First Post from San Diego! We Made It & New House Pictures, To-Do Lists, Latest Scores & Finds


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Hi Friends!  We made it!  We’re in San Diego and I’m blogging with Scott’s wireless card until the cable company can get out here and properly hook up our internet.  They’ve already been here, but the internet is not “plug and go” and is not working.  But when does technology ever work on the first or even fourth try?

I’ve been up for 40 of the last 48 hours.  I slept about 4 hours each night, and in the past two days, I loaded my house into a truck in Phoenix…

Packed moving boxes stacked on top of one another

Back of empty moving truck

This is the Biggest U-Haul They Make: 24 Feet.  Plus we had a car trailered behind it.  Scott’s about ready to apply for his Class C license…haha!

Side of moving truck
Inside bed of moving truck

After I could see that the moving crew had 80% of the truck loaded I left.  And remember, the first moving company called me at 8am after they were supposed to be to my house at 7:30am to tell me they were broken down along side the road and couldn’t make it.  On my move day.  But I sprang into action and had the second moving company to my house just shy of 2 hours later.  Just a two hour setback, but it worked out.  Chaos much?

I Drove across the Desert.  It was hot.

Road sign that says San Diego 196 Miles
Dessert landscape with power lines
It pretty much looks like this.  For hundreds of mind-numbing miles.

I was literally burning rubber.  Thanks to those of you who told me you don’t speed from my last post.  Clearly, I do

Car showing 112 degree F temperature outside
It was 112F for most of the first half of the trip.  Even with two princess potty stops, we were cookin’.  Made it in 5 hours.


We had 2 Border Control Checkpoint Stops
Sign for Boarder Control Check Point
I just flashed the blond hair, blue-green eyes, big smile, and didn’t even have to roll down the window and let all that hot air in.
Woman with sun glasses on smiling
My traveling companion was awake for the first 4 hours and 40 minutes of the 5 hour trip.
Close up of young girl buckled into car seatYoung girl in car seat smiling
As all parents know that kids have a knack for doing, she feel asleep right as we were coming into San Diego
Young girl in car seat sleeping
Slept for 20 minutes.  Just long enough to think she didn’t need a nap later.  Oh the joy.
Holy Temperature Drop!  Down 42 degrees from 112F to 70F in a couple hundred miles!
Car saying 72 degrees F outside
That was yesterday: scrambling, loading, & driving

