Readin’ Along?


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Hi Bloggies, a little bonus post for you.  Just wanna make sure for all of you lovelies who read along in GoogleReader with me that this post shows up…I made a couple changes on my end with my domain name, and just double checkin’ things.

Would hate for you to miss me, even though I’m upside down in headstand

Woman doing headstand yoga pose

Or for you to miss any of the Raw Vegan 15-Minute Apple Crumble Delight

Raw Vegan 15-Minute Apple Crumble Delight in clear container
Raw Vegan 15-Minute Apple Crumble Delight topped with cool whip


Hopefully the comments will come in and I’ll know all is well.  Drop me a line if you see this through google reader!!!  And, better yet, for those of you who have made the crumble, holla and lemme know how you like it!

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.


  1. MMm, i just roasted my first squash yesterday… and ate some this am with nut butter (wierd?) :)

    my knees tell me when I need to replace my kicks!