NuNaturals Stevia GiveAway–6 Winners Announed


This post may contain affiliate links.

Thank you to everyone who tried to get in on the NuNaturals Stevia action and entered the contest! 

Winners, please email me promptly at with your full name and shipping info.

Here’s who got lucky:


lilveggiepatch said…
Ooh, I’ve never tried stevia before! I’ve heard about this brand and I would love to test it out.


Anne said…
You’re on my blogroll, too :)


Melissa said…
This is by far my favorite giveaway in the blogworld and I have yet to win…I should buy stock in the company…I love everything they make!!!!


Lauren said…
I love stevia! That’s why I would want to win! :) I use it more then once a day!


Diana said…
And I will take credit again for joining the followers box. :) Tired of me yet?


TheFitnessFreak said…
I’m anxious to try this to see if it’s really non-bitter:) Thanks for the chance Averie!!  Thanks for playin’ kids and thanks to NuNaturals for helping hook this phenomenally generous giveaway up for my readers!!!   Question for everyone: If you could have your perfect product giveaway, what product (within reason!) would you want to see featured on a giveaway/contest?  Based on the feedback I get, I’ll try to hook it up!  

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. I am so excited about that coconut creamer! I hate soy so a non-soy, non-dairy creamer is eye candy for me : ) I just may have to try that one come November.

    I buy all of my facial cleansers from
    I love the Avalon Organics Vitamin C line. My skin looks great now that I started using it. The whole line w/ cleanser, toner, moisturizer and face serum cost under $40!

  2. I discovered your blog yesterday, and I am already hooked. So many raw recipes require quirky ingredients that I rarely keep on hand. I appreciate how you keep it simple and accessible. Keep 'em coming!

    My facial (and body) cleanser of choice is plain ol' Dove bar soap for sensitive skin. I wash with scrubby gloves to exfoliate and stimulate circulation. I've had great results with organic oatmeal-based soaps as well, but unfortunately, they usually contain scented oils that make my nose tickle.

    To moisturize, I use straight up coconut oil. Yup, the same kind most people cook with. (I keep a separate container in the bathroom of course!) My sister regularly makes playfully bitter comments about my flawless skin, so I must be doing something right!

  3. OMGosh you sure can do some yoga over here girl! Your raw zucchini wraps look so yummy. I can't wait to read more here. :)

  4. I have tried for YEARS to find what works for my face and I haven't had any success yet. I tried tee tree one time and it felt like it was eating my face! I do better with Dove or just plain water. I use coconut oil to get eye make-up off.

    Man, that cookie looks SO good! I want to try some of your stuff, but haven't had much time to experiment lately. I have been having a breakfast cookie(with quinoa flakes) for the past few mornings:)

  5. I've just discovered your blog after reading your guest post at Jenny's, and thank goodness I did!

    I practice yoga too – although only since June, but I absolutely love it, and really feel the benefits from such a wonderful workout.

    Your cookies and oaties look divine!

    Take care,

  6. This post makes me realize that I need to eat more cauliflower! I can't even remember the last time I had it. Oops!

    I don't use a vegan/organic facewash, I use Dermalogic because I am really prone to breakouts. I am slowly converting over to organic beauty products though, so I will check out Burt Bee's like everyone is suggesting :)

  7. Oh GEEZ! Everything sounds so darn good!!! Yum Yum Yum!!!

    I'm a fan of 100% Pure for facial products ( Not too pricey, all natural, and good stuff. I've been using their Lavender Seafoam cleanser (among many other things I use of theirs).

    Cheers XOXO,

  8. awww Skylar is such a little cutie patootie – I wish I could come babysit for you! I'm babysitting this Friday night for two little girls and one of them is a cute little blonde headed princess just like Sylar :)

    Thanks for your comment and support on my blog. I'm just trying to be the best and healthiest me possible. I'm a slow learner sometimes – and learning to love chocolate in moderation is one of those things that is coming to me slowly!

    I hope you wont regret telling me to come on over for a rant if I need to!! hehehe

    have a lubbly day good looking ;)

  9. This may sound a little weird, but I actually love Dr. Brommer's tea tree soap/do everything cleanser for my face! It's cheap, it lasts a long time, and it really works! Also, I see that we live in the same city! Yay for other locals who love running and good food!