Vanilla Baileys Slushie


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I love Baileys Irish Cream

Bottle of Baileys irish cream

They make a coffee creamer (non-alcoholic), too

And I love it in my coffeee for those non-alcoholic but still want the taste of Baileys moments

Baileys Coffee Creamer next to Mug of coffee

In the wee hours Friday night I had a craving for some Bailey’s.  The alcoholic version.  This is what I came up with.



Vanilla Baileys Slushie

1 shot glass of Bailey’s Irish Cream (about 1 ounce but 2 ounces is fine too)

8 to 10 ice cubes

1 splash water (about 1-2 tbsp)

Vanilla Stevia, to taste (optional)


1/8 tsp vanilla extract + sweeter of choice

Directions: Combine all items in Vita-Mix or blender and blend until ice is crushed and drink is frothy or slushie-like in texture

Note: Vita users are at an advantage because you are making Bailey’s “ice cream” in about 20-30 seconds in your machine <– buy a Vita if for no other reason than that


Gather your booze & sweetener, if desired.  I always desire sweetener.

Bottle of Baileys next to vanilla stevia dropper bottle

You can purchase Vanilla Stevia drops from iHerb cheaper than anywhere else that I’ve seen

Vanilla Stevia drops in front of Bailey's bottleIf you enter code AVE630 at checkout, you’ll save $5 on your iHerb order and all orders over $40 ship free

Add the ingredients into your Vita or blender and let ‘er rip

Bailey in blender

The pictures scream late night + horrible lighting +iPhone photography

And that’s ok

Baileys slushie in blender

Because when you want a Baileys Slushie late on a Friday night you are just not concerned about breaking out a big DSLR and waiting for perfect natural lighting.

 But I get brownie points for my super classy plastic cup and glass straw, right?

Baileys slushie in yellow cup with straw

For all the “volume eaters” (those people who’d rather have a huge plate of steamed broccoli for the same caloric value as 2 bites of a mashed potato with butter), this is a “volume drink”.

One little shot of Baileys produced all this drink (because of the added ice I surmise) and it just whipped up so well.

Baileys slushie in yellow cup with strawIt was so cold that it gave me a Mister Misty headache when I tried to drink it too fast.  It was so good, I couldn’t suck it down fast enough.

It was so good that I repeated this little experiment on Saturday night.  And made a double batch and shared it with Scott.  And he asked for seconds.


1. Do you like Baileys?

I think I should make Buttery Nipples next.  I am feeling the Baileys love lately.

2. Do you drink your beverages at a slow, average, fast, or warp speed rate?

I am warp speed.  I have to consciously remind myself to sip, not chug.

And even with hot temperatures and beverages, my chug-a-lug rate is not reduced.

Iced coffees are the worst for this because I could literally drink them in a few seconds.  Just like some people can guzzle a 6 oz bottle or water in a few seconds, I can do that with iced coffees.  With water too, but iced coffees are more fun.

I always make my own vanilla iced coffee and never buy them when I’m out.   I could suck $4 down in about 4 seconds flat.

vanilla iced coffee in glass cup


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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. You know how you can buy the sugar-free powder from Coffee Bean to make Ice Blendeds?.. Well I make mine with Teeccino then add Bailey’s for a heavenly dessert!

    Hope you are well.. it’s been way to long! Would love an email or phone date :-)

    1. That sounds delish and no, had no idea that product even existed!

      Was thinking about you the other day as I was having a trip down memory lane about the 9 mos I lived in AZ. Hope you’re doing well, too!! xoxo :)