This is what I’ve been doing today: Unpacking!
As the moving crew on this end was unloading the truck, I’ve been unpacking.  As I mentioned, and many of you concurred, I cannot rest easy until I am unpacked.  Seriously, this is why I don’t sleep.  I would rather unpack than sleepOr blog than sleep.  Nice priority system, I know, but it works out for me…haha!
Unpacking with cabinet full of food items
 Gotta get everything from the flax and hemp seeds to the coconut flour and coconut oil stowed.
And My Cookbook Collection was put neatly in place
Shelves with books and containers
And my Lover made it, safe and sound
Shelf with blender on it
As did a few of my Favorite Appliances
Espresso machine and Dehydrator on countertop
You better believe I didn’t “lose track” of my coffee maker
No Boxes in Sight.  Ahhhh
Living room set up with furniture and fireplace
The View from my Kitchen looking over my living room
View from kitchen into dining and living room
 And the Reverse View looking back into the kitchen.   No Boxes!  Everything put in place.  I am anal, it’s okay.
View from living room into dining room and kitchen
View From the Living Room Window.  Cannot tell the scale or height of this but it’s pretty high up.  And I love it!  Reminds me of my younger days living in high rises in Chicago.  Except the weather’s way better here!
View out living room window of houses, trees and cars
If you missed my House “Tour” Photos
Outside of new house in San Diego 
Click Here to Check those out as I haven’t the bandwidth to upload anymore.  Either mental bandwidth or computer bandwidth.
Emotionally/Mentally/Spiritually, I am so at peace.  Truth be told, I’ve drank very little coffee, I’ve slept very little, but I am not even that tired.  I am fueled by my happiness to be back here!  It’s everything I’ve been waiting for, everything I mentally was hoping for, and am so grateful that our 9 month stint in Phoenix is behind us.   
As I mentioned, there were realizations and revelations that came from our time in Phoenix, and I do not consider that to be a “waste”.  In fact, I learned a great deal about myself and what’s important.  But enough “learning” and “realizing”…now I just want to finish maybe the 10% or so left to unpack, and hit the beach! 
No, not really, it’s a little chilly here.  High 60s/low 70s, not really beach weather, but it’s Bed, Bath, & Beyond weather!  I didn’t realize that there were no window treatments on any of the huge, and very urban locale, glass windows.   Gotta get to BB & B tomorrow.  Because although I mentioned in the Quiz I wasn’t wearing underwear, I don’t really like to do the Living In a Glass House thing!
Yoga Today:  Stayed calm in the midst of chaos.  Even us Type A’s can do it.  You just have to allow yourself to relax and stay calm.  Talk to yourself with kind words, tell yourself to take a breath, and think good thoughts.  And remember, “this too shall pass” when the going gets real tough!
The Gym and Workouts:  Need to join the 24 Hour Fitness here.  It’s not upscale, and in fact, I’d call it ummm a bit skeevyIt’s an urban gym for $25 bucks a month, need I say more.  But they have childcare.  Apparently gyms in the city don’t think people have children because few have childcare so my options are limited In fact, that is my singular option.  
Dessert is a Shoutout to my Two Friends who have both been rockin’ the Rum Desserts:  Evan & Jessica
Here was my ode to high Raw, Vegan Rum Dessert Goodness a few months back:
No Bake Vegan Rum Cake Balls
No Bake Vegan Rum Cake Balls – Including my Caribbean Rum Cake (Getting Tipsy from Cake) Story in the Post
Close up of No Bake Vegan Rum Cake Balls
1.  My To Do List Tomorrow includes:  Target run since I purposely ran out of all my products before I left.  Bed, Bath, and Beyond.  Waiting around for the Cable Guy, and there’s also a laundry list of honey-do’s I need to have taken care of from broken garage door to hot water heater issues.   I’ll spare you.  
Do you like to have a big to-do list or do you like to have your days wide open?  Or a mixture or depends on the day/your mood?
I generally have about 987987 things I like to accomplish daily.   Most days I succeed at getting most of them done, but there’s this thing called Life.  And Kids.  And they come first.  Ahead of “to-do lists”.
2. Can you sleep in the car or on planes?  
Me = As a kid and as an adult, yes.  As an adult, I have to tell myself it’s ok to “check out” if I am the passenger in the car but on airplanes, I swear, I just sit down, buckle my seatbelt, and am out.  I think the jet fumes get me high or something and I konk out!
3. Fave store for home furnshings?
Target, Linens ‘n Things, Bed Bath & Beyond, TJ Maxx, Marshall’s, Homegoods, others….I am all ears.  New house = gotta burn up that Amex, just a little.

4. What’s the last thing you’ve purchased that you are in love with?  Food, clothes, household item?  What is it?

Woman in sunglasses smiling in car

Me = a $5 pair of sunglasses at a junky store in Phoenix using a store credit I had to use up before I moved, so they really didn’t even “cost” me anything and they fit great, the lenses are clear.  Major $5 score.   What’s your latest score?

5. Alcohol in desserts?  Yay or nay?
Me = Yay!   Usually it’s such a ridiculously small amount amount of alcohol, i.e. 1/4 c to the entire amount of batter which could be like 6 cups or more.  It’s more for flavor factor than buzz factor.  But I’ll take either…haha!

6. Thanks to Everyone who wished me well on my move, who congratulated me on my Fitness Show Awards (making that the most popular post ever!) and it was super fun reading everyone’s answers who took the Quiz I posted.  I learned so much about you guys!  I loved it!   Feel free to still Take the Quiz if you haven’t and post your answers.
Stay Tuned for A Post About Chocolate, Random household pictures and going’s on, and major thanks for understanding it’s kinda tricky for me to comment on blogs for the next half a week or so.  Be patient and I will be making my rounds, soon..promise.  But I couldn’t not post and let you all know we’re here!   And so happy about it!

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