Wild Rice & Raw Peppers, Fave Way to Eat Rice, Days of the Week You’re Off


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Hi Friends!  How’s your day going today?  I have so much to get done today from errands and phone calls to housework.  Mondays and Tuesdays are my days off from paid employment, so lots to tackle today.   I also want to take Skylar out and let her run around at the park in between rain bursts.  That hurry up, it’s not raining right now, let’s race to the park so she can blow off some steam feeling that mothers with cooped up kids from the rain or bad weather know all too well.  

Lately I’ve been trying to clean out my cupboards and use up random things that are taking up space.  Like a box of wild rice that’s been sitting around since last Thanksgiving when I thought I would make it.  Clearly that didn’t happen.   I actually bought the box because it said it was Minnesota wild rice, and since I grew up in Minnesota, it was a nostalgic purchase.

Wild Rice and Raw Peppers
I cooked the box of rice with 2.5 cups of water
2 Tbsp of EVOO
1 Tbsp Mrs. Dash Blend (salt free which is key for me)

Optional Add-In’s to the Cooked Rice:
diced veggies such as carrots, celery, tomatoes or anything you have on hand

Make a dressing of oil + vinegar, salt & pepper, or other seasonings you enjoy and make a rice salad like the ones they serve at the very overpriced WF’s salad bars

Get Creative!

I brought everything to a boil on the stovetop and then let it simmer for 1 hour, covered in a sautee pan.

Hand holding package of Wild Rice and Mrs. Dash

Close up of Wild Rice Package
Minnesota wild rice


Wild rice in clear container
Close up of Wild Rice

I put the cooked rice raw orange pepper wedges but I like to call them boats because it just sounds more creative.  And Skylar and I ate our wild rice in pepper boats. 

 Cooked Wile Rice in sliced orange peppers
 Cooked Rice in Peppers on plate
Peppers were on sale for a $1 buck each at the store, so that was a nice find.

Growing up in Minnesota, I ate a lot of wild rice as a kid and love it.  Unlike other rice, it’s much heartier, has more fiber, has more texture to it, which is key for me.  I don’t usually eat rice because it’s just too boring and mushy for me.  Nothing wrong with it, just meh and as I’ve said before, I eat largely raw because I like to.  That’s just what I enjoy eating so I do.

Wild Rice and Raw Peppers stacked on top of one another on plate
 Close up of wile rice in pepper
This was a nice balance of cooked + raw for me now that the weather’s cooler and most people crave more cooked and hearty foods.

From yesterday’s post about the Dark Things I like, I loved hearing what you Dark Things You Like.
From Carmelized Cinnamon Sugar Roasted Chickpea “Peanuts”  

Carmelized Cinnamon Sugar Roasted Chickpea "Peanuts" 
Diced Raw Vegan Coconut Oil Chocolate

Thanks for the compliments on all my Recipes using Dark Ingredients that I mentioned!


And many of you told me you like your men tall, dark, and handsome.  Dark humor also made the list frequently.

As for Reader’s Requests Posts, thanks for letting me know what you want to hear about.  It’s nice to hear feedback about what you like to read so that on those days I could either go in x direction or y direction with what to write, I can guide myself better.  If you have any other suggestions, let me know.

Dessert: Vegan Creme de Menthe Bars (No-Bake)
If you like mint + chocolate, make these.  They remind me of those Andes Mints that restaurants from my childhood used to give out.  And they are a spin off on my mother’s Creme de Menthe Bars but mine are gluten free and vegan, hers are not.  There is nothing sacrificed in taste.   How could there be since I am not shy with sugar…haha!

 Vegan Creme de Menthe Bars in container with one removed
Close up of Vegan Creme de Menthe Bars showing filling
One Vegan Creme de Menthe Bar

Tip of the Day: My Naturally Nutty Give Away for 3 Winners!

If you want to read some lovely stories and tributes to fathers, just read the Contest Comments.  Some real tear-jerkers, gratitude, and love for your dads.  Thanks everyone who has entered so far.

Three jars of Naturally Nutter Butters
Click Here to Enter!

1. Best thing you ate or did over the weekend?
I am happy to have been productive on the homefront getting things accomplished and tasks completed, but there’s always more to do.   Today I am happy to have two days off from my job, and of course my time with my family over the weekends is always my fave thing.

2. What days of the week do you have off?  Do you like it that way?  
Some people have Saturday and Sunday off, the “traditional weekend” days off.  I have rarely ever had weekends off.  I’ve always had jobs such as working retail when I was younger, or selling real estate, time share sales, working in restaurants, teaching fitness classes in the evenings, you name it, those are all night and weekend jobs. 

It’s a blessing and a curse to work nights and weekends.  I don’t get to enjoy weekend activities as much as I’d like to like “normal people” do, but it means that when I am off, I can go to the post office or run other errands with less crowds than would be at the grocery store or Target on say Saturday afternoon.

3. Do you like wild rice?  Do you like rice in general? 
As I mentioned, I generally prefer more raw, uncooked food because I like the crunch and texture.  I don’t usually eat rice because it’s just too mushy for me.  But I like that wild rice is heartier, has more fiber, has more texture to it, which is key for me.

Wild rice is actually a grass.  I knew this but have been reminded of it.  Could explain why I like it more; it’s not really true rice.   Thanks Elise!

It’s kind of funny that I’ve been contemplating buying a rice cooker.  Since I don’t even love rice that much.  But for making other things like beans it may still be handy.  Been loving my slow cooker for soup and chili so far, though!

4. How do you like to eat rice or what recipes do you make that use rice in them?
I like rice (or quinoa) type “raw” salads.  Cooking the rice or quinoa and then mixing it with other veggies and a light dressing or viniagrette and eating it like a cold, or room temp, rice salad.  Along the lines of a tabouli salad type thing.

Scott likes rice, or potatoes, or bread, or really any carb/starch in any format, so he’s not picky!

We’re off for errands and maybe the park.  

Young girl smiling
Woman and young girl outside smiling
 It’s so chilly, dreary, and raining here though.  Brrr!
Have a Great Monday!

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