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I hadn’t had any Mary’s Crackers in ages but in doing some cupboard re-organization, I found a buried box of M.C.

Box of Marys Gone Crakers

They are so good.

Hand Full of Crackers
But I think they are almost too fiber-rific for me.

Hand holding one cracker

Flax seeds =  Little fiber bombs

Hand holding cracker showing flax seedFlax seeds and fiber are great and all. Just not when you eat a half of a box of Mary’s in a sitting.

For some reason though, my homemade Mary’s Crackers don’t seem to give me any issues.

Piled Homemade Mary's Crackers
You can tweak the spices and flavors to be more sweet (cinnamon, ginger, stevia, etc.) or more savory/spicy (garlic, onion, cumin, chili powder, cayenne, etc.)
Hand holding one homemade CrackerThey have flax in them, too.  Who knows.  I guess I need to make my own recipe and not buy any more Mary’s, huh.

I also have these No Bake Vegan Flaxseed & Maple Cookies

Close up of one No Bake Vegan Flaxseed & Maple Cookie3 ingredients in them.  Maple syrup drizzle & raisins optional. Easily portable if you skip the maple drizzle.


Sometimes I add flax seeds to my Vegan GF Granola

Close up of Vegan Gluten Free Granola

I usually add flax seeds to my No Bake Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Protein Bars

Overhead of one No Bake Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Protein Bar

There are flax seeds in my Vegan GF Pancakes

Vegan Pancakes with syrup, butter and blueberries


So there you have it, lots of flaxing going on in my recipes.

From my last post, I am so glad you like the looks of the No Bake Nutter Butter Special K Bars.

Plate of stacked No Bake Nutter Butter Special K Bars

And it sounds like there are lots of PB fans in the house, too.  Surprise, surprise.  Blog readers love our nut butters.

Thanks for also giving me suggestions on what kinds of desserts you’d like to see me make nextDirection can be a beautiful thing.

Snack/Dessert Idea: 1 Minute Apple Crumble (Vegan, GF, microwave-friendly)

1 Minute Apple Crumble on apple slices
Close up of 1 Minute Apple CrumbleSprinkle some flax on top for extra fiber and healthy fat if you’re so inclined.


1. Best thing you’ve done or eaten this weekend?

Best thing I ate were the No Bake Nutter Butter Special K Bars.

Best thing I did was spend time with Skylar and do a little window shopping in my neighborhood.

2. Here’s some Flax Seed info (paraphrased from here):

Flax seed is high in most of the B vitamins, magnesium, and manganese

Flax Seed is Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids which reduces inflammation

Most of the oil in flax seeds is alpha linolenic acid (ALA)

Flax Seed is High in Fiber: You’d be hard-pressed to find a food higher in fiber — both soluble and insoluble — than flax.  This fiber is probably mainly responsible for the cholesterol-lowering effects of flax. Fiber in the diet also helps stabilize blood sugar, and, of course, promotes proper functioning of the intestines.

Flax seed is high in phytochemicals, including many antioxidants.  It is perhaps our best source of lignans, which convert in our intestines to substances that tend to balance female hormones. There is evidence that lignans may promote fertility, reduce peri-menopausal symptoms, and possibly help prevent breast cancer. In addition, lignans may help prevent Type 2 diabetes.


Big fiber load

Trace Cyanide.  Like many other foods (cashews, some beans, and others), flax contains very small amounts of cyanide compounds, especially when consumed raw. Heat, especially on dry flax seeds, breaks these compounds down.

Contains phytoestrogens

Oxidation/Rancidity: The oil in flax is highly unsaturated. This means that it is very prone to oxidation (rancidity) unless it is stored correctly. The very best way is nature’s own storage system –- within the seed. Flax seeds not exposed to large amounts of heat stay safe to eat for at least a year.  However, flax meal, and especially flax oil, are a different story. The meal, stored away from heat and light, will keep fresh for a few months, and the oil must be protected by refrigeration in dark containers, preferably being consumed within a few weeks of opening.

I’ve read many times in the past that:

flax seeds should be ground (preferably) right before ingesting them.  A cheapie coffee grinder can do the trick. Or you do run the risk of pre-ground flax meal going rancid, despite what some sources say.

And that flax seeds to need to be ground for us to derive benefit from them because unground flax just passes through us, whole.  If you know what I mean.

And flax oil needs to be stored in the fridge.

Do you have any flax info?

3. Do you eat flax seeds?  Flax oil?  Favorite recipes or ways to incorporate them into your diet?

I showed you some of mine.  And you could also add a tablespoon or two to any of my muffins or microwave oat cake recipes

P.S. If you’re just catching up on Weekend Posts, here are mine since Friday:

Have a great week!

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.


  1. I’m a big fan of flax, and like to spread the word that they must be ground to get the benefits—Mary’s seems to leave them whole. Maybe that’s the digestion issue?

    Another flax fact: They are high in lignans, which is known to be helpful to women who are experiencing menopause symptoms. 2 Tbsp a day is known to help tone down hot flashes, etc.

    Not that I think you need that info, but it’s an easy way people can get some relief without drugs!

