Pineapple Tips & Other Fun Tips – What are Yours?


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I hope everyone is having a nice Sunday morning.  Yesterday when I was out running errands, I picked up a pineapple at the grocery store.

Whole Pineapple

Do you know how to tell if the pineapple is ripe?  

Look near the base of the pineapple and it should be golden yellow.  A green pineapple from base to tip is like a green banana.  Not ripe.

Look for the golden yellow and that means it’s ripe.  

And if it’s overly ripe, the golden area will be more orange, and/or will start getting mushy. 

Based on my theory, this was the pineapple I chose

Base of pineapple
 Perfect Ripeness = Golden Yellow (with a tiny bit of orange) at the Base
Close up of base of pineapple

And when I sliced into it?  Yes, perfect ripeness.  My theory proved successful again.

Diced up pineapple pieces


Close up of diced pineapple

Lots of people are scared to clean their own pineapples judging from the emails I get.

It’s super fast and easy:
Lay the pineapple on its side on a cutting board
Slice off the top and the base and set the pineapple on its base
Now you have a cylinder with a flat bottom so it won’t slid around on you.  Take your knife and slice off the peel from top to base.
Now you have a bald cylinder.
Make about four slices to separate the edible parts of the pineapple from the core and then dice into bite-size pieces.

Pictures are worth a million words and next time I clean one, I’ll take pictures. 

I can clean and dice an entire pineapple in about one minute.  No reason to pay more for the pre-sliced ones.

 Pineapple slices in container

Plus, once produce is sliced and cut into, bacteria is introduced and the rotting process is accelerated.  Which is why I get a little scared when I see pre-cut fruit for sale that’s on store shelves for days.

From my last post about Organizing, De-Cluttering, and Donating, I’m glad you are on the donating bandwagon and most of you said you like to stay organized. 

And a few people commented about my bag of chocolate.  That it wouldn’t last long in your house.  It may not last long here now that things are organized and I can actually find what I am looking for!  Like chocolate.  And trust me, that was just the tip of the chocolate iceberg in my kitchen. 

Dessert: Raw Vegan Apple Crumble
You can make this crumble with most any fruit.  Pineapple, peaches, mangoes, plums.  Whatever you have on hand.  It’s no bake and has impressed even die-hard non-vegan apple crumble lovers. 

Raw Vegan Apple Crumble
Side view of Raw Vegan Apple Crumble in clear container

1. Do you have any food tips, cooking tips, workout, or lifestyle tips you’re just dying to share?  Sharing is caring, says Holly.

I have a few Tip Posts such as:
Tips for Saving Money on Grocery Budget
How to Score Free Yoga Classes in my Yoga FAQ’s Post
How to Get Abs (& Tough Love)

Off the top of my head here are 5 Random Tips
1. Rather than buy leave-in conditioner or hair detangler, take an ounce or so of your regular conditioner, mix it with 4 oz or so of water in a squirt bottle or misting bottle, and use that as your leave-in conditioner or detangler.

2. Beets are the King of the Plant Kingdom for iron.  If you’re feeling a little depleted, you could be low on iron.  Eat some beets.  Peel them, and then roast them in 1 inch chunks with EVOO, S & P, and a sprinkling of ground ginger at 400F for about an hour, or until carmelized and tender.  Nature’s Candy.  And iron.  All in one.

3. Go to the farmer’s market at closing time.  Many vendors will be giving away what they didn’t sell for free, or for next to nothing.  It may not be “perfect” produce, but it will be free, or almost.

4. Get a free lipgloss or lipstick from MAC Makeup by bringing back 6 of your empty MAC containers.   So save your empty’s!

5. Backup your hard drive.  We all store so much on our computers from music to photos to documents that buying an external hard drive for a hundred bucks (or less) is about the best peace of mind you can have.  What would you do if you lost all your music or photos?  Seriously, think about how you’d feel.  This is what I bought as my “insurance” and it was only $79.  Better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it!

What are your tips?

2.  Best thing You’ve Ate or Done so far this weekend?  Or any fun plans ahead?
I went on a nice walk with the family and then did an at home workout yesterday.  And my plans ahead include working and sharing a fun new recipe later on….

See you later!

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.
