Thursday Things


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Time for this week’s Thursday Things:

1. When I was on the Avocado Tour a couple Saturdays ago, Scott took Skylar to the mall and they went into the Disney store. She’s been talking about these “pink sparkle boots” at least nine times a day, every day, since then.

She’s five years old and weeks later, she’s not pining away for toys, dolls, or wishing she had a playdate with a friend or that we’d take her to the movies. Nope, she’s jonesing for shoes. I can relate.

So I decided to surprise her and I bought them. Just in time for the 80F degree weather we had on Wednesday. She says she doesn’t mind sweaty feet.

Pink sparkly cowboy boots

2. I dropped my ultra-fine point tweezers, similar to these, on the bathroom floor last week and the tip broke. Darn.

I love the ultra-fine tip for getting at ingrown hairs, random tiny eyebrow hairs, popping zits, or whatever your tweezing needs are. You’ll never go back to fatter-tipped or slanted-tipped Tweezers after the fine-point kind.


3. I did a tiny bit of spring cleaning and donated a few bags of clothes that were outgrown or weren’t getting any love anymore. It’s such a good just feeling getting it out of my house.

Freeing up valuable closet space is worth it’s weight in pink glitter boots.

Bags of clothing

4. Plus, I had an ulterior motive.

When I dropped off the clothes, I poked around to see what kind of dishes I could score at the thrift store.

Dish shelves inside of thrift store

5. I got this little wooden bowl for 50 cents. Big spender.

Green pairs in bowl

You know the expression, one woman’s trash is another woman’s treasure?

Well, apparently even thrift stores get picked over and have “off” days where it truly all just looks like someone else’s trash because I didn’t have much luck. Better luck next time.

Green pairs in bowl

6. I have absolutely no where to wear this dress, but I wish I did because I love it.

Woman in yellow, red and blue patterned swishy dress

7. The dress sort of matches the Peach Mango Pineapple White Sangria.

Being color-coordinated with drinks is always a bonus, right?

Peach Mango Pineapple White Sangria

8. Adonia Greek Frozen Yogurt is available in vanilla, raspberry, wild blueberry, key lime, peach, mango and espresso. Greek frozen yogurt bars are also available in wild blueberry and peach.

 These non-fat creamy treats have 9 grams of protein and only 130 calories per serving.

 This Greek Frozen Yogurt isn’t only a scoop-able treat. You can layer your favorite berries and granola with it or blend it with other ingredients to create a creamy smoothie.

Want to win some? Leave a comment on this post telling me so and on the next post, I’ll pick a winner. The winner will receive three product vouchers for three free Adonia items.

Adonia items

9. King Arthur’s website has quite a comprehensive Baking Tips & Techniques section.

I love getting down to the baking nitty-gritty about creaming, sifting, piping, and similar earth-shattering discussions. How long to chill cookie dough before it’s considered sufficiently chilled and how to properly separate egg whites and yolks is the stuff I live for which is why Alton Brown is my hero.

10. I need chocolate every day.

It was National Chocolate Chip Day on Tuesday but that doesn’t mean that I don’t want chocolate on Thursday. Or the other days of the week.

Dark Chocolate Chocolate-Chip Cookies Stuffed with Chocolate Covered Strawberries should do the trick.

Dark Chocolate Chocolate-Chip Cookies Stuffed with Chocolate Covered Strawberries

What are your Thursday Things?

If you’ve seen anything, done anything, or made anything fabulous, feel free to link it up in the comments.

Have you ever seen something in a store, not bought it, but wished you had and not been able to stop thinking about it?

I think we’ve all done this, I just didn’t know it happened to five year olds.

I did this with a pair of jeans I saw and tried on just weeks after I found out I was pregnant with Skylar. They fit perfectly but because I was pregnant and had no idea what my body was going to do, I didn’t buy them, but I’m still thinking about them six years later.

Have a great wrap-up to your week!

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  1. I want to win some frozen treats!! :) And I love your wooden bowl. It looks so cute with the pears in it. :)

  2. Any time I really, really, really want something and leave a store without it, I think about it nonstop until I have to go back and buy it. Every time. That is why I can never live in a bigger city. Everything in the stores in my city I can afford. I can’t go somewhere that has Prada and Gucci stores or else I will be bankrupt, lol!

    1. I stay away from the mall as much as possible b/c walking past all those stores is more temptation than anyone needs!

    1. check their website for availability in your area; there’s a store locator feature.

  3. Love thrift shopping — you’ll never know what gems you might find!

    And that dress is super gorgeous :)

    ps: Just wanted to inform you that having the same content on two different blogs (loveveggies + averie cooks) can potentially harm your SEO ranking etc. Email me if you are unsure :)

  4. She’s already suffering for pretty shoes…Skylar’s going to be a knockout!

    I have 2 Thursday things for you. The first is this dress I just ordered for my brother’s wedding:

    And I just checked a book out from the library that you’d love called the Flavor Thesaurus

    It is truly a nerdy cook’s delight. ;)

  5. I’d love to try some frozen greek yogurt. I’ve didn’t know such a thing existed! BTW, I must snag myself some of those tweezers – I didn’t know those existed either! (BTW, did you buy those online?

    1. I actually just yesterday bought a pair of MAC (makeup company) tweezers. Get their fine-point tipped ones. I bought them at the MAC store but you could order online, go to Nordstrom, etc. Make sure you get the fine point tip and not the slant/angle tip. They’re about $22 bucks. WORTH every penny!!!

      1. Thanks so much! This will definitely be my next beauty purchase. I am so picky about tweezers!

  6. I love frozen yogurt. I have been eating Stonyfield but would love to try this brand!

  7. I adore the sparkly boots! I have a pink cowboy hat that would go perfectly with them :P

    Would love to try the greek yogurt treats~~

  8. Oh wow. I now have the STRONGEST craving for ice cream. I definitely would love to win some of that Greek frozen yogurt!

  9. loving those sparkly boots :) And that dress from anthro is just so pretty! – I definitely have those moments allll the time where i see something and don’t buy it and think about it all the time. and it actually happens to me with food quite often too… :p

    and that frozen greek yogurt looks deliciouss…especially since it’s already so HOT here in tx!

  10. I’d love to try some of that, especially for only 130 calories!

    By the way, you just brought me down memory lane. I used to own pink cowboy boots around that age. :)

  11. Wow, I can’t believe how good of memories kids have! I have totally dreamt about buying something and then being disappointed the next morning when I realize I never did buy it.