The Tall & Short Of It


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TGIF!  What a whirlwind week!  Glad it’s over. Time to hopefully recharge my batteries a bit this weekend.

Last week I took Skylar to the doctor for her 4 year old checkup.  Even though we celebrated her birthday a few weeks back, this was the soonest they could get us in.

Young girl smiling with arms crossed

Her checkup report card?

She’s perfectly healthy, doing wonderfully, thriving, and everything looks perfect and on track.  I didn’t need a doctor to tell me that, but hey, nice to know an unbiased professional validated what my mommy intuition already knew.

Young girl sitting on couch smiling with arms spread up in air

Young girl dancing in living roomYoung girl dancing

Practicing flying like a bird. She has energy to spare.  And then some.

She is also really tall and came in at the 95th percentile.  Another thing I already knew and didn’t need a chart to validate is that she’s very tall.

Young girl standing in living room smiling with arm up

Not a big surprise that she’s really tall because I am a little over 5’10”.  Growing up, I was always in the 95-100th percentile for height, too.  The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Close up of young girls face smiling

I used to be taller than all the girls.  And the boys. Not really that “great” when you’re 13.  But I love being tall now!

Woman sitting at outdoor table drinking a smoothie and smiling

I hope Skylar embraces her height because I have a feeling she will be a tall adult, too.

Young girl smiling with hands clasped by mouth

Time to eat!

Make your weekend easy with something that makes planned leftovers.  Cook once, eat twice with Vegan “Bean & Lentil” Sloppy Joes.

Vegan "Bean & Lentil" Sloppy JoesFeel free to add buns.  I prefer to skip the bread/gluten.

Or maybe Mango Balsamic Rice with Mixed Vegetables & Garbanzos is more your speed

Mango Balsamic Rice with Mixed Vegetables & Garbanzos

No matter what, make sure you have dessert ready for the weekend!

Try No-Bake Chocolate, Chia, & Oat Bars (Vegan, GF) and topped with Powdered Sugar

No-Bake Chocolate, Chia, & Oat Bars in clear container

An old, cringe-worthy photo but hey, looks aren’t everything. Taste is where it’s at.  And these are tasty and take about 5 minutes to make.

No-Bake Chocolate, Chia, & Oat Bars with powdered sugar on plate

From my last post about Free Grocery Money, it was fun to hear what you’d buy with $25 or what usually comprises your shopping orders.


1. Were you tall, average, or short for height when growing up?  Has that changed or did the pattern hold into adulthood?

I was always tall, still am.

2. Do you like your height?

I used to hate being taller than everyone.  I didn’t want to be short, but I wanted to be more average.

Also, there is something about being considered “petite” that I think would be fun.  Maybe not forever, but if I could “sample” being petite, I would.

No one ever looks at me and uses the word petite.  Sometimes (frequently) people say things like, “Boy you’re big!”   I am tall, yes.  But I don’t consider myself to be “big”.   The labels that others place on us and that we in turn place on ourselves are so powerful.  But that’s a whole other post.

As an adult, I do embrace my height and wear heels.  As long as I am already tall, I may as well be well into the 6’2″+ range with heels.   What can I say, I have never been average.

3. If you could pick what you think would be the perfect height, what would you pick?

I will go with what I am 5’10”.  How’s that for embracing the hand I was given and self-acceptance.

Enjoy your weekend!

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  1. I’m 5’11” and I’ve always towered over everyone except my family… I’m the shortest! I can’t stand how people immediately comment, “You’re really tall!” as soon as they see you. Yes, I know I’m tall. I spent my entire time as a teenager desperately trying to fit in and shrink down. My physical therapist thinks that affected my shoulders and neck permanently. There’s no need to point out it, folks! It just strikes me as incredibly rude. Also, no, I do not play volleyball or basketball. Do you play miniature golf?!

  2. I am verrrrry short, about 5’1 1/2″, (you can tell the shorties because we count 1/2 inches…) but I love it! I am very tiny, fit into small spaces, never have to duck, can date any size guy and dont have to worry about being taller then him.. the list goes on! :)

    Looks like Skylar has the makings of a model like her momma!

  3. Skyler is adorable! She could model!

    Im actually six foot 1 and Im still struggling to embrace it.
    Pants are IMPOSSIBLE to find and guys are even harder haha…I know being a tall girl intimidates a lot of guys and it’s nice to hear that you embrace your height…Im working on getting to that stage too.
    I finally embraced wearing heels last night and I was six foot 5! Confidence is always key :)

  4. I was always pretty average growing up and landed in at 5’7″. Sarah, on the other hand, is TALL. At not quite 12, she is 5’5″ and towers over her classmates. To me she’s just normal b/c she’s always been a tall girl. Her doc figures the “shortest” she’ll be is 5’10”, but probably more like 6′. Right now her height doesn’t seem to bother her and I hope it stays that way. My only beef is that everyone thinks she’s 14 and tends to expect more from her (maturity wise).

  5. Thanks for the recipes!!! I just bookmarked the oats and the sloppy joes. I definitely miss joes from when I was a kid… those warm tomatoey foods are so comforting.

    I am average height and VERY happy with it. As a kid, I went through a growth spurt and a “tall phase.” I was also very skinny, nerdy and awkward. So today, I like that I’m more squat and curvy. It may sound weird but it makes me feel stronger to occupy more wide space! Hahaha!

    Glad to hear you are well, Averie! :)

  6. Im a shorty!! hahaha! Im only almost 5’4 ! Skylar is going to be a beautiful young lady , just like her mom! You do such a great job raising her! Her smile is so cute! Love the pics!!!!

    Hope you have a great rest of the weekend! xoxo <3

    1. the fact that you modeled at under 5’4″ just means your extra beautiful and special :)