Caramelized Bananas


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There is something so decadent and delicious about bananas that have been cooked with a little butter, sugar, and cream.

Caramelized bananas on pancakes

Probably because anything that is cooked with a little butter, sugar, and cream goes from ho-hum to oh-yeah-gimme-some.

There are all kinds of ways to caramelize bananas. One way is in Bananas Foster (vegan, GF).

Yesterday I simply seared the bananas for one minute in a non-stick skillet, added butter, cinnamon, sugar, cream, and stirred for a couple minutes until a caramel sauce began to form and the bananas caramelized a bit.

Bananas caramelizing in pan

These bananas got my weekend started off properly.

Caramelized bananas on pancakes



Caramelized Bananas (Gluten Free with Vegan option)

1 banana, sliced into rounds about 1/4 inch thick

2 tablespoons brown sugar

1 tablespoon butter (or margarine)

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1/4 cup cream (or half-and-half, milk, nut milk)

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

Spray a non-stick skillet with cooking spray, add the bananas, and cook them for about 1 minute over medium high heat, allowing them to sear.

And the remaining ingredients except for vanilla, and cook over medium heat, stirring gently and continuously, for about 3 minutes, or until sauce begins to thicken, reduce, brown, and caramelize. Turn off the heat, add the vanilla extract, and stir (the alcohol in the vanilla will cause the sauce to bubble up so use caution when adding it). Serve immediately.

To keep vegan, use margarine and a vegan milk such as almond or cashew milk. Coconut milk (full-fat recommended) will impart much more flavor but can also be used.


I love anything that gets caramel-ey and gooey and chocolate gooey things trump gooey bananas. Shocking, I know.

Chocolate Saltine Toffee

Stack of Chocolate Saltine Toffee

Caramel and Chocolate Gooey Bars (GF with Vegan adaptation)

Caramel and Chocolate Gooey Bars

Do you like caramelized bananas?

Served over pancakes, waffles, toast, on top of yogurt, cereal, oatmeal, as a side next to eggs and hash browns, as a brunch menu item, or poured over ice cream, warm bananas that have been cooked and caramelized are such a decadent treat.

Although I wouldn’t call them health food, they’re still a fruit, so that’s nice and they’re probably healthier than eating cookies.

What was the best part of your weekend, food or otherwise?

Winner of the $50 Visa Gift Card and Peanut Butter Giveaway announced Monday


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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. I don’t think I have had caramelized bananas! That is a problem that needs fixing very soon!

  2. I’ve never made caramelized bananas like this before! In the past, it’s just been vanilla, sugar, bananas, butter and some other spices (to taste). How does the taste compare?

    1. Well I don’t know how yours taste so I can’t compare…but I used butter, sugar, vanilla…same as what you describe. They’re fabulous.

  3. These sound amazing, I pretty much like any banana recipe!

    This weekend flew by too fast, the best was seeing a movie and eating out I guess. :-)

  4. oh my goodness, it’s before bedtime and you are making me crave sweets! ;P
    I love fried bananas.. not something I would have everyday, obviously, but it’s a good treat with some cinnamon.. :)

  5. I do love bananas, but would you believe I have never had caramelized bananas? Those look outstanding. Actually, pancakes are on the menu for the boys breakfast tomorrow morning before school….guess what will be on top? ;-)

    The best part of my weekend was going to a movie with my hubby. We haven’t had a night (afternoon) out in a while and it was nice to just be together for a couple hours. Hope your weekend was good, Averie!

      1. I do make pancakes! :-) Sometimes waffles, biscuits and gravy, eggs and toast: you name it! Two teenage boys need lots of food and it makes me happy to cook for them. Dad gets home from Crossfit and gets his meal as well! Just finished making the pancakes and the caramelized bananas, Averie! They are gonna love it! :-)

      2. I do make pancakes! :-) Sometimes waffles, biscuits and gravy, eggs and toast: you name it! Two teenage boys need lots of food and it makes me happy to cook for them. Dad gets home from Crossfit just as they are finishing their breakfast and gets his meal as well! Just finished making the pancakes and the caramelized bananas, Averie! They are gonna love it! :-)

      3. No biggie and glad they’re all getting caramelized bananas with their breakfast today!

  6. I’ve had grilled bananas, which get sort of caramelized, but never cooked them on the stovetop. I pinned a recipe for banana ketchup a while ago. This kind of sounds similar. Its a sweet “ketchup”

    I wonder if you could make banana jam? I’ve never seen a recipe for it….Googling it now.

    1. Grilled bananas are great but I dont have a grill! And banana ketchup?! OMG that sounds good and intriguing and right up my alley!

  7. Yum, gonna try these with some coconut milk creamer I got on sale this weekend. Exciting, btw, to see the continued evolution of your site. I’m happy for you :-)

  8. Best part of my weekend was a whole two days away from computer or any media, just time with family and food. I needed some time away from all the devices, just to breathe, think, listen to the sounds of spring… Oh, and my trip to an antique show/flea market…

  9. Love this GOOEY post theme! Gooey, mushy desserts are on the top of my list. The caramelized bananas look divinely delish and would look awsome wrapped in a crepe too! xoxo

  10. bananas foster has always been my favorite dessert — nothing beats caramelized anything!

  11. I feel silly saying this since I just said on your last blog that I’ve never tried it, but I’ve never had caramelized bananas either! I have had grilled bananas, just bananas heated on the stove. And they get all sugary, crispy and delicious.