NuNaturals Stevia GiveAway–6 Winners Announed


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Thank you to everyone who tried to get in on the NuNaturals Stevia action and entered the contest! 

Winners, please email me promptly at with your full name and shipping info.

Here’s who got lucky:


lilveggiepatch said…
Ooh, I’ve never tried stevia before! I’ve heard about this brand and I would love to test it out.


Anne said…
You’re on my blogroll, too :)


Melissa said…
This is by far my favorite giveaway in the blogworld and I have yet to win…I should buy stock in the company…I love everything they make!!!!


Lauren said…
I love stevia! That’s why I would want to win! :) I use it more then once a day!


Diana said…
And I will take credit again for joining the followers box. :) Tired of me yet?


TheFitnessFreak said…
I’m anxious to try this to see if it’s really non-bitter:) Thanks for the chance Averie!!  Thanks for playin’ kids and thanks to NuNaturals for helping hook this phenomenally generous giveaway up for my readers!!!   Question for everyone: If you could have your perfect product giveaway, what product (within reason!) would you want to see featured on a giveaway/contest?  Based on the feedback I get, I’ll try to hook it up!  

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  1. My favorite face wash ever is Burt's Bees Soap Bark and Chamomile! I think it's $7.99 and I promise your pores have never felt so clean! Seriously, give it a try. :)

  2. Sorry I haven't had a chance today to respond to anyone's comment personally. Know that I love all of you and thanks for showin' the love!

    And thanks for all the facial cleanser recommendations…dammmmmmnn I'm gonna have lots to work with!

    Haley & Cindy-I use cheap tea tree oil from the health food store or WF. It doesnt have to be organic, I ain't eating it. So a bottle is like 4.99 and that lasts about 3-6 mos using it a few drops at a time. Essential oils, Cindy they are expensive and I dont go overboard but at like 7.99 for the Aura Cacia which is Frontier's housebrand, it's do-able considering it lasts forever.

    And to all who asked..yes, that dairy free creamer rocks. Sorry HEAB that you werent feelin the hazelnut. Hmmm…good to know.

    Alright lovelies, I gotta dash, but there's some good stuff in the dehydrator right now to talk about tomorrow!
    xoxo averie

  3. I love holistic alternatives to cleaning products! Grapeseed fruit extract, vinegar, baking soda, borax – it's all good!

    I've seen the coconut milk products around but have yet to try them, they are pricey so I've hesitated to buy them yet. I'm not drinking coffee at the moment but if I do I will definitely check this out! I can do without sugar in coffee but I do prefer creamer! Non-dairy? Perfecto!

  4. How funny- I did that exact wrap today in yoga class! Small world!

    I use sooo little facial cleanser- seriously I've had the same one for 4 yrs…is that bad?

    I usually buy everything that I can "on sale" to save money. Exception: a type of flip flop that is ergonomic that I adore I just paid full price (Olokai) ugh- it hurt!

    Have a great one!

  5. I did not see all those vegan facial cleansers in TJ's but I'm definitely going to have to check them out when I go back! I recently finished my bottle of Aveno facial wash and I switched over to Burt's Bees. So far it's pretty good – I think it has menthol in it, because it leaves you with that cool, tingly feeling.

    I love your idea of using tree oil – can you buy that anywhere? I'm drooling over your oodles of noodles again. I've had spiralized zukes over the past few nights with Heather D's marinutta sauce and WHOA…that stuff is damn good!! I am continuously saving all of your yummy recipes. I can seriously see you writing a raw/vegan cookbook one day!! Have you thought about that?

    I took a yoga class this morning and I could barely walk afterwards. It was a lot of "straddle" posing (sitting with legs spread outwards) holding that position and stretching from there. My quads and adductors were screaming! I thought of you. :)

  6. Would it be wrong to want to take a straw to the Thai peanut sauce and just drink it? If so, I don't want to be right ;)

    The name you gave Gina reminds me of my old school AOL screen names from like 10 years ago! Haha!

    My face wash isn't anything special (Clean & Clear maybe?) however I do love me some Burt's Bees!

  7. Cream too! I am so excited! I hope they have it out here in Wilm. We tried So Delicious vanilla ice cream the other night! So yummy!

    Facial Cleaner – Good old Mary Kay – Still have some left over from the shop! And how long ago has that been! Yikes!

    I am so glad that I have found your blog. It's wonderful to see you and hear about how amazing your life is turning out. I am so happy for you. Man have we both came along way. A few questions and I am sure your sick to death of this one but what about protein. That's about the only thing different with our diets. When did the decision or how/ why did you decided to not eat meat any more. I hope you don't mind me asking. I am just curious about everyone's path. Especially when it is a person that I consider to be one of my life friends. Is there a past blog about this? What I am dealing with the most is friends (maybe they weren't really friends?) passing judgement and the comments. Your never going to eat that again. You don't drink any more? and the list goes on. It's been hard on Dan and I. I never thought that being healthy, eating differently, and doing cross fit would change my life so much. Okay so maybe a little to deep for a comment. But its just so lonely at times. And I didn't even move….miss you!

  8. Wonderful blog!!

    I use vinegar and water to clean counter-tops, windows and well, just about everything.

    Great day to all!!

  9. Can you believe that I'm actually jealous that you are eating cauliflower? Poor little Hayden's tummy doesn't like it when I eat it.

    Hey, I use that same face wash. It is natural and very economical. Love it!

  10. hey girl heeeey! looks like i have missed out on some stellar recipes while i was gone. those cookie sandwiches are totally cute and look really yummy, i am going to have to whipe up a batch of something vegan soon for the dudes and those cookies may just have to be on the list. skylar is a doll! glad you found a delicious creamer, keep your eye out for some coupons maybe since the price tag is high! if i need to save some cash i will buy in bulk and freeze stuff in my mondo freezer. p.s. i got my seeds last night and i am STOKED! thanks SO MUCH!!! do you know how long i have looked for chia seeds? well, a long time. no more searching needed! ok this is long. i guess i just missed you! xo

  11. I use burt's bees cleanser too…don't remember the name of's NICE tho.

    I LOVE your second yoga pose…and I decided to do a few minutes of stretching in the am…but I am so tight then that it's tough..I LOVE the twisty bendy ones…AHH so much.

    I love your "wipes" ideas..but I have to collect essential oils and they are not cheap so it will be a while.

    you know all my cost saving issues lately…I definately have been staying away from stuff marts cuz I am too tempted…eating IN …and being as efficient in our home as possible.

    you gave ME great ideas recently!


    Happy Tuesday to ya

  12. My go-to facial cleanser of choice is Avalon Organics COQ10 Facial Cleansing Milk with white tea and sunflower oil. It's very gentle and pH-balanced. And best of all, it's less than 10 bucks!

    I am LOVING the new So Delicious Coconut Milk French Vanilla Creamer! And I just baked with the Hazelnut flavor. It made knockout scones! You can check out the recipe here.

  13. wow that was a lot of info, ok the salad looks amazing, but I swear raw squash just makes my stomach so upset

    next up.. I LOVE ginger chews. Oh man I am so addicted to those things, especially when I fly!

  14. Ha ha – you're like me with my cream. You'll have to see what I thought about the So Delicious ones in my post tomorrow…I will say this. DO NOT buy the hazelnut. ;)

    Facial cleanser – I like the orange cleanser by Burt Bee's. CD likes using it in place of shaving cream. Good stuff!

    The thought of your breakfast has my teeth chattering. Looked good, but not in the gloomy grey that is Nashville.

    Hope you have a good day Averie!