  2. i bought mary’s crackers once, to try, and they were really good – but for the price of them $6.99 a box!, they are an indulgence! homemade crackers – much more of a deal, and i like your suggestions for customizing them, flavour-wise!
    i always dump 1 T of flax seeds in my salad beasts.i like the flavour and the nutritionals. i figure 1-2T a day is a healthy addition to my diet, without going overboard!
    happy monday, averie!

  3. i think YOUR flax seed crackers look much tastier! sometimes i stir ground flax into my oats!!

  4. I like flax seeds a lot. I mostly use them as ‘flax eggs’ in baking, or just mixed into my oats or fruit salads or (soy) yoghurt. I bought a small bag of ground seeds a while ago and keep them in a dark, dry, cool place. They seem to be perfectly fine.

  5. I used to use flax in everything. And then I ran out and haven’t thought to buy any more in about 6 months. I really love the taste in banana bread for some reason.

    How perfect that you post that recipe – I have all the ingredients (besides flax of course) and need a new dehydrator fun recipe. Maybe I’ll have to get some flax tomorrow at the store. Or maybe I can think of something to sub for them….ground oats, maybe? I’m on project clean out the cupboards before moving. :)

    1. if you dont have flax but have other seeds, they will work too….everything of mine is very loosely interpreted & easily adapted, ykwim?

  6. I had know idea that ground flax seed could go bad. I’ve had some in my cupboard for over a year…just found it last week and have used it several times! Yikes…have to ground some fresh tomorrow.

    PS Averie, what do you drink besides water and smoothies? I’m trying to cut out Diet Coke, but I’m getting bored with just water and smoothies…Help!

    1. water, coffee, kefir, kombucha but 95% of my intake is water. i just need it and want it plain, no flavors or fizz. I guess it’s just a habit ive always had.

  7. I LOVE flax seed and I sprinkle them in and on almost everything I eat!!! Your microwave treats never fail to impress me :-)

  8. I really need to try some of your homemade Mary’s crackers. They look soo good. =)

    I love flax seeds. I always grind my own right before I use them because I do find that they go through you whole if you don’t chew them well. I like to put them in my oats with chia seeds… and tons of cinnamon and nutmeg! They make the world go round. I also like to use flax eggs in baking.

    Also phytoestrogens are good for you! They don’t act like animal-based estrogen because they’re plant based, and they help regulate your hormones, prevent breast and prostate cancer, prevent osteoporosis, and reduce your risk of heart disease. They’re even found in broccoli and strawberries. Nothing to worry about.
    I think I read somewhere that plants contain small amounts of toxins, like cyanide (which is also in apple seeds if I’m not mistaken), for self-preservation, so they aren’t consumed to extinction. Smart plants, eh?

    I don’t usually use flax oil. I’m not really a huge fan of oil in general, actually, because of a video I saw with Jeff Novick, but when I do use oil, I use EVOO or raw coconut oil. I’ve also heard that you’re not supposed to heat flax oil.

    1. plants ARE smart! and yes, the CN- is to keep away pests and such…a natural pesticide, so to speak (from memory from things ive read)

      and phytoestrogens, i just give the info b/c some ppl for their health/situation they need to be aware of that

      and oil…not into either other than evoo or coconut. same as you.

  9. I love flax seeds! They can be so versatile :)
    The best thing I ate this weekend was a squash risotto at this new restaurant. BEST thing I have hands down! :)

  10. Thanks for the reminder that a) I have a box of Mary’s in my pantry and b) flax seeds are amazing. I’ll be making those raw flax cookies tomorrow!

  11. The no bake bars look GOOD. I gave up chocolate for lent and want some so bad, lol. But I’ms ticking to it in the name of larger sacrifices.

    The one minute apple crumble looks really good too.

    Best things this weekend: squeezed in a 90 minute yoga class yesterday and 6 mile run today; got a lot of schoolwork done yesterday but hardly any today, unfortunately; spending time with USB last night and today, especially snuggling!

  12. I loooove flax. I just love the way it tastes! I like putting it in pumpkin to improve the texture.

    Best thing I ate this weekend was this new Dal Mix snack mix stuff I bought from Whole Foods. Best thing I did was go see Sucker Punch with some new friends!

  13. I went through a phase where I put flax seeds in EVERYTHING I ate. I’m really not kidding. cereal, soups, salads, sandwiches, pasta, casseroles, stir-fries, cookies, all of it. I used to get bad menstrual cramps and since I didn’t want to take Advil twice a day for a week every month, I looked for natural options. It worked for me!

  14. The cracker recipe looks great! I bookmarked it and can’t wait to make it. I had a smoothie with ground flaxseed this morning and also threw some into donuts I made earlier.

  15. Hmm…I might need to do a double take on the flax—been eating A LOT lately, and it’s probably a little old (even though I store my ground up flax in the freezer and oil in the fridge). Cyanide—kind of scary! I guess that’s why you’re really supposed to soak then dehydrate most nuts, like cashews? (I’ve been eating lots of raw cashes too! Eep!) Learning lots of new stuff here….

    The best thing I did this weekend was go to Hot Yoga. Mmmm…felt soooo good, even for this newbie.

    Best thing I ate was your kale chip recipe. Even my husband and two year old gobbled them up! Definitely a re-do!