Halloween Costume Shopping


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It’s been rainy, windy, stormy and nasty here in San Diego today.   Totally craptastic weather.

And someone needs a little outing and a fun surprise.

Skylar smiling on sidewalk in purple and pink sweater

So, we’re off to go Halloween Costume Shopping

When I asked my Little Princess what she wants to be, she replied, “A pink Princess, Mom.  I already told you.”

Yes, she did.  As in, every previous year of her life.

This will be the fourth year in a row she has requested to be a pink princess.

Year 1 (don’t have the photos on my computer)

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4 (pink princess pictures coming on October 31)

Aurora, Cinderella, Jasmine, and Belle costume listingsphoto source

She also requested a magic wand, pink high heels, and a pink pumpkin.  We’ll see how much progress we make on her checklist.


1. Are you dressing up for Halloween, and if so, what are you going to be? 

I am not dressing up or going anywhere on my own or out with Scott to any parties.  We have a Princess to take care of and it’s wayyyy more important to me that she dresses up and we make the holiday fun and special for her than it would be for us to get dressed up and go to any kind of adult-themed Halloween parties.  And who said kids don’t change you?

But we have some very drunken memories fond and fun memories of Halloweens gone by.  My favorite was the year I was a Red Devil and Scott was a Pirate.  We entered a couples Halloween contest at a local bar and won ‘best dressed couple’.  I think everyone had beer googles on though.  I think Halloween is an excuse for adults to get rip-roaring drunk.  And for the ladies to prance around in next to nothing.  I’d preferred to be covered up, warm, and at home this year.

2. Where will you be wearing your fabulous costume? 

Or will you be staying home passing out candy?  Would you ever pretend to not be home and sit in the house and not pass out candy?

I used to hate those houses in my neighborhood as a kid where I just knew the people were home but had the lights turned off or they even had their lights on but still wouldn’t come to the door and pass out candy.  Those were the houses that got TP’ed or egged.  Not by me but by other neighborhood kids.

Orange pumpkins in wooden barrelAnd with that, we’re off to look for Princess paraphernalia…

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  1. I think I will dress up and go our for Halloween on the Saturday, and then stay home and hand out candy on the Monday.

  2. Your daughter has grown so much! And you really can never be a princess enough times :) No dressing up or passing out candy on our end. Just enjoying a quiet evening at home. The big shindig will be at church the night before and that’s a cowboy theme.

  3. There can never be too many pink princesses in this big, beautiful world! I don’t know if I’m going to dress up for Halloween. Halloween’s kind of a sad day for me this year. I haven’t yet decided if I should just indulge in sadness, or if I should force myself to have some fun.