Vegan Sweet and Sour Refrigerator Pickles, Progress Pics & Arms, Online Order, How Many Pics a Day to Take


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Hi Bloggie Friends!  How has the weekend been going so far for you?  I have had an action packed, non-computer out there living life and loving it kind of day.  Scott got home last night from his business trip and took Skylar to the park today so I could have a couple hours to myself.  We took a power walk together, then I went to the gym, didn’t rush, did a major grocery shopping, came home and unpacked everything, and proceeded to create new recipes in the kitchen.  I love being creative and taking an hour or so to experiment and play around and come up with new creations!  I will be posting about them over the next few days.   What have you been up to so far this weekend?

Here’s a few goodies in the mail I received.

First, I got my order in the mail.  I posted about it here

$5 Savings Code = AVE630
Here’s my Loot:
Various iHerb products on countertop
And in less than 48 Hours after I Clicked Purchase, the UPS man was on my doorstep with my box.  And the shipping was free!   Anything over $40, ships free.
NuNaturals Liquid Vanilla Stevia
 You will become addicted to these if you try them.  I recommend not even starting.  Kidding!

And here’s my Cocaine Addiction 5 Pounds of White Stevia Powder

Five pound bag of White Stevia Powder
Front view of bag of stevia powder

 This will last me for awhile.  I use stevia in everything from coffee to

Chocolate Brownie Protein Oats
With additional Tips Here

Chocolate Brownie Protein OatsClose up of Chocolate Brownie Protein Oats



Chocolate Cheezy Popcorn
Close up of Chocolate Cheezy Popcorn

I also ordered more of the Probiotics I have been loyal to for many years

Box of Probiotics


If you’re not familiar with and need an extra $5 savings, Enter AVE630 at checkout.  All orders over $40 ship free.  And all orders over $60 get another 5% off calculated automatically at checkout.   Things become ridiculously cheap.

From Yesterday…
I’m glad you could appreciate my homemade kombucha distillery that I’ve got going!

Five jars of Homemade Kombucha
Inside jar of Kombucha
Homemade Kombucha with Fizz and all!

And I loved hearing the stories about breaking up with service providers and cheating on your hair stylist!  Many of you have been loyal to the same person forever (Jessica) but most of us have had to make a switch at some point to a new person for whatever reason and I loved hearing how things went down.  Hard feelings and diva attitudes included!


It was also great to know that I’m not the only one who fears cooking certain foods.  For me, I mentioned Beans.  I’ve never made my own beans, crazy, I know.   Thanks to those of you who gave me some Bean Cooking Tips and also for enlightening me with foods you fear cooking from beans to bread.  And also for telling me about some successes you’ve had getting over your culinary fears, branching out, and trying new things in the kitchen!  Yay for an adventurous spirit!

Since I have been on a fermenting firestorm lately, I thought I’d make pickles.  My grandma made the best refrigerator pickles but I’m pretty sure hers involved saucepans on the stovetop of liquid and were much more labor intensive than mine.

Averie’s Vegan Sweet and Sour Refrigerator Pickles (No-Cook, Garlic & Onion Free)
3/4 c Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)
1 c Water
1/3 c Sugar (use less if you’re concerned, I am not. Or if you don’t like sweet pickles and prefer savory, omit)
1/4 Tsp Dried Mustard Powder
1/4 Tsp Ground Ginger Powder
1/2 Tsp Salt
Pinch/Twist of Black Pepper
Optional: Use Pickling Spice, Cumin, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Garlic, Onion Powder you name it, season to your liking

Shake/Stir to Combine these ingredients in a Jar

Ingredients for Vegan Sweet and Sour Refrigerator Pickles
Mixed up ingredients in jar

Then Add:
1 cup of cucumber slices sliced about 1/8th to 1/4 inch thick (I used a pickling cucumber but I don’t think it matters)
1/3 c diced carrots (optional add onion or other veggies)

Cucumber slices and chopped carrots
Cucumber slices and chopped carrots added to liquid mixture
Side view of cucumbers and carrots in liquid

Shake it Up and leave Covered on Countertop for 4 Hours

Overhead of Vegan Sweet and Sour Refrigerator Pickles
Side view of Vegan Sweet and Sour Refrigerator Pickles
If you’re fermenting anything else, you can just park the pickles next to your other science projects fermentation projects.
Vegan Sweet and Sour Refrigerator Pickles in jar

Then, Transfer to Refrigerator.   Pickles will be “done” 12 to 24 hours later and will get better with time.  Will keep for at least a week in the fridge and use your judgment, but will likely keep for many weeks.

