Sunset Drinks & Trip Photos


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Hump Day of a Holiday Week.  Does that make Hump Day sound any better?  Nah.  Not really.  So what’s happening in your world?  Are you wrapping presents like a banchee?  Or baking up a storm?  Speaking of baking, so glad you enjoyed Shannon Marie’s holiday high raw all vegan dessert recipes yesterday!  Everything from Cinnamon Mocha Crinkles 

Cinnamon Mocha Crinkles on black and white plate

To Raw Nog Creams
Raw Nog Creams on white blue plate
To Raw Ginger Creams
Raw Ginger Creams topped and in clear container
Shannon Marie of Raw Dorable is a creative baker like no other!  
Plate full of various cookies
As the super lovely PB & Jenny said, she needs her own Food Network show, and I totally agree!   

Thanks again, Shannon Marie for guest posting…muah!!!!!

But let’s move onto what I’ve been up to in Aruba.  We actually went out for a Sunset Drink! 

Patio with palm trees next to pool

Except check out this drink menu.  It was soooo extensive…

The Vodkas

Vodka drink list

Specialty martinis
Specialty martini drink list
I ordered a couple bottles of Veuve.   Kidding.

 Champagne & Sparkling Wine drink list

But the Lover looked good

Mixed drink list

And so did the Milky Way Martini

Mixed drink mix with descriptions

And so did the Milky Way Blended Drink.  Move over Frappucinos, there’s a new blended Oreo Sheriff in town!

Mixed drink list with descriptions

Then there were the Top Shelf Options.  I’m all about pimpin’ up my ride drinks Cadillac style.

Top Shelf Margarita List

In the end, the choices overwhelmed me.   So I didn’t even order.  I know, lame, huh??!!!  You may recall me talking here about why I haven’t drank in four years I really want to break my dry spell.  But I am kinda scared to even drink!  I hate that hungover feeling, that next day what-was-I-thinking-feeling, and I know that one drink will hardly send me over the edgebut then again, after being squeaky clean for four years, ya never know!

I lived vicariously through Scott’s drink.  A Madras Tini.   

Mixed drink drink list with descriptions

 And they don’t skimp.  There was a flask brought for seconds.

Cocktail shaker with a glass of pink liquor with orange slice

And Skylar got into the the mixed nuts.

Young girl eating a jar of mixed nuts

A chick on a mission for her salted nuts.  Do not get in her way! 

Close up of mixed nuts in jar with young girl in background

Here’s some pictures of Skylar and I at the Radisson.  Damn sunset lighting.  I thought sunset lighting was supposed to be flattering according to the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition Photographers….But it’s dark!  Sorry bout that!

Woman and young girl standing in front of pool at dusk
Woman and young girl at dusk standing in front of pool

A little brighter

Woman and young girl standing in front of shrubs
Woman standing and smiling in front of pool

The Radisson had their open-air lobby decked out with a holiday sceneCuteness!  They must have known we were coming.

Young girl in open air lobby decorated in Christmas Theme

And after all that non-drinking, I came home and made appetizers.  You can see I really slaved over these.  Mary’s Crackers in Black Pepper flavor that I brought with me

 Hand holding Mary's Crackers in Black Pepper flavor

and some pineapple salsa I found.  I hate salsa’s that are loaded with sodium!!!  Spicy is cool, salty is not.  This one is perfect!

Mrs. Renfro's Pineapple Salsa jar

And you may recall that I mentioned it was Scott’s Birthday a few days ago?  Well, he ordered baked ziti and some chicken parm from an Italian restaurant like I mentioned he would be.  $25 bucks for that pasta & chicken parm.  He said it was fine, but like a 6/10 fineI added the salad.  It totally makes $$ sense to cook rather than go out, if you can!

Baked Ziti with Chicken Parmesan and side salad
Closeup of chicken parmesan and pasta

For my dinner and Skylar’s too, kale, brock, cauli, cukes, and sugar snap peas with Homemade Vegan Slaw Dressing.

Kale and vegetable salad with homemade Slaw Dressing

Never. Get. Sick. Of. This. Meal. 

Close up of Kale Salad with Dressing

Hope you’re not yet either.

Kale Salad with Dressing in white dish

For Dessert, I broke into this Lindt Swiss Bittersweet Dark Chocolate Bar that I found on one of my many Island Grocery Store Runs

Unwrapped Lindt Swiss Bittersweet Chocolate bar

Smooth, and the perfect barely sweet with a little bitterness.   Nice.

