Beach Pictures & 10 Questions


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Hi Friends!  How are you doing today?  I’m doing wonderfully since we finally got a little beach time in.  Not extremely sunny, but for 90 minuteswe got a little time in here

Beach with people swimming in ocean

Young girl in bathing suit walking towards water with boat
Young girl in bathing suit sitting on large blow up tube
Cloudy skies
The skies go from cloudy and dark looking to bright and sunny all of a sudden

I tried to read these when they were off walking around…

Hers and Oxygen magazines
…But I could hardly lift my head up.  It’s a tough life, I tell ya.  Hah!
Woman and child in bathing suits sitting on beach lounger

Moving On…
I was reading Spabettie’s recent post and she asked and answered some questions that I thought would be fun to chime in on.  I’m on vacation after all and the name of the game is keeping things light and easy.  

If you could be any animal, what would it be and why? 

A cat because they sleep lots and can be as aloof as they want and no one bats an eye.

Is it better to have loved and lost, or never to have loved at all?

Loved and lost, for sure!  I would not be who I am if I didn’t have some loves and losses.  Makes you appreciate “The One” if you’ve had some Not The One’s.

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Not much.  They are tiny little things!

Do you live the life you thought you would when you were little?  
In some ways, yes.  I am married and I have a child and I am not living in Minnesota where I grew up and live in California.  As a little girl I figured I would be married one day and probably have a child, and knew I would live in either FL or CA.  Everything else about my life, no one could really predict or script it.  But really, who could predict one’s life with all the twists and turns and various life journeys and paths we’ve all walked!

What was the last thing that made you laugh out loud?  
The insane amount of rain the island has had and the horrible driving I witnessed since people here never have to drive in rain.

Tea or coffee? 
Both.  I have tried to cut back on coffee and increase my tea consumption, but I enjoy coffee more than tea.

What are you most afraid of?
That Scott or Skylar would die.  That’s so morbid but I am being honest.

What is the first thing you think about in the morning?
“Where am I?”  Oh, in my bed.  Ok, good.

Best film of all time?
Pretty Woman, Brokeback Mountain, Midnight in the Garden of Good & Evil, Double Jeopardy.   Those come to mind as “I liked that movie”.  I realize these are all pretty old movies, though.  Nothing “current”. 

Honestly, I don’t watch that many movies anymore.  I have not seen a movie in 5 years.  Since when I was pregnant and went to a movie theater solely because they had a/c and I was in desperate need of it. 

Movie Tidbit and Trivia about me.   I was in the movie A Walk to Remember.  (I need to pull the video from an online source and I am not sure how to save video to my MAC using Firefox as my browser.  Once I get that part down, I know how to upload it into the blog once I have it saved on my computer.  Any ideas or tips?)

If you had one meal left in this world, what would you eat?
Chocolate Recipes would be a part of it.  And if I didn’t have to pay the consequences, all kinds of gluten in the form of cinnamon rolls, cake, and cookies that my grandma would make if she were still living would factor in, too.

From yesterday’s post about my One Drink Out and Skylar jammin’ to the dance beat, it was fun to hear your crazy drinking stories.  Thanks for sharing!  I laughed out loud to lots of them.  Good stuff!

Woman sitting at table drinking Sex on the Beach Cocktail smiling
I hope to have more of these drinks, soon!

Dessert: Vegan Mango Banana Vanilla Softserve
I get my frozen mango chunks at TJ’s.  Best bang for the buck I think.  Try the regular grocery store brand if you don’t have a TJ’s.  I never buy mango justto freeze.  Way too expensive that way.

Bag of Mango Chunks
Ingredients for Vegan Mango Banana Vanilla Softserve in blender
Side view of ingredients for Vegan Mango Banana Vanilla Softserve in blender
Three bowls of Vegan Mango Banana Vanilla Softserve
Close up of one bowl of Vegan Mango Banana Vanilla Softserve

Tips of the Day: $25 Oh Nuts Gift Certificate Give Away!

Click Here to Enter!


$50 Chocomize Customize-able Chocolate Give Away!

Smores Bar


Click Here to Enter!

1. Best part of your day or what has made you happy today? 
Going to the beach and being with my family!

2. What are your answers to any (or all) of the questions above?  Can’t wait to hear your answers!

3. Any tips for Macs, Videos, Shortcuts, anything really useful you know about and want to pass on? From this post about Screenshots, you guys had some awesome tips!

We are off to get a little walk in.  I love walking as my workout!

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.


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