Guest Post: Chocolate Covered Katie’s Raw Tiramisu Balls


This post may contain affiliate links.

How’s everybody doing today?  I’m doing awesome, and have found a much more reliable source for coffee than in yesterday’s coffee-wild-goose-chase post.

Woman standing in front of flower shrub


To-Go Cup of coffee in cup holder in car

It’s called brewing it myself…

Coffee Maker on countertop

…with the coffee pot I brought with me.

Close up of coffee maker

With the local, Dutch coffee.  This stuff is seriously the best coffee I have ever drank!!!!!  And I’m an addict.  And it’s cheapAnd I hate to happily say that it leaves Starbuck’s, Peet’s, and random specialty, organic, fair-trade brews in the dust.

Hand holding Package of Douwe Egberts Aroma Rood

And I drank up in these re-useable mugs I purchased along with the 50 cent bowls I mentioned yesterday, I’m totally in business now!

Two silver reusable mugs on tabletop

But I digress….

….Because it’s time for me to open the floor to Katie, a sweetheart, a total doll, just a lovely girl.  If you didn’t know better, you’d think she was Chocolate-Covered because she’s so sweet!

Hi to all the other readers of Averie’s awesome bloggie!
My name is Katie, and I write a blog called Chocolate-Covered Katie.
First of all, a huge “thank you” is in order for Averie, yogi extraordinaire and all-around amazing girl, for letting me do a guest post.
After deliberating for quite a while, I finally decided on a subject for my guest post.  I immediately knew what I wanted to write about: Fudge Babies, of course!
For everyone who hasn’t read my blog, I thought I’d start out with an introduction as to what fudge babies are.
After that, you get to be the first to meet the newest member of the Fudge Baby clan: Tiramisu Baby :)
The Original Babies
It all began with some walnuts, dates, a little cocoa powder…
Fudge Babies in mini paper liners
(Above, the original Fudge Babies)
At first, the fudgies enjoyed a quiet nursery all to themselves.  But it wasn’t long before many screaming brothers and sisters started popping out.  Nowadays, the nursery is quite crowded (not to mention loud).
Babies in the Nursery
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Babies
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Babies in mini paper liners
Peanut Butter Cup Babies (or chocolate pb cup babies)
Peanut Butter Cup Babies in bowl
Cashew Cookie Babies (in bar form)
Cashew Cookie Babies in bar form on patterned plate
Pumpkin Pie Babies
 Pumpkin Pie Babies in paper liners stacked on top of one another

Mounds Bar Babies (a.k.a. Raw Mounds Bars)
Mounds Bar Babies on patterned plate
Raw Macaroons in mini paper liners
The easiest-ever Raw Macaroons
Heart Shaped Hot Chocolate fudge babies in Peanut Butter Sandwich form
Hot Chocolate fudge babies (in pb-sandwich form)
Upcoming Births:

  • Santa Babies (due date: December, 2009)
  • Butterfinger Babies (due date: early 2010)
  • Sex Bomb Babies (due-date unknown)
  • Snickerdoodle Babies (due in early spring)

All About the Babies
Fudge Baby FAQ page
Spooky Babies in bowl
(Spooky Babies, above)
And now, a sneak peak for readers of Averie’s blog:
Tiramisu Babies
Tiramisu Babies in bar form next to mug of coffee beans 
For the recipe, click here
Tiramisu Cookie Dough
Tiramisu Cookie Dough. ZOMG!
Happy Baby Making!

Averie again: 

Thanks again, Katie for your awesome new recipe and for guest posting on my blog! 

Yoga Today is Camel (Ustrasana).  Open your heart chakra, let the love in.  And give extra special thanks & gratitude to the Universe this week for all the lovely blessings you DO HAVE in your life today and this holiday season!

