My Exercise Path in Aruba – Lots of Island Pictures


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Hi Friends!  I hope your day is off to a great start!   I have some fun island pictures to share with you.  They are pictures from my 3 mile walking path (or slow jog) as taken from my front door and continue along my path.  I figure you may like to see photos along my route.  Madeline did this once when she was back home and I loved seeing what her real route was like.

First on my path, neighborhood cats.  There are lots.  And lots of stray dogs.  The animals are very friendly.  But the locals don’t “get their pets spayed or neutered” like Bob Barker told us to do.

Stray cat on steps

About 1/2 mile from my house, I pass the Hard Rock

Hard Rock Cafe guitar sign

Sidewalk in front of the Hard Rock 

Sidewalk in front of the Hard Rock Cafe

And in front of Senor Frogs where we went for Sex on the Beach

Sidewalk in front of Señor Frogs


Flowering bush

Then I pass the Radisson and Westin.   More photos of the Radisson and Beach Shots, Here 

Pathway in front of the Radisson and Westin Hotels

The cactus grow big here!  It’s a desert.  You’d never know it from all the rain and flooding the past few months, but the island is known to be a desert. 

Large cactus with rocks in front of it

Asked a passerby to take my picture.  Trying not to look hot.  A mere 85 and humid and pushing the heavy jogging stroller works up a sweat.  

Woman in workout gear sitting on rock


Close up of woman in workout gear on rock smiling

This “peanut” is probably 40 or 45 pounds and the stroller is another 30 or so.  Nothing like pushing 75 pounds.  On sand or rocky roads.

Young girl in stroller leaning over and smiling

Then we pass The Butterfly FarmNo, we’ve never been, but it sounds cool.  One day we’ll go.

Sign for The Butterfly Farm


Greenery inside the Butterfly Farm
 Butterfly Farm Buildings
One building inside the Butterfly farm from the outside

And this is my turnaround point.

Beach with ocean and rocks going out into water


Empty beach


Beach with some jet skis pulled up on land


Beach overlooking into water


Waves coming up onto beach with rocks going out into ocean


Rocks going from beach out into ocean

Skylar likes to get out and stretch her legs at the turnaround point

Young girl walking in sand up to rocks on beach


Young girl sitting on rocks on beach

“It’s so bright, Mommy.”  Yes, when nearly looking into the sun at pretty much the equator, it’s pretty bright.

Young girl on rock shielding eyes from sun and reaching out

All are self-portraits to follow because this stretch of beach is always empty and no one to take pictures of us…

Young girl and woman on beach taking photo together smiling


Woman on beach smiling in front of rocks


Woman on beach smiling in front of water


Woman taking photo of self with young girl in background


Looking over pile of rocks into ocean

Most of the “tourist” beaches are white sand and then the farther you get away from the high rise hotels, there are some shells and rocks on the beaches.

And on the northern side of the island, there really are no beaches per se, just cliffs that drop off into the ocean.  We used to take ATV (4-wheelers) and scale the side of the cliffs, but that’s not an activity one does with a small child!

Lots of seashells on beach


Close up of seashells on beach

I almost got wet shoes to get this shot but I thought the green moss looked cool enough to brave the tide.  And my feet stayed dry, but barely.

Side or rocks with moss with water hitting them

These next 3 pictures are taken from the road, overlooking a little tidepool with sand, and then a gentle sloping downward through the clearing toward the ocean.  The perspective is a little hard to gauge in pictures, but in person, super beautiful.

Pathway to beach filled with water


Pathway to beach surrounded by trees with water on pathway


On side of pathway to beach on grass

And then we continue home.  It’s about 3 miles, it takes about 45 minutes or an hour to complete if I am walking and pushing the stroller.  Not breaking any speed barriers.  And with leg-stretches at turnaround points and shell and moss observation for Skylar, that adds time, too.  I try to remember that life if about the journey; not just hurrying up and getting to the destination.

If I am running or alone and using it to get a workout in it’s more like 20 minutes and then I’ll go home for 20 minutes of lifting/strength work, i.e. water jug lifting, in conjunction with a few yoga moves.  My workouts depend on the day, my energy levels, and what my mind, body, and spirit is asking for. 

Moving On…
From my massive sugarbomb of a post yesterday that included some, ahem at least 20, of the friends’ dessert recipes I want to make, I’m glad I got you drooling!

Cookies with frosting and pecans


Cookies drizzled in chocolate
Raw Vegan Oreo Cake on white plate
Aimee’s Raw Vegan Oreo Cake from yesterday’s post was the most commented on item

Check the dessert recipes post out if you missed it because there are some very talented ladies in the ‘sphere and I want you to go check out their goodies!

Everyone said it was fun to see all those desserts.  Most of you said you have bigger eyes than stomachs and see more things that you want to make than things you actually make, but it’s always fun to look.  Window-shopping for recipes, that’s the great thing about blogs!



And, if you missed my 12 Days & Recipes of Christmas post, that one was full of sugar too….  haha!

Close up of cookie dough balls

Hand holding one Avalanche Bar
Close up of Creme de Menthe Bars

Tips of the Day:
1. Did you see Who Won the Sarris Candies Chocolate Give Away?

Open box of Sarris Candies


Wrapped boxes of Sarris Candies


Click Here to See Who Won!

2. My $50 iHerb Give Away!


Money signs


Click Here to Enter

1. Best thing you’ve done or ate so far this weekend?
Getting almost 8 hours of sleep last night was glorious for me!  

2. Weekend plans?  What’s going on in your world for the holidays this weekend?  Parties, shopping, buying gifts, cooking?  What are you up to?
I plan to hopefully be at the beach, with my family, zoning out on my chaise lounge, reading, and keeping life in first gear!

3. Do the island pictures make the island look like you imagined it would?  Yes, no, sort of?  Any questions about the island that I could try to address in a future post?

Have a great weekend, everyone.  Stay warm, and don’t stress about the holidays!

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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