When Chaos Strikes


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Ahhh, what an insane 24 hours I have had.  More on it all in the next post.

An update on my blog is that it probably wasn’t hacked like I originally thought.  Rather, it was a massive database file error that caused most of my blog to go missing and go down for about 12 hours.

AKA: my site crashed.  Big time.

Why did this happen?  More than likely because my blog has been growing and I’ve seen big and sustained traffic increases, and my blog has outgrown the servers that it’s hosted on.  I am a self-hosted WordPress blog and use Bluehost and did a post in my Blogging 101 Series about being self-hosted and pros and cons.  All in all, huge pro to be self-hosted but this was a con.  To say the least.

Solution: move my blog to new servers that are bigger, better, dedicated, and won’t crash.

Do I want to deal with this?  No!  But it’s a good problem to have.

Thanks to everyone who reads my little blog and also thanks to everyone who replied with your support after my tweets, Facebook wall posts, and cries for help; specifically Jenn, Kath, Angela, Corey, thank you.

Having my online world blow up in my face and thinking that I had lost years worth of work was pretty nerve-racking and panic-inducing, to put it mildly, but all is well.  For now.  I need to figure out the server situation, asap.

When chaos strikes…

I’d rather see pictures of palm trees and sunsets

Purple sunset with city lights and palm trees

Do some yoga, at home.  Definitely at home.  Would not want to get in my car, drive to a studio, find parking, and be in anyone else’s energy.  I have enough on my own when life is chaotic.  Solo time and so I can think things through is key for me in the midst of calamity.

Black yoga mat on hardwood floor

And of course, eating chocolate, or cookie dough, or both all in one is a fantastic idea.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough & Marshmallow Stuffed Rice Krispie Bars stacked

Or there’s always drinking a Baileys Slushie if all else fails.

What do you do when chaos strikes?

Walking, running, time outside in the fresh air, hugs from Scott & Skylar, a phone call with a friend, or a good pound-my-keyboard-email-vent-session with trusted friends usually helps, too.

P.S. Thanks for the Manna Bread Giveaway entries, too

And I think it got lost in the chaos shuffle, but check out my Baking Rules post if  you have time.  I’d love to hear what your Baking Rules are.

Enjoy your night.   I hope mine is calm and chaos-free.

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.


  1. When chaos strikes I cry. Then I pull myself together and figure it out. Eventually I move on.

  2. i had frozen grapes last night for dessert! i love them. they are like little balls of sorbet. mmmm…so so good.

    skylar’s hair is so long! (i just realized im commenting on the wrong post, but oh well)

  3. What an awful day. Glad you know what to do so that it hopefully won’t happen again!

    I still haven’t been able to concentrate on yoga with my mind racing a million miles a minute. The cookbook (and my story!) came out yesterday, I’m attempting to make my blog actually look like something instead of all cheesy. You know, first world problems. I need to do something for someone else today!

  4. Some kind of hard core physical exercise works for me when my world is chaotic! My favorite is tae kwan do! (especially sparring)!
    Love your blog – just came across it. Can’t wait to try the marshmallow treats – my daughter will love them! Thanks for the tips. =-)

  5. What a mess to deal with! Glad you got things sorted out and found a solution!

    I’m feeling a little “chaotic” right now. Yesterday ended badly with Sarah catching a wicked cold, she got cut for a volleyball team she tried out for which upset her terribly and one of our beloved cats was struck and killed by a car last night. I really just want to sleep and wake up on the other side, ya know? *sigh*

    1. Oh Krista, I am so sorry to hear about your cat. And VB team cutting.

      I hope things get better in your world!

  6. That’s good to hear your site wasn’t hacked. But rather your site is growing and couldn’t handle the lil server you were using! :) AT least it’s over now. When chaos strikes, i always talk to my boyfriend…he’s basically my best friend and i love talking things over with him. Then i go to church to also ask God for guidance and to keep giving me strength. Just praying makes everything.better. :)

  7. Is that your setup for yoga at home? It looks beautiful!
    I’m glad that you agree with doing yoga at home. I almost always do it at home- that way I can work around my own schedule and don’t have to go anywhere. I feel like some people “poo poo” that idea because they think that you don’t work as hard as you do in a class…. not true for me!

    I usually do a yoga dvd when I get home from work, but I actually brought my yoga mat and a dvd to work today because it is super quiet and peaceful here after the students leave (I’m a teacher). I’m testing it out to see if I like it. :)

    1. yes, not really a setup, just throw a yoga mat down on the floor and look out the window, but yes, that’s what I do :)

  8. Girl, I am so sorry to hear that happened. That would drive anyone more that nuts. Our whole lives work lost in a blip would be tragic and beyond awful. Glad to hear it is just ’cause you are so popular!! xxoo

  9. gosh, Averie, this must have been soooo bad!! I was really worried you last of your data when I couldn´t get through to your blog… Hopefully the move will go well and your blog will be safe!
    So glad you are back :)
    I find it always helps when I go get some fresh air, when the chaos strikes. Also, I take really deeeeeeeeeeeep breaths (that is something I forget quite often, would you believe it, but I am a shallow breather), just take a look at the mess and try to figure out the best way to tackle the problem, instead of just throwing myself in there.

  10. Glad it wasn’t too serious with your blog, code/DB issues aren’t fun. But awesome that traffic has grown so much for you! For me, long runs, games, and maybe a little wine help when chaos strikes.

  11. Just catching up now, but man….hugs!! I am so sorry you had to deal with that stress. Just what you need, right?
