Mandolin Raw Cuke Wraps


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TGIF!!!  Woot!   What’s everyone doing this weekend?  This is our first real weekend in Phoenix and I can’t wait to get out and enjoy!  We moved in Labor Day Weekend and aside from unpacking, we didn’t do anything.  That was plenty.   Then, last weekend Scott was in Vegas and I was flyin’ solo, so I’m excited to get into a little trouble this weekend, whatever that ends up being!

Thanks for your comments on the Raw Zuke Noodles with Marinara and that rockin’ Raw Apple Crumble from yesterday.  Yeah, it was pretty much like eating spaghetti for me and I will totally be makin’ that feast again.  And of course, the Raw Apple Crumble is a keeper and for all of you who’ve told me you’re gonna make it, please report back on how you likey’ed it.  Haley I’m countin’ on you!

And the 6 winners of the NuNaturals Stevia GiveAway were just announced so if you entered, make sure you holla if you were a winna’!

I’ve been the Queen of New Appliances and random shopping purchases for the home lately, guess I’m just makin’ up for lost time.  And appliances.

We eloped in Vegas nine long, and mostly blissful, years ago in the Black Sheep Style that I am known for.  Anyway, we didn’t get to cash in on any bridal shower or wedding gifts so a decade later, I’m just buyin’ my own damn gifts.  It’s better that way anyway.  No thank you notes to write or $100 a plate dinners to buy for lame-o people who you won’t see til someone’s funeral.   Sorry my brain just spews this stuff, I can’t help myself.

Back to the appliance that finally showed up…My Mandolin!  Gena recommends it, so ya know, it has to be good. 

White mandolin on countertop

You open that little hatchet and plop the food in where you can kinda see the plastic teeth, then slide-n-glide.  Don’t lose any fingers!!  This is prophetic, keep reading…

White mandolin on countertop

Well, Gena’s Jicama Wraps and her Dinner Party Cuke Lasagna have been speaking to me since July when she posted about ’em.  I decided my time was finally here to get wrapped ’round here, but with Cukes, not jicama.  I also borrowed a little eye candy from Raw Food Real World’s pics of some summer wraps Michael and Sarma wrote about.

I started to slice up the cuke on the thinnest setting 1/32nd of an inch. 

White mandolin with thinly sliced cucumbers
Pile of thinly sliced cucumbers

I think you could read the newspaper through the thinness of the cuke slices.  Gorg!

Hand holding on thinly sliced cucumber
Hand holding on thinly sliced cucumber

Then I thought, I don’t need that little plastic gizmo to slide the food, I’ll just slide a baby carrot with my bare hands.  Big mistake, but it coulda been alot worse.  Nails grow back fairly quickly, muscle fascia takes a little longer, and I was 1/32nd of an inch away from things getting….ugly.

Sliced fingernail from mandolin blade

Then, it ripped all the way across.  I had a totally drug-free childbirth, so all things considered, this really wasn’t too big a deal.

Sliced fingernail from mandolin blade

Moving right along to the assembly station of raw cuke wrappers, red and yellow pepps I sliced thinly, and those infamous baby carrots I mandolin’ed.

Ingredients needed to make raw cucumber wraps

All wrapped up and in a container to make the dinnertime bewitching hour breezy, rather than brutal.

Cucumber wraps in clear container

I swear, it looks like I’m having a raw dinner party.  I impress myself.  Doesn’t my humility just kill you?  Kidding.  But if there are any bloggers who ever wanna meet up with me, for a dinner party or just a cup of coffee, please holla! 

Close up of cucumber wraps in container

I figured that although raw veggies are delish, they were gonna need some zing.  Enter, 2 Tbsp sweet hot prepared mustard (I rarely if ever use prepared condiments, but hey I was weak), 2 Tbsp Agave, and 2 Tbsp of OJ + wisk.  There’s your sauce.  It’s eazy-peazy, start tweakin’ and getting creative.

Cucumber wrap sauce in gradients mixed in bowl
Up close of cucumber wrap sauce in bowl

Dinner time came, and I popped the Raw Cuke Wraps on a bed of greens and the spiralized zuke noods.  And drizzled some ‘o that sweet hot sauce on top.

Raw Cucumber Wraps on a bed of greens and the spiralized zucchini noodles drizzled some sweet hot sauce on top

And also made a bowl of spiralized cuke noods, asparagus spears, greens, red & yellow pepps, carrots, cukes & zukes, and tossed that up with OJ, agave & black pepp.

Spiralized zucchini noodles with mixed vegetables topped with dressing

And then put a couple more Cuke Wraps on the side with a bowl ‘o the hot sweet dippin’ sauce.

Two cucumber wraps with a side of sauce

The verdict on dinner was really munch-a-licious, despite bein’ a little messy, the wraps were definitely worth the extra napkins needed.

For dessert, we rolled with the Choco-Coconut-Chia Treats.  The sweetness was welcome after the sweet hot mustard action from din-din.

Choco-Coconut-Chia Treats

Yoga time was Mathsyasana.  Or sometimes spelled Matsyasana, Fish Pose.  If you do this, please loves, take care of your neck.  Don’t over do it, this is not one to push in, at all.

Just a little trivia, when your heart and throat chakras are wide open like that, you may find it really intense, and you may even get emotional, because you are opening your heart center to both give and receive love, as well as your throat and voice which is how you express yourself…they’re both wide open so you may feel vulnerable, loved, blissed out, or any combo of the above.

Woman doing Mathsyasana yoga pose


Tip of the Day:  It’s ok to say no to people.  I find that I never used to want to say no, or couldn’t bring myself to saying no, but after years of over-extending myself and then feelin’ stressed to the max, I just realized that in order to stay emotionally healthy and centered, that it’s ok to just say…..ummm, no.  Sorry, I can’t.  Sorry that I can’t participate, do that, bring over a cute vegan side dish to your party, I can’t even come to the party, nor can I watch your kid, walk your dog, collect your mail when you’re on vacation, or call you as often as you wish I would.  Or fill in the blank.  It’s ok to say no.

Stay tuned tomorrow for a vegan dessert…mmmm, hmmmm, good stuff.

In the spirit of yesterday’s question about how you organize your blog reading and commenting, I thought I’d ask today about book reading.  You know, those things with pages and not a screen.  What’s everyone’s favorite book you’re reading right now?  Lately, I haven’t been finding much time for books other than my vegan cookbooks that I thumb through for inspiration (but fail to actually make the recipe as written; rather I just tweak and improvise my own eats).  And then there’s all the blogs I am addicted to, but I love you guys!  But, I still want to hear what floats everyone’s pleasure readin’ book boat! 

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. Oh my gosh Averie! I forgot the juice of 1 lemon! I'm such a dork : )

    For anyone else making them:

    PLUS the juice of 1 lemon!!!

  2. More dehydrator deliciousness!! Here is my absolute fave kale chip recipe:

    1 red bell pepper, chopped
    1 cup cashews, soaked and drained
    1 tsp. agave
    1/2 tsp. sea salt
    1 Tbsp. nutritional yeast
    a little water if it's too thick

    1 bunch of kale leaves

    It should have the consistency of ranch dressing when it's been mixed enough in the vitamix. Works like a charm every time and they taste just like Alive & Blessings kale chips, yum!

  3. dang you and your dehydrator! im about to fly to AZ right effing NOW to get my hands on those kale chips…and btw, the nutritional yeast would DEF not last too long in my kitchen. SOOOOO good!!!