo isn't internet friendly LOL.

  4. You are one strong momma!! I just dont know if I could do the semi frozen fruit. Thinking about it makes my teeth hurt! haha

    Maybe you have explained this before but what exactly are cukes?


  5. Thanks for being a loyal follower and commenter, Cindy, and glad you enjoyed the tip. Days can be chaotic sometimes, can't they, it's good to know when to say when, glad you can relate :)

  6. I can really apprecieate your tip for today: "you're not a failure, you're being real and in touch and being good and true to yourself"

    That is such a good reminder on days when you just feel out of control.

    THAT and frozen watermelon IS so refreshing!