Banana Vanilla Softserve and Roasted Sweet Potato Rounds


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Roasted Sweet Potato Rounds

Enter 1 long-n-skinny sweet potato.

Long skinny sweet potato on countertop

Then I peeled it and sliced it into uniform about 1/4th inch slices, and made fry shapes out of 3 peeled carrots.  Put in a roasting pan with foil.  Don’t forget to line with parchment or foil unless you like doing dishes with lotsa scrapity scrap of food chunks.

Sliced up sweet potato and carrot sticks in tinfoil lined pan

I sprinkled about 1 Tbsp Each of Cinnamon & Ground Ginger, couple twists o’ cracky blacky, and then drizzled about 2-3 Tbsp EVOO over the top.

Sliced up sweet potato and carrot sticks in tinfoil lined pan toped with cinnamon and ginger

I covered the veggies with another piece of foil across the top and roasted ’em at 400F in the oven for 40 minutes.

Roasted Sweet Potatoes and Carrots removed from oven

Then I uncovered them, flipped em, added a little….and roasted for another 15 mins uncovered.

At this point, if you made a glaze of 2 Tbsp Lime Juice, 2 Tbsp Maple Syrup or Agave, 1 Tsp of Cumin, 1/2 Tsp of Chili Powder or Cayenne you’d have awesome Tex-Mex inspired Sweet Potato Wedges.  Let that glaze cook on those taters for the last 10-15 minsand you’re so in.  I was feeding these to a husband who isn’t thrilled with Tex-Mex but rock it out in your casa.

Roasted Sweet Potatoes and Carrots in foil lined pan with glaze

Voila, really delish.

Close up of Roasted Sweet Potatoes and Carrots in foil lined pan with glaze

Here’s dinner…spiralized zuke noods with the Herbalicious Goddess Dressing, tomato & cuke chunks snuggled up next to the roasted sweetie potatoes and carrots.

Roasted Sweet Potatoes and Carrots in foil lined pan with glaze on plate with zucchini noodles and Goddess Salad Dressing
Roasted Sweet Potatoes and Carrots on plate close up next to spiralized zucchini noodles

Some other eats that were really simple, really awesome.  A bed of greens, a few B.S., tomato chunks, carrots, cukes, red & yellow pepps, and dressed with OJ, Agave, and Cracked Black.  I love basic, colorful salads with simple sweet dressing.  It’s music to my tastebuds.  And my tummy.

Mixed greens topped with vegetables and dressing in white bowl
Close up of mixed greens topped with vegetables and dressing in white bowl

Earlier I had also made a Breakfast Cookie.

Mix and wait

Ingredients for Breakfast Cookie in clear container

A day later, enjoy.

Breakfast cookie ingredients mixed together in clear container


Banana Vanilla Softserve (vegan, gluten-free)

Serves 2

2 frozen bananas, in chunks

2 teaspoons bourbon vanilla extract

1/4 c granulated sugar, optional

1/4 c milk, nutmilk, or water, optional – add this only if needed to get your machine “going” if it seems like it’s working too hard to break down and liquify the bananas

Combine all ingredients in blender, Vita-Mix, or food processor and blend or process until creamy. Serve immediately.


Banana Vanilla Softseve ingredients in blender
Hand holding bottle of Trader Joe's Pure Bourbon Vanilla Extract

After blending the VitaMix for 30 seconds

Tamper showing Banana Vanilla Softserve


Banana Vanilla Softserve blended in blender
Close up of Banana Vanilla Softserve in blender

Have you ever made softserve in a blender?

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. Hi!!! I'm new to your blog. I JUST got a new Excalibur Dehydrator. I've been stalking blogs looking for recipes. I LOVE the macaroon idea! I'm also going to try crackers soon. Check out my blog to see my first 2 experiments so far- apples and grapes. Yumo! :D
    P.S. I'm going to add your blog to my blogroll. Hope you don't mine! :D

  2. These look amazing! I made raw peanut butter macaroons a few weeks ago. I will be trying these this weekend. Thanks so much, and love your blog!

  3. Hayley you crack me up girl :)

    Daisychain, by all means I LOVE new followers girl, thanks for stoppin by and finding me!

    Shannon- Neither of your guesses are correct.
    Deb-You're correct on 1 guess.
    InsideDancing-You're correct on 1 guess.
    Keep the guesses coming! Now you can cross-reference each other's guesses if you're sleuthy (or care LOL)

  4. I'm lucky that both my kids can sleep through my crazy loud Blendtec. It actually puts Hayden to sleep.

    As for my guesses for the two secret ingredients, I'll say cinnamon and some kind of nut butter. Am I on the right track?

  5. Holy macarooni Batman!! Those look WAY better than the regular joe schmo macaroons I've eaten. Man I could go for one of those right now. You are seriously dedicated to stay up until almost 2am making those!

    I need to go check out this other peanut thai sauce you made. I also need to make your green dressing from the other day, your raw apple crumble (as soon as Chris gets all this damn birthday cake eaten) and a bunch of other stuff. My fridge runneth over!

  6. You are killing me here. I am guessing almond meal and flax? Am I close?! Look delish. Please fly to NY next week :D