Dessert: No Bake Vegan Mint Chocolate Chip Coconut Snowballs

Ingredients for No Bake Vegan Mint Chocolate Chip Coconut Snowballs
Mixed up ingredients for No Bake Vegan Mint Chocolate Chip Coconut Snowballs
Can you see the Chocolate and Mint Chips Coated in Minty Chocolate? 


Close up of No Bake Vegan Mint Chocolate Chip Coconut Snowballs
No Bake Vegan Mint Chocolate Chip Coconut Snowballs in white bowl
One Bowl, One Spoon, No Baking, No Appliances, 5 Minutes to Prep = No Bake Vegan Mint Chocolate Chip Coconut Snowballs

Gym & Weights Workout Today: Upper Body Workout from This Tab

I thought I would throw all modesty to the wind and snap a couple pics as I was getting out of the shower an hour ago.

Woman in comfy clothes after shower
 No extra charge for the wet hair and old house shorts. 

I am working on my arms lately.  I am tall (almost 5’11”) with long extremities and so it takes a lot of work to add some size to my arms and legsI fear my Butt is a lost cause…haha!  I have posted before about trying to make my butt bigger.

I think I am having some success with my arms though. 

Woman flexing in front of mirror
I will never be “huge” but for me, I think I am adding some size, if it’s it’s 1/32nd of an inch at a time
Woman flexing in front of mirror
Woman showing off toned abs
Woman showing abs and smiling in mirror
I posted these in my Progress Pics/Workout Tab so you can Compare my Progress over Time

Tip of the Day:  My Galaxy Granola Give Away for 2 Winners!

Galaxy Granola


All Blog Readers Love Granola, Right?
Click Here to Enter! 

1. Best Thing You’ve Ate or Done so far this weekend?
Me = This is hard because I’ve had a great day from my non-rushed gym session to making new things in the kitchen to spending time with Scott and Skylar!

2. Do you like pickles?  What’s your favorite kind or brand?  Have you ever made your own?
As most of my readers know, I am not a fan of salt, garlic, or onions.  Most pickles have those ingredients in abundance.  I do love sweet pickles though but rarely buy them.  I am so happy that I can just make my own, now!  Between the probiotics, the kombucha, and the pickles, my body is clearly alive with the sound of music bacteria!  Nothing says healthy like a well-balanced GI tract, since 80% or more of our immune system resides in our guts, not our lungs, like many people think.

3. So what do you do to keep your normal flora healthy and in check?  Do you eat fermented foods?  Do you take probiotics?

4. For the bloggers out there, how many pictures a day do you take?  Do you carry your camera with you everywhere?  You don’t have to be a blogger to be a trigger-happy picture taker, though.
I take about 40 pictures per day.  Some days 15-20 and on big cooking project days, 75 pics or so.  And you can see what makes the blog, about 15-20 per day.  Angles, lighting, clutter in the background, blurry images, images that look great in person but awful on film and don’t get published, I’d rather take too many than not enough.  But I also wonder if all the other bloggers take this many! 

I also find that I bring my camera everywhere whereas a year ago, I didn’t.  There are certain things I want to share but I also sometimes need to just put the camera away and concentrate on living my life in the moment, rather than trying to “capture” it.  I actually find I miss a few tender moments with Skylar that if I wasn’t trying to capture it, I would have just enjoyed it more.  Then again, “kids grow up so fast” and I want to have it all documented!   How do you balance this in your life?   

5. Air Dry or Blow Dry your hair?
As you can see, I am an air dry girl all the way, now!  But I spent the better part of the first quarter century of my life blow drying, curling, flat-ironing, and styling it.  Now, I just rock whatever happens when it air dries.

Have a Great Sunday Everyone!!!!  Thanks to new readers for saying hi, thanks to longtime readers for being awesome and for your support!  I have a birthday party to go to tomorrow and a full day of living life away from my computer!  yay!

Stay Tuned For A New Tofu Recipe…

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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