Sweet ‘n Nutty Un-Chicky


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Happy Monday!  Did you do anything fun over the weekend?  Things were pretty low key around here.  Just tried to enjoy the last weekend of summer.  But as I mentioned in yesterday’s dairy-free ice cream post, it’s been a hot sweatfest ’round here.  But now it’s humid and overcast and blech.  Random weather!  Thanks for all the comments on the ice cream, tips, suggestions, and recipes.  You all rock!

Onto some of the weekend’s edible creations…

Chocolate ‘n Oats Brekky Cookie
This one had: 1/3 c dry oats, 1 scoop Chocolate Sun Warrior BRPP, 1 small ripe nanner, dash of agave, dash of cinnamon, and dash of stevia.

Goin’ into the fridge…

Chocolate Oat Breakfast Cookie mixture on white plate

…Coming out the next morning.  Plate lickin’ good times.  I am so glad I took Gina up on her recommendation.  I can’t decide if I like the Vanilla from this post or the Chocolate better.  Good problem to have.

Chocolate Oat Breakfast Cookie on white plate taken out of refrigerator

Close Up of the Chocco Love

Close up of Chocolate Oat Breakfast Cookie

Also had a salad beast with these Tamari Roasted Almonds from the nice people over at Equal Exchange.
Crunchy little buggers with a nice kick!  Va-va-voom.

Bag of Organic Tamari Roasted Almonds on countertop

This beasty boy was chock full ‘o greens, cukes & zukes, red & yellow peppas, dulse flakes, and almonds.  The dulse and the tamari almond flavors really complemented each other with a smokey, salty, spicy thang goin’ on. 

Greens with mixed vegetables and Dulse Flakes on white plate

I also whipped up a batch of Sweet ‘n Nutty Un-Chicky Salad
*Heaping 3/4 c raw almonds (soaked for a mere 30 minutes, shhh, don’t tell)
*Blended the nuts alone, first, in the Vita-Mix.  You can see the nuts a little bit ground up at the bottom of the canister.

Ground nuts in blender toped with broccoli slaw, ginger, squash, pepper, cider vinegar and agave

*On toppa the nuts, I threw a small handful of brock slaw, couple chunks-o-yellow squash, 1/2 inch of ginger, cracked black, 2 tbsp raw apple cider vinegar, & 2 tbsp agave

Overhead of ingredients in blender

Blended ‘er up & container-ized.  Half became leftovers.  That’s My Tip Of the Day: Make leftovers on purpose.  Save time, save steps, save cleanup, save on planning…make a lil extra for later.

Blended ingredients in clear container

Close up

Close up of blended ingredients out of blender

And all scooped up on a bed of greens, brock slaw, and garnished with dulse, and red &yellow pepps.  Verdict: Two Thumbs Up! 

Scott said he preferred the constituency of this batch of nut pate compared to my last nut pate, which was the Sweet ‘N Tangy Chicken-Less Chicken salad from this postNot sure really that I did anything different in terms of liquids vs. nuts.  I think it’s just those unpredictable male tastebuds at work. 

Mixed greens and diced vegetables topped with Chicken-Less Chicken Salad

After a morning run, and before a trip to the dentist just for a cleaning because I am anal and get my teeth cleaned every four months, I did a little yoga.

Here’s Pincha Mayurasana, as I have mentioned before, one of my fave poses.  I never get sick of it.   Kinda like rabbit food…never seem to get sick of my raw greenery.

Woman doing Pincha Mayurasana yoga pose

What’s something you never get sick of?  Not even just with regard to food.  Like, ummm….I’d never get sick of back massages and foot rubs, either.  A girl can dream, right?


Stay tuned for details about a GiveAway comin’ up soon…

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. Do you have any recipes that are not nut based? I’m doing Weight Watchers and all that fat is not gonna work for me. Can you substitute cooked dry beans for the nuts and still have a decent consistency?

    1. This post is 11 years old. I have tons of recipes (2500+) on my website that are much more current. Please check things out.