Fitness Show Spray Tanning & Final Progress Pictures, Skylar’s Heels, Flavors & Scents, Censorship and Do You Do It?


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Hi Friends!  Well tomorrow is my big day:  My Fitness Competition!!!!  I am so excited!  It feels like it’s been a long time in the making, but really, it’s only been just over two months that I’ve been training and posting about it.  I just want to get on with it already!   I have to be downtown Phoenix with makeup on and ready to go at 8am.  Only to sit around and wait for half the day til I am called.  And who knows when that will be.  However, I will be getting up about 5am tomorrow because I don’t want to stress and rush with getting ready, driving, parking, and all the random unknowns.  I have to take a polygraph and a urine test to make sure I have not ever used any “banned substances” in the natural bodybuilding world.  Honestly, I don’t even know what’s banned or not.  Clearly, not on my radar screen.  As long as raw broccoli isn’t a controlled substance, I think I will be safe.

Last night my spray tan lady came over and tanned me and this morning she came over and sprayed me, again.   

Here’s what I look like now.  And in fact in the 6 hours that have elapsed since this picture, I’m even a little darker since the tanning potions have gone to work on my skin.

Woman showing off spray tan in mirror

Note the flat-ironed hair.  Hair had to be done today because no water can touch me now til after the show.  Stink much?  Yes!

Well this is the physique I have been lifting and training for.  Hope it’s good enough to win not come in last place.  Thanks to everyone who chimed in from yesterday about if you’re competitive or not.

Woman taking photo of self with fresh spray tan
I updated my Progress Pictures TabClick Here for More Photos

Regarding the tanning, many competitors need three or more coats, but since I am already a bit tan, plus in my categories (Bikini and Sports Model) we don’t need to be as dark as the other categories (Figure or Fitness) so two coats is what I did.  And will get touched up by the on-site tanning vendor at the show as needed. 

Look at Skylar’s skin tone vs. mine
Woman and child in bathroom taking photos in mirrorWoman taking photo of spray tan while child looks on

The only major drawback is that I cannot shower now until after the show.   Yes, that’s right from Friday morning until very late Saturday night, in the 112F Phoenix weather, there is no showering.  And this tanning stuff stinks.  And rubs off on everything.  I have old sheets on my bed and am wearing old clothes which takes care of the rubbing-off situation, but not the stink situation.  Remember when I posted about shower and frequency, well, suffice to say not being able to shower is torture!

Remember my sock tan from yesterday?

Foot showing where sock was worn where it is not spray tanned
 Sock tan much?
Back of legs showing heels not spray tanned

It’s now Gone!

Foot showing fresh spray tanTwo feet showing fresh spray tan
 Ahh, the wonders of toxic chemicals and what they can do for your skin.

Skylar’s grandma sent her these high heeled shoes.  She loves them.  

Young girl wearing pink high heels holding purse
Side of young girl in high heels smilingFeet in child high heels showing the pink strapy color
And she has been practicing her “stage walk” with me while I practice mine.   
Young girl showing off high heels holding purse
Close up of one foot in high heels


Complete with Pink Handbag.  A lady never leaves the house without her pink purse, I mean, c’mon.
Young girl in high heels holding purse and pink handbag
Young girl walking around in heels with purse and handbag

And her pink wallet that stands in as her “cell phone”

Young girl using handbag as a cell phone

She has loved every second of my competition prep from going and buying swimsuits with me to high heels to stage walking.  When I was a little girl, I idolized Miss America and would have loved to watch my mom do something like a Fitness Show.  Some people may have some, ahem, opinions on the matter, but we’ve been having so much fun and laughing so much together.  Skylar has the perfect wave and curtsy down pat.  And no, I am not going to turn her into a pageant child or become a “stage mother”.  I am having too much fun doing it myself!  haha!

From yesterday…
Glad you liked my Manicure & Pedicure and it seems like most of you aren’t nail salon addicts or anything these days.  I used to be.   

Hand showing fresh manicure

And the Bugs on Produce.  I am so proud that you’re not totally creeped out by that!  I used to be until I realized that bugs = no pesticides = a good thing.

Bug on piece of lettuce

Re-usable bottles.  Thank you for your recommendations and what kitsch-ey and semi-random drink bottles or mugs you guzzle from.  Katie gave me one she likes (here) and Evan has a random Days of Our Lives mug and Julie Lynn likes her Klean Kanteens like I do and Naomi sports some Halloween mugs year round.  I love hearing what everyone drinks from It’s one of those random get-to-know-someone factoids which I enjoy. 