Squares of the Lindt chocolate bar

Yoga Today is Hanumanasana (Monkey Pose, or the full splits).  A wonderful hip opener and way to stretch our your hammies, quads, and hip flexors.

Woman doing Hanumanasana yoga pose

Tip of the Day:

What’s your favorite drink?  You can say water.  You can say Coca-Cola.  Do I hear coffee from the peanut gallery?  Or, based on the drink menu pics above, what drink would you order?

Do you drink alcohol?  Why or why not?  Would love to hear your take and stance on the libations!  I mentioned some of my choices and rationale here, and the Cliff’s Notes version is that between being pregnant, extended nursing, taking care of a small child with a hangover not sounding fun, and knowing my body operates and runs smoother and cleaner when the strongest stuff I put in it is coffee, that’s kept me away from drinking.  But a Pina Colada is sounding mighty good about now!   Lots of you chimed in before, but I would love to hear what your New Year’s Eve, or Christmas Eve/Christmas, plans are regarding indulging in some bubbly, wine, or something a little stronger.  Do tell!

Stay Tuned For Some Cool Guest Posts, the Give Away Winner on Friday and Trip pics (unless you’re sick of ’em and please tell me!)…

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  1. Aaawwhh Happy Birthday Skylar! How exciting for you. Your only daughter turning three. I don't remember my third birthday, and I think I only remember fourth because we videotaped it. But blogging is so cool! She's going to have all of this documented.

    I officially miss your balls. (TWSS) I swear I'm gonna *hope* my mom makes them (at least somewhat good) and ships them over. I have a surprisingly empty little freezer in my mini fridge. That's where they're going. I also thought I was gonna have to buy my own broccoli.. AVERIE- they have a salad bar at every meal with TO GO boxes with raw cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, lettuce, cucumber and green peppers.I filled up one for the weekend. I'm so excited.

    Right now I'm thankful for all my sweet bloggie friends who have been commenting and keeping up with my life even though I've ignored my reader for like a week and a half. And mature, inspiring women to boot too.You, Heabs, Deb, Janetha, Susan, Lara- I am OVERWHELMED with your guys' kindness. Loove you. xoxo

  2. "Stay tuned for yummy eats" Hahaha Averie – well duh!! Every post of yours has yummy eats :)

    I chew a lot of gum, WAY too much gum. My favourite are the Trident Splash pieces, although I'm really into the "5" stuff now. I'm a totally fruity girl – in fact I'm chewing bubblegum flavour right now!

  3. You know you could rock those jeans too girl!!!! Hot Blonde and hot brunette rocking the jeans!!! Hehehe!!!

    Oh and I am grateful today for finding your blog, so glad we became friends through it, and I am grateful my son made high honors on his report card!!!!

  4. What a cutie patootie! I know you're a great mom because Skyler is always so happy : )

    I always get so hungry looking at your food pics! Thanks for reminding me : )

    That Vega Sport looks great. I actually just got that e-mail and checked it out. If it wasn't so darned expensive I would get it for my kids. Maybe one day.

    I was a MAJOR gum chewer but no more. I have to settle for a cinnamon oil spray. It works well but I miss chewing. My favorite flavor was either cinnamon or bubblegum flavor when I did chew it.

    Now stop typing and go relax will you?!?!


  5. I haven't seen cherries in my local health store or farmers market in a looong time! Now you have forced me to go out and hunt some down… :) I'm with ya on the gross mushy fruit, don't care what it is, but it has to be crunchy!

  6. Happy Birthday planning to Skylar! I'll have to revisit this post over the weekend to recreate your yummy treats! As always, thanks for sharing!

  7. Skylar is only 3!! My Goodness, I thought she was 5 …she is growing well! Her momma takes good care of her I think ;)
    Love it all as usual…if there is such as thing as eating tooooo much produce and vegetables it's me…along with carrot cake and coffee cake muffins and chocolate…;(

  8. Hey Averie-

    Love the grocery finds! I have TMJ (jaw pops out of place) so unfortunately I can't chew gum. I used to chew it like crazy in high school though! My favorite mints at Altoids–they are so strong which helps me not eat too many. Mentos is my other favorite but I'll eat them in 1 sitting.

    I've never tried VEga bars..

    HAppy Birthday to the little one!


  9. Awww happy birthday Skylar! Her name is my middle name, although I spell it the man's way (Schuyler). It was my grandfather's first name. I love it, it's a unique one!

    Ahh gratitude. So important. Lately, my gratitude has been centered around being thankful for my educational opportunities. I am SO lucky to have parents that are willing and able to send me to college. I think about that every time I'm feeling lazy or unmotivated with my studies.

    I love camel!