New Camera Lens Arrived


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Remember when I said I ordered a New Camera Lens?

It arrived today!  The Canon EF 50 mm f/1.8 II  Standard & Medium Telephoto

Canon EF 50 mm f/1.8 II  Standard & Medium Telephoto lens in box


Close up of box saying Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II


Open box with lens wrapped in plastic

I also ordered a UV Filter for it

Hoya UV Filter


Hand holding UV filter over lens


Camera Lens with UV filter


Lens laying on side


Side view of camera lens

The above pictures were all taken with the lens that came with my camera.  

The pictures that follow below were all taken with the new lens, the 50 mm 1.8

Empty box of camera lens

Frame of reference.  That’s my left pinky and I am leaning as far back as I can with the camera in my right hand to get the shot. 

I am standing much farther back than I’ve had to with the 18-55 mm lens that I had been using. And standing tons farther back than with my point and shoot.  Tons.  Feet, not inches, type thing.

Hand holding empty box for camera lens


This shot is take from probably 4 feet away?  A good ways away.
Box photo taken with new lens

I went to TJ’s and picked up a few things and raced home to photography them.  Budding photography dork, I know.

Variety of Trader Joes food on countertop

In Janetha’s honor, I got some 21 Seasoning Salute.  She raves about this stuff and it’s salt free and garlic is way down on the ingredient list, which for me, is a very good thing.

Two bottles of Trader Joes Spices
Trying to get them both in focus with the jar staggered by inch was not happening

Trying to get them both in focus with the jars side by side was better.  But the focus is not perfectly crisp.  I was shooting on P setting.  Which is a manual setting on my camera, but still uses auto-focusing.   So it’s not fully manual which I think I need to try that.   Or stand back even more?

Jars of 21 Seasoning Salute and Ground Cumin


Close up of jars of spices

But hell yeah.  I did get those little tiny chocolate chips in perfect focus.  That’s a sign, surely, that chocolate and I are meant to be.

Side view of stacked chocolate chip bags
 Need any Chocolate Recipes?  I have an entire post of Chocolate Recipes

From my post earlier today about Soup on Crackers and deconstructed foods or interesting combos of foods you enjoy, thanks for chiming in with your slightly wacky combos

Honestly, reading food blogs is an exercise in whacky combos I think.  I mean, really, the things we bloggers do from putting Nutritional Yeast (Nooch) in things to chia seeds to green juices.  It’s a little “wacky” for the average person who doesn’t read blogs, but it’s our normal.   That’s why I love this community!  

And I’m glad you all got a laugh from our pictures being all bundled up in winter coats and Uggs, for 60F “winter” weather.  I grew up in MN and went to college there, and then lived in Chicago and so I know what -40F feels like.  Thankfully, I never plan to feel that again.   And now, high 50s or low 60s to me is winter. 

Dessert: Butterscotch Rice Krispy Treats with Vegan Chocolate Frosting
There was a reason that I needed to pick up a couple bags of TJs chocolate chips.  I have been hard at work making Vegan Chocolate Frosting  which topped a new dessert I made.  Recipe to follow later this week.

Butterscotch Rice Krispy Treats with Vegan Chocolate Frosting sliced on cutting board


Close up of side of Butterscotch Rice Krispy Treats with Vegan Chocolate Frosting


Close up of one Butterscotch Rice Krispy Treat with Vegan Chocolate Frosting

Tip: Did you see my Give Away for NuNaturals Stevia for 4 Winners?
Last Chance to Enter- Ends Tuesday morning 1/11/11 (omg Janetha must be going gaga over that number!)

NuNaturals - NuStevia White Stevia Powder - 50 Packet(s)
Click Here to Enter!

1. If you have a DSLR, what lenses do you have and love?   And for what shots?
I am finding that the new lens is probably going to do a great job with food closeups (once I get the focusing figured out a bit better).

And the lens that came with the camera is good for more general shots, outdoors, and shots that are farther back and don’t require getting as close.   It still gets close, though.  See This Post

Many people at camera stores or online when I was researching the camera said that it wasn’t a “great” lens.  But for a novice DSLR user like me, it has been fine and I will continue to use it.

This is my off the cuff assessment after playing around with it for a half hour, so obviously my thoughts can change! 

2. Do you have any wish list lenses?  If so, what are they?  And why?
I am trying to learn and soak up everything I can from you all so please, share away!  

I have a wish list, too.  Not all of it is lenses.  Some of it is cute dishes.

3. What are your favorite TJ’s products?  Or any grocery strore finds or products you’re loving lately?
Off the top of my head, just a few things I love is their coffee, salad mixes, 19 cent bananas, fresh veggies, canned beans, frozen mango, frozen artichokes, and Mango Ginger Chutney

Close up of jar of Mango Ginger Chutney

To make Mango Ginger Maple Tofu
If you don’t have that exact chutney, any type of apricot or peach preserves or jam will work.

Stacked Mango Ginger Maple Tofu in clear container
Close up of stacked Mango Ginger Maple Tofu

What are your fave grocery products?

See you in the morning with the Give Away for NuNaturals Stevia 4 Winners!

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. I don’t know if you figured it out yet or not but I figured I’d let you know ..the focusing on the 1.8 is fine. You have your aperture turned to close to the highest (1.8) for these photos. Meaning you were getting a very shallow depth of field. Turn your aperture to 3 or so& you’ll have much better luck getting both items in focus. Your kit lens is probably a 4.5 f/stop so you are used to shooting at a significantly lower aperture!

    PS I am super excited to try your recipes! Thank you, pinterest!

    1. Yes, this post was one year ago to the date (366 days, actually) and my camera skills and knowledge have grown by leaps and bounds. Currently shooting with a Canon 5D Mark II and a 24-70 mm f/2.8 is my workhorse. It’s all linked up in my photography tab.

      Thanks for saying hi!