Maple & Flax "Peanut Butter" Pancake-Cookies


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Good Afternoon Peeps!  How’s your day so far?  Mine has been so much fun because I’ve been whippin’ up all kinds of treats.  I’ve wasted no time putting my Ani Cookbook to great use. 

I whipped up a batch of her Coconut Breakfast Cakes (p.78) if anyone has the book.  Although, I would say that because I used toasted flax seeds, that my pancakes could be called Maple & Flax “Peanut Butter” Pancake-Cookies, even though there’s no actual PB in them.  The toasted flax gives off a wonderfully pea-nutty flave.  Yumm. 

Here’s Ani’s picture of her creations.

Coconut Breakfast Cakes - cookbook photograph

Here’s mine.

Maple & Flax "Peanut Butter" Pancake-Cookies on white plate

I started off by putting toasted flax seeds, maple syrup, and coconut oil into my VitaGrinder

Ingredients needed to make Maple & Flax "Peanut Butter" Pancake-Cookies in blender

Pulled out the resulting dough blob.  And formed 4 little pancake-cookies.

Blended ingredients formed into four cookies on white plate

They were really awesome on their own.  Soft, rich, chewy, and peanut buttery tasting…

Up close of one Maple & Flax "Peanut Butter" Pancake-Cookies

…But a touch of Maple Syrup took ’em to new brekkie heights.

Half eaten Maple & Flax "Peanut Butter" Pancake-Cookies drizzled in maple syrup

See how happy Skylar is after munchin’ a few bites of these?

Young girl smiling next to Maple & Flax "Peanut Butter" Pancake-Cookies on countertop

The Happy Dance Ensues!

Young girl dressed in pink dancing in kitchen

I wrapped the rest up for on-the-go snacks and Scott’s lunch for later.

Individual Maple & Flax "Peanut Butter" Pancake-Cookies wrapped in plastic wrap

The whole thing took me about 10 minutes, including cleanup.  3 ingredients.  And yes, for all those keeping track, I did tweak Ani’s recipe.  I can’t not tweak I’ve determined.

Anyway, thanks for the great comments on all the piercings and tats you all have, it’s been great reading all bout everyone’s art work! 

As far as the questions in my last post about Easy Eats and Seated Forward Bends...Elise, my hubs takes the pics.  And thanks for the compliments on my arms in the comments section.

Also I wanted to send a big shoutout to Elisabeth of Jogger’s Life!  She sent me these little blondie and chocolate raw vegan macaroons.  Thank you so much sweetie!!!!!!!!!   Muah!  They’re most delish but best of all I felt soooo special opening up a gift from a reader and friend :)  xoxo!

Packaged Blondie and Raw Vegan Chocolate Blondie Macaroons on countertop

A little less exciting were the 2 loaves of bread the Food Buzz and Nature’s Pride peeps sent.  For all your Food Buzz bloggers, make sure you get in on the gluten action.  These will come in handy in our casa for Scott & Skylar.

Nature's Pride Brand 100% Whole Wheat and. 12 Grain Bread Loaves

Ok so if anyone tries the Maple, Coconut & Flax Pancake Cookies, holla!  They would also be most excellent with raisins, walnuts, nut butter, or fruit.  Either garnished on top or even in the batter.  Tweak away friends!

Half eaten Maple & Flax "Peanut Butter" Pancake-Cookies drizzled in maple syrup

And tomorrow, you are in for a ridic treat.  I do mean ridic.  Raw Vegan Cheesecake.  Holy crap I have just outdone myself.  Sorry for the lack ‘o modesty, but it really is that good.   C’mon back in the a.m.  Janetha, girl I’ve got you in mind based on your request….

But in the meantime, I want the rest of you to tell me whatcha want me to make and feature on the blog?  I love suggestions!

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.


  1. aw what cuties! :)

    my mom used to make bacon and eggs and pancakes, the whole shabang on the weekends. Now for me "indulging" on the weekends = stove top oats rather than microwaved because I have time to make them.. my how things change!

    <3 happy saturday, sugar!