Great Aruba Friday


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I had a great Friday.  Can’t beat the Friday afternoon views in Aruba.

Aruba beach

The weather was perfect.  88F, light breeze, mostly sunny.

Beach shore in Aruba

The beach wasn’t crowded.  Tomorrow, Saturday, the influx of Christmas and holiday tourists will hit the island but today was super mellow.

Aruba beach

And shortly before we left the beach Skylar sat down on my chaise lounge and decided to give me a foot massage.

SkylarShe’s only four and I have to say, is quite the little masseuse.  Now if an oceanside foot massage from your kiddo isn’t the best thing ever, I don’t know what is.

This stuff is second best.

White Chocolate Vanilla Peanut Butter Puppy Chow

White Chocolate Vanilla Peanut Butter Puppy Chow

We’ve almost polished it off.


What are your weekend plans?

What has made your Friday great?

Thanks for the $75 SpaFinder Giftcard Stress Relief Giveaway entries

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    1. We have a house there but we live in San Diego most of the year but have been property owners there since 2003. We love it there!

  1. Hi! What a great surprise when I clicked on a recipe link to see that you are from Aruba!! We have been there 3 times, and is so far our favorite beach vacation spot! We stayed on Eagle beach, but visited all over. We love the culture, the friendly welcome, great food, and of course, the fantastic weather and beaches!

  2. My weekend plans:

    – We hosted a Christmas party last night
    – Today we are having our “Christmas day” where we watch Christmas movies all day, do Christmas shopping, eat junk, and just get in the Christmasy mood :-)

  3. Gorgeous photos, so happy you’re having a relaxing time! Our weekend consists spending all day Saturday in airports and flying (yay) and catching up on chores and getting a Christmas tree (finally!) Sunday. Friday was great spending time with family in Florida and preparing a good home cooked meal.

  4. I agree – such lovely pictures. I feel like I’m there! I get to visit my family in FL in a few weeks, and I’m hoping to log some serious beach time. Until then, this weekend will be filled with holiday shopping. Shudder.

    1. have fun on your trip…and the malls this time of year…yes..shudder. Or the airports! Shudder.