Woman doing Camel yoga pose

Tip of the Day:

And The Actor’s Diet has a Give Away

I also wanted to take a minute to mention that my friend Gena of Choosing Raw is bringing awareness to a 10-day Cleanse Program she’s doing with the ladies of Spark! Wellness in January.  They’re offering three nourishing, reasonable, ten-day dietary program that will help instill new and improved eating habits for 2010 and beyond.

I have never felt the need to “cleanse” so cannot speak from personal experience, but if you’re feeling like you want to jump start your transition to a high raw all vegan diet, or maybe you have other reasons why you believe a cleanse would help you, then jump on this.

Gena’s offering a special savings now: The cleanse will last from January 18-27. Regular cost is $60; people who sign up before 12/31 get $10 off; people who sign up with a friend each get $5 off. Bloggers who participate in the cleanse and mention it on their blog receive $10 off. Holistic Health practitioners receive $10 off.  
Stay Tuned For Trip Pics, Arubian Grocery Store Finds, Guest Posts and Happy Times…

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.


  1. Love BB's book Thrive. It made me believe that I could be a competitive triathlete on a plant based diet. Great recipes.

  2. I haven't read Thrive yet, as my library doesn't carry it. But I've gotten both Thrive Fitness and The Thrive Diet books out to read.

  3. I have not read Thrive but a different vegan book that I love is Cafe Gratitude's Raw cookbook! It's AMAZING, my favorite, by far. :)

  4. I haven't read thrive yet but I have been hearing about it and look forward to reading it soon. Presently I am reading "Eat to Live" and I love it. I have read the China Study recently and loved it because of the solid scientific evidence that indicates the importance and value in eating a plant based diet :)

  5. I really liked Michael Pollan's "In Defense of Food"! He really shows why you really need to eat to stay healthy yet still thin!

  6. Was so inspired with your peanut butter cup recipe, I HAD to give it a try. They were absolutely delicious and so simple to make! I've already made them twice. Looks like I had a family full of guiena pigs! Haha. They all loved it! Thanks!

  7. I've been thinking a lot lately how much of our brains we waste worring/stressing/ thinking about useless things, and getting way too busy for our own good. Soo pointless to live our lives like that.

    I stay focused by doing a lot of planning, but balancing that out with spontaneity and trying to have an open mind.

    Looks like you're having a great vacation time, and I'm totally jealous.

    Happy Birthday Scott! ;) And a hello to Skylar!

  8. Happy Birthday Scott! Looks like you're having such a great time amidst all the SUN! Family vacations are so great :)

    I'm going to link back to your post on the PB cups because I made them with white chocolate cashew butter (raw, made from home!) instead of PB and they ARE SO GOOD! I am in love.

    I hope you have a great vacation!

  9. oh man, here i am in the midst of our first crazy snow storm, and you are in aruba. so jealous!! i'm trying to catch up with old posts, but i wanted to tell you i just made some gingerbread and sugar cookie balls to bring home this week :) i'll post it when everyone tries them!

    hope scott had a great bday!!

  10. Guff. Not sure if I can handle anymore chocolate :\ Ohh, who am I kidding!? I forgot all about your homemade turtles!! I'll have to make some for myself using your agave caramel (the normal stuff sometimes sketches me out a little). I also picked up little wrappers to make your PB cups soon :) After the holidays though…I see a lot more chocolate in my future…

    I got through most of that Thrive book. It's pretty info heavy and dry at times, but chock full of great stuff.

    Happy belated birthday to Scott!!! Hope you guys are having a fabulous time!!

  11. Happy birthday, Scott!

    So glad you got to relax and curl up with a book. I've read some of THRIVE as well! Sunlight IS important, as is, as you say, meditation. Sometimes I stop and listen to my breath and realize I'm either holding it in or almost hyperventilating! So I try to relax more and just… be.

  12. Does prayer count as meditating? I don't meditate, because I can't really do that deep thinking to myself thing…I like to know that I'm communicating with someone, and that is God. :-)

    Happy birthday to Scott!