In The News & The Influence of Blogs


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The skies are blue and the sun is shining in San Diego.

blue sky with power lines

The flowers are blooming.

pink flowers and green landscape

And I am powering through the day:

I knocked out a 20 Minute At Home Workout

I am grooving on the coffee and mango butter finds that I picked up at TJ’s yesterday

ingredients on countertop: bananas, mango butter, coffee, chocolate chips, and lettuceI love TJ’s Coffees and did a big Coffee Review Post comparing many of their coffees as well as others, like Smores Coffee

From my last post on Mango Recipes, thanks for letting me know you like your mangoes just as much as I do.  Well, most of you do. Some people are allergic.

As a sidebar, mango allergies are a pretty common allergy.  It’s in the latex family so if you’re allergic to mango, then bananas, papaya, pineapple, avocado and others could be culprits, too.  I have plenty of food allergies so can spout off food allergy trivia all day long.

Today I made a batch of Raw Taco Nut “Meat”

I bring this taco “meat” to parties and always impress the meat eaters because it’s hearty, dense, full of flavor, and filling.  And takes about 45 seconds to make.

Raw Taco Nut "Meat"

And plated that over a bed of greens because a Raw Taco Salad was the perfect lunch on a spring day when I’m slamming and jamming.

Salad with snap peas tomatoes and cucumber

And I baked some Lemon & Dill Roasted Potato Sticks (mostly for Scott) but munched on a few of those.

Lemon & Dill Roasted Potato Sticks

I prefer to munch on fresh berries and…



Like Special K Bars with Chocolate Frosting

Special K Bars with Chocolate Frosting

I am also really excited because I was featured in a National Fox News Story about the power of blogs and bloggers.  The piece, written by Hollie McKay, is about a study that showed that bloggers have more influence than celebrities when it comes to influencing consumer purchasing decisions and I was interviewed for and quoted in the storyCheck it out if you have a second!


1. Have you ever been interviewed for a story or been on the radio, TV, or in the media in some way?

Other than writing my blog and being in the Movie, A Walk to Remember, that I discussed here and here, I can’t recall any other media features or brushes with fame.  Other than doing yoga next to Gwyneth Paltrow and Katie Holmes on separate instances, years ago, which was very cool!

However, I’d like to do more interviews.  It’s been fun!

2. How much influence do you think blogs and bloggers have over purchasing decisions?

I personally think they have an enormous influence!

I have done many, many posts over the years on things I’ve purchased or tried because I’ve read about them in the blogosphere.  Everything from chia seeds to nutritional yeast as I discussed here, recently.

I’ve tried some gems, and some duds, but because of blogs and the recommendations of fellow bloggers, I tried products that I otherwise wouldn’t have known about or bothered to try.  Their endorsement, review, and simply featuring the product or item on their blog did alter my purchasing decisions.

3. Have you bought anything or tried anything new because a blogger mentioned it or featured it on his/her blog?

I also have discussed that I went through a phase where I tried and bought just about anything that I saw floating around, but I have since reigned in my impulse purchases and don’t race out to buy everything I see anymore, either.

It’s fun to try new things and products but I don’t have the budget, or the need, to try everything.  Sometimes I know that what I have works well for me and I don’t need to keep trying and trying every latest thing, i.e. certain yoga clothes or protein powders and I don’t need to race out and buy the “latest and greatest”.

It’s a balancing act, for sure, trying new things but also not breaking the bank or buying things you just don’t need or won’t really have much long term use for.

What do you think about the power and influence of blogs/bloggers featuring products?  Have you bought or tried things you’ve seen in the ‘sphere?

Enjoy your day!

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.


  1. Congrats on the news feature! Hopefully it brings you more readers and they can find out just how wonderful your blog is.

    I have to say that as far a gluten-free goes, I pay attention to products bloggers mention. Angela (Oh She Glows) mentioned some brown rice tortilla wraps and it has taken a few weeks. but we managed to track them down – in the freezer section.
    When you mention a spicy, fruity or otherwise tasty product, I will usually try it (or our local similar product) if I can find it. Case in point: Sweet with Heat mustard. Yum!

    I’m also more likely to try a new whole food (veg, fruit, etc) if it is featured in a blog recipe. That is how I got onto many of the whole foods I eat now.

  2. Congrats on being quoted! I have definitely been influenced by blogs to purchase certain products I might not have otherwise heard about. I think it’s mostly a wonderful thing — as a vegan, most of the foods/products I would purchase aren’t heavily advertised via “mainstream” sources, so reading vegan blogs is a great way to become acquainted with all of the amazing vegan things out there. The one thing that I find a little iffy is that PR agencies are becoming more and more savvy on how to capitalize on blog writers to review their products. There isn’t anything intrinsically wrong with bloggers reviewing products or food (I do it myself, it it’s a fit), but it can get a bit weird when 20+ bloggers are all raving about a product at the same time. It’s like sensory overload, ya know?

  3. I’ve definitely bought things b/c I’ve seen them on blogs! I’ve used ingredients I never would have. I’ve also learned to use some things in ways that I never would’ve thought of. Admittedly, I don’t have the time I use to to dedicate to the kitchen as much as I would like, but I’m still grateful for all the neat ideas I see on other blogs that I read every day!

  4. I have been interviewed for a book, but it hasn’t come out yet (and it won’t for awhile) and it’s driving me crazy not to tell everyone I know about it!

    I have totally tried new products and foods that I never would have thought to try if it weren’t for blogs. I have been trying to save up for a Vita-Mix because trying to make certain things with my combination of putting it in the food processor first and then using my Magic Bullet is so frustrating. Plus it dirties so many dishes. Someday my husband keeps telling me, someday :)

  5. Congrats on the article!! I have DEFINITELY been influenced by bloggers… even so far as starting my own blog! Sooooo many products I don’t know I would have ever tried without the reviews of my fellow bloggers. The way I eat has been influenced as well… I love HEAB’s style and model a lot of my eating after her… and Katie (making food and other stuff)… and I’ve made your granola bars many times to many accolades from Alex as well as myself… matter of fact, I need to make those again soon! ;)

  6. CONGRATS on that feature girl!!! I bet that was so exciting for you ; ) U know you rock, they should do a WHOLE story just on YOU!

    I need that mango butter! thank you!

    Love u! xoxo