Raw Vegan Chocolate Coconut Snow Balls


This post may contain affiliate links.

Humpity hump, Humpity Hump.  Happy Wednesday Friends!  I wanted to thank you, new and faithful commenters alike, for you positive response to my 4-Ingredient Homemade Hummus Recipe.  I hope you try it and maybe it’ll help you break your Sabra addictions.

 Hummus in bowl showing hints of red pepper and zucchini

What else have I been up to?  I whipped up a quick-n-chocolatey raw vegan dessert that requires nothing but a bowl, spoon, and the freezer.  Music to your tastebuds, I know.

Averie’s Raw Vegan Chocolate Coconut Snow Balls
1.5 cups shredded coconut
3/4 c maple syrup (or agave to be technically raw)
3/4 c cocoa powder
Dash Vanilla Extract
Optional: 1/4 c coconut oil (I used it and encourage it!)
Optional: 1/4 c chia seeds (did not use it in today’s blend)

Mix all the ingredients together by hand

Ingredients for Raw Vegan Chocolate Coconut Snow Balls in white bowl

Vegan Chocolate Heaven in the house

Mixed up ingredients in bowl

Transfer to a container for the freezer.

Batter placed into a clear container
Close up of Raw Vegan Chocolate Coconut Snow Ball batter

If you want to make Snow Balls by hand, hence the name of the recipe, feel free to make golf-ball sized choco-balls and then freeze.  You’ll probably yield 15 balls or so.

I was not feeling super inspired to roll the mix into balls.  Instead, I just scooped things outta the container with an ice cream scooper as needed when I raided the freezer.

…And here’s where I have that ice cream scooper ready for the frozen Choco Coconut Snowball dig-out fest.

Container of Raw Vegan Chocolate Coconut Snow Ball mixture next to ice cream scoop

I dug out a ball.  (So much TWSS potential there….)

Scooped up Raw Vegan Chocolate Coconut Snow Ball on white plate

A Big Chunk Went Missing from the Container

Raw Vegan Chocolate Coconut Snow Ball mixture with some batter taken out

Thick, rich, fudgey, sweet.  Fast-n-easy, no specialty appliances required, either. Pretty much everything you’d want in a dessert.  And let’s not forgot those health benefits of coconut and coconut oil.  Everything from an immune system boost to increased healing.  So you can keep on convincing yourself why it’s good for you to eat this little dessert.  I’m just what the Doctor Ordered.

Close up of Raw Vegan Chocolate Coconut Snow Ball batter


Raw Vegan Chocolate Coconut Snow Ball on white plate

After I raided the freezer, I raided my pantry and was looking through my nut butter stash…

Countertop full of various nut butters

…I made a bowl of oats for Scott, threw in some cinny & brown sugar, raisins, and topped them with a Sunbutter and Barney Butter Combo courtesy of a Barney Butter Sample I got.  For all inquiring minds, Barney Butter is Peanut-Free.  It’s Almond Butter and mighty yummy!

Bowl of oats topped with Sunflower Butter and Barney Butter
Barney Butter almond butter package

I also got some You Bars to Sample.  For anyone who hasn’t heard of these, they are suuuuper cool!  Why are they cool?  Because you get to build your own bar!  So you get to customize your own bar, shake or trail mix based on whatever ingredients float your boat!  What a great idea, why didn’t I think of that?

You Bars and packages of Trail Mix on countertop

I like the Nutrional Stats but love that Dates are the first ingredient on this pre-made chocolate bar

Nutritional facts on a you bar
Nutritional Facts on package of trail mix

As a special treat for you, You Bar is hooking my readers up with a 5% discount off your order!!! Simply enter the code “LoveVeggiesAndYoga” at checkout and you’re all set to save!   Thanks, You Bar!

Tip of the Day:  Remember the Me & Gogi I reviewed yesterday, well Wednesday, October 21st they are going to be on the Today Show at about 9am Eastern time and they are offering free shipping on all orders over $15 on Wednesday only.  I know some of you wrote to tell me you were gonna wait to order, well you may wanna get on that for the free $hipping action.

 Me & Goji Custom Artisanal Ceral container on countertop
 Nutritional Facts for cereal on container

Things today were brought to you in VeganMofo spirit.Veganmofo III logo 

Yoga today is Warrior III (Virabhadrasana III).  I love this pose because it really works your balance.  Best thing to do is pick a focal point or dristi and once you feel steady, start to slowly extend your arms and your leg.  Don’t be lookin’ around.  Keep your gaze steady as it will steady your balance.

Woman doing Warrior III yoga pose

Tip of the Day:  Missy’s GiveAway

The Candid RD’s GiveAway

Does anyone have a favorite Tea they want to tell me about?  I have been trying to get more into teas lately and although they just don’t fully cut it for me because I am just a coffee drinker at heart, there are so many great seasonal and holiday blends coming out this time of year, what are your faves?

Stay Tuned for another Chocolate Dessert recipe…  I don’t ever want to hear you’re sick of chocolate desserts!

Til then, enjoy a Snowball!…

Raw Vegan Chocolate Coconut Snow Ball plate

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.
