Valentine’s Day Recap


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Earlier today I asked what you did for Valentine’s Day so I thought I would share a few photos from our day yesterday.

Skylar went to a Valentine’s Day party with her friends and came home with a stash of cute things.

Valentines crafts made at school by young girl

Handmade Valentines she was given and a Valentine’s Day “Purse” that she made

Inside Valentines homemade purse

Young girl holding her Valentines purse

Earlier in the day, Scott had given me some cards.

Valentines Cards on countertop

Close up of Card addressed as Mommy Be My ValentineMy favorite was the “Mommy” one “from” Skylar.  Thanks, Skylar.  Great penmanship for a newly minted 4 year old.  Wink-wink.

I gave Skylar this little box of chocolates

Box of chocolates with cat on front

Inside box of chocolate with four chocolates

She was excited about those!

Young girl standing smiling holding reusable drink bottle

Young girl with hair down smiling

Plus, we had exchanged (chocolate) gifts and cards over the weekend.  So there was no shortage of sugar Valentine’s Day spirit and lovin’ in our house.

Thanks for filling in me in from my earlier post about what you did to celebrate.  Or didn’t do.

And I am glad you enjoyed my recipe for the Curried Ginger & Raisin Lentils

Curried Ginger & Raisin Lentils

Now if you’ll excuse me, my day is wickedly busy!

But I need to heat up some leftover lentils…

Leftover Curried Ginger & Raisin Lentils in clear container

…Eat some plants with Creamy Vegan “Cesar” Tahini Dressing

Salad with Creamy Vegan "Cesar" Tahini Dressing

…And dream about washing it down with a GF Peanut Butter Marshmallow Bar with Vegan Chocolate Frosting

GF Peanut Butter Marshmallow Bar with Vegan Chocolate Frosting
Hand holding one GF Peanut Butter Marshmallow Bar with Vegan Chocolate Frosting

I don’t have any of these on hand, but wish I did!


1. Any Valentine’s Day recaps or stories that you’re dying to share?

Feel free!

2. Do you remember making arts and crafts projects in school?

I do and I loved them!  I wish I had more time when I was a child to simply make and create.  Rather than learn facts about George Washington or a war that was fought in Europe in 1653.   Didn’t care about it then as a kid, don’t care about it now.

I loved drawing, painting, woodworking, putting puzzles together, making beaded bracelets, you name it, I wanted to make things and be artsy-fartsy.   That kind of learning was way more fun to me than book learning!  We don’t just learn from books, we learn from experiencing the world, too.   That’s what unschooling is all about.

3. Did you get a workout in today?

I did.  A 20 Minute Run + 20 Minutes of yoga/lifting

Now it’s time to get everything else done around here!



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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.


  1. I gave my one of my sisters the exact same box of chocolates you gave Skylar. Kept a box for myself. LOL!

    Workout: Yes: with a particular focus on upper body work. Handstand drills, pull-ups (assisted for now; not forever). Took about 35 minutes, cuz that’s all I had ;-)

    Arts and crafts rock.

    My Vday was mainly a workday, but some chocolate and affection made their way into my day. Glad you guys had fun!


  2. Cute Skylar pics and looks like she really scored for Valentine’s Day.

    1. Not really since it was a busy work day too.
    2. Yeah, good time.
    3. Yes and I did on Valentine’s day too getting up at 5 AM to hit the home gym before work since I knew I wouldn’t have time after.

  3. Thanks for sharing some photos from your Valentine’s Day.

    We still have some of your GF Peanut Butter Marshmallow Bar with Vegan Chocolate Frosting. Should I FedEx some down to SD for you & the family? :)

    Always enjoyed making arts & crafts at school. Although by the time I got into High School and took a couple art classes, it was too closed and structured for me. Still did the work and finished the 2 art classes, but not all that pleased with the outcome of the projects.
    Finger painting with chocolate pudding was much more fun ;)

    My workout: babysitting our friends’ 2 year old for the night. Also made a fort, camped in the living room, played sleep, read books, and then she set up a tea service for us. Walking their energetic dog helped keep the body moving too.

  4. I remember doing crafts for holiday’s/special occasions in school. Loved it then, but I’m not so much into that kind of thing now. Anything too picky makes me nutso! :) Hope you have a great day!!!

  5. aww such cute goodies that Skylar got.. and wow!! she has great handwriting ;)
    i was SUCH a crafty kid… like thats all i ever did and i even won awards in magazines when i was just 4 years old.. my parents were slightly concerned cuz they thought i had like odd artistic super powers.. buttttt then sports came along and i dont do much art anymore!!! DARN i could have been the next Picasso!

  6. Actually, I remember making Valentine’s Day themed arts and crafts better than any other crafts from my childhood. Ah, paper hearts glued to doilies – it’s making me nostalgic!

  7. Skylar has the most amazing hair I have ever seen, 4 year old or adult! I wish I could have “child” hair again…not do a thing and it still look adorable, ugh haha!

  8. I loves arts and crafts. I think that is why scrapbooking is so popular. It gives grown ups a reason to bring out the scissors, glue and sparkles :)

  9. Hee, isn’t every single day a Valentines in your house, Averie? You and Skylar never lack any warmth and sweetness between the two of you! ;-)

  10. This is slightly off-topic, but your mention of arts and craft in school got me thinking- have you ever considered a Waldorf school for Skylar some day? It seems like their education philosophy is right in line with yours.

    1. I have definitely looked into Waldorf, Reggio-Emilio, Montessori, all have wonderful aspects and we are still doing our research :)

  11. My work-out was a 20 minute run at 6am and a 1 hour pole dancing class after work! LOVE IT! Have you ever taken pole dancing? It is so much fun!

  12. Aw, looks like Skylar got some great valentines!! She’s such a looker…something tells me she’ll be getting quite the collection of valentines over the course of her lifetime :-)

  13. I spent vday alone….well that is besides going to school and taking two tests. Not to mention stuffing my face with chocolate lol! Valentine’s Day has yet to be spent with my fiance, seeing as how he’s on the other side of the country right now *insert sad face* There’s always next year though….if he isn’t away doing some sort of training or *yuck* deployed again.

  14. haha i love that you said wickedly busy! true bostonian! haha

    i love your v-day recap!!! the gifts, the cards, the smiles…all beautiful!

    YES I love vday at school…the exchanges and cards it was all so fun and i always put lots of thought into the ones i gave to the cute boys hehe