Pink Klean Kanteen Re-Useable Bottle

And I am glad thought I looked cute in the tshirt I received.   

Woman showing off blue t-shirt in mirror

And also glad to hear no one likes the skin tight look on themselves.  Me either!  But why do I see women encased in their tshirts?  Like sausages in a casing.  Like it would take a putty knife to pry that sucker off.  I hate that look.  It’s so tacky so why does anyone do it?  Exception: Going out dancing, drinking, or going on the prowl.  Tight shirts more than allowed then…haha!

Dessert that would taste so good because it’s 112F here: 

Tamper showing consistency of Vegan Chocolate Chocolate-Chip Coffee Softserve
Vegan Chocolate Chocolate-Chip Coffee Softserve Sundae in bowl
Close up of Vegan Chocolate Chocolate-Chip Coffee Softserve Sundae in bowl

Yoga Today is courtesy of Aimee’s Cat:  No One Does Downward Dog Better than a Cat!  haha!

foucault yoga.jpg  

Gym & Weights Workout Today: my Fitness Show!!!!

And I updated my Progress Pictures TabClick Here for More Photos

Tip of the Day: My Vega Smoothie to Go Give Away for 2 Winners!

Click Here to Enter!
Don’t delay, this contest ends on Monday 6-7-10.  So get a move on and enter.

1. Have you ever been spray tanned or used self tanner?  Do you think the smell is awful?  
I have used Neutrogena Spray-On (aerosol can) Self Tanner and it works decently well for like 6.99 per can but it stinks and you only get about 2 full body uses per can.  The creams and self-tanner lotions I refuse to use because of Orange Palms Syndrome no matter how many times I wash my hands.  But this competition spray tan stuff, it takes the cake for stink factor!

2.  I mentioned in This Post how I love Vanilla anything Candles, lotions, extract, vanilla beans, scents for the home, you name it, I love it.  

Hand holding bottle of Pure Vanilla Extract
 Vegan Vanilla Softserve with Chocolate Sprinkles in blender

Do you like vanilla flavoring?  Are there artificial flavorings/scents you don’t like but like the real thing?

Cinnamon scents or apple-cinnamon scented candles are okay for about 10 minutes and then I begin to dislike them.
Banana-flavored anything from gum to lotions to candles disgust me and I do like (not love like Madeline does) actual bananas.
Lemon & Lime flavored or scented things are a case by case basis.  Some are okay whereas others like lime-scented body wash can be nasty.  
Most fragrances termed Ocean or Rain also have something in them that has no resemblance to how the ocean or rain smells.  What are they thinking?

What scents do you like?  Or just nothing?  My dad is like that.  He likes nothing.

3. What are you doing this weekend?  Tell me all about it!
Me = My Show on Saturday, Packing on Sunday.  We move Tuesday!  Please forgive me if I am MIA on blog commenting the next few days.  I’m reading, but not always clicking through to leave a comment.  

And also, when I get to San Diego, I plan to post whatever I want and blog exactly how I want.  I have already mostly been doing that but sometimes I feel pressure to include or not include certain things and am going to be even “freer” and “more real” than I already am, and not succumb to any should’s or ought to’s.

4. For the Bloggers, do you Blog 100% from the Heart?  Do you blog about things you think you “should” or include/not include certain things or censor yourself?
I really think everyone censors themselves to some extent on public venues such as blogs, which are also a permanent cyber record.  Someone can always find it even if you think you deleted it.  I try to do very little holding back, but am not wide open on every single detail of lifeHow about you?  This is also easier to not really factor in if you have a true “recipe blog” but I do not.  I have a Life blog, which happens to include recipes.

Stay Tuned For Competition Photos and a Recap.  I am so excited and just want to do it already!!!!!  My competitive nature wants to place high (and win!) but I have had so much fun in the process!   

Have an Awesome, Safe, and Great Weekend Everyone!!!!!!!

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.


  1. I appreciate your website so much! i’ve been a vegan a month now and have been having trouble finding truely active vegans! I want to be toned not just skin and bones!! Thank you so much for all of your recipes and tips! You’re very beautiful (: I’m 17 but i would love to look like you any day!!