Baked Eggnog Vanilla Donuts with Eggnog Rum Glaze


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Before we left San Diego for Aruba, I had some eggnog to use.

Baked Eggnog Vanilla Donuts with Eggnog Rum Glaze

It would have been a shame to toss out $1.17 worth of eggnog when I could embark on a recipe development, baking, and photography project just hours before a 22 hour travel day.

Because I had nothing else going on.

Trader Joe's Light Egg Nog

I’m happy I used up the rest of the ‘nog because these vanilla eggnog donuts were tasty and seasonal.

Nothing says holiday baking like eggnog, in donut form.

Baked Eggnog Vanilla Donuts with Eggnog Rum Glaze

I broke in my new mini donut pan by making a dozen mini donuts and the remaining batter provided enough for four larger donuts.  My verdict on the mini donut pan is it sure makes cute donuts but they are much more of a PITA to make than regular donuts.

I probably won’t make as many mini donuts as I will full-sized donuts but now I have two donut pans for those times when I have just a smidge extra batter and don’t want to toss it or wait to for the one and only pan to come out of the oven.

Baked Eggnog Vanilla Donuts with Eggnog Rum Glaze

These little guys hit the spot both at home and as travel snacks in the airports.

Baked Eggnog Vanilla Donuts with Eggnog Rum GlazeThe glaze made things a little sticky, but I’d much rather have one of these despite a few sticky fingers rather than a bag of stale airline pretzels.

Wouldn’t you?

Baked Eggnog Vanilla Donuts with Eggnog Rum Glaze

Nothing a few wet-wipes can’t remedy.

Baked Eggnog Vanilla Donuts with Eggnog Rum Glaze

Baked Eggnog Vanilla Donuts with Eggnog Rum Glaze (Inspired by Baked Vanilla Donuts with Vanilla Glaze and Baked Cinnamon Bun Donuts with Vanilla Cream Cheese Glaze )

Ingredients for the Donuts

1 tbsp butter, melted

1/4 c white sugar

1/4 c brown sugar

1 egg (or flax/chia egg or other egg replacer)

1/4 tsp cinnamon

1/2 c eggnog (you could use regular milk/cream/vegan milk if you don’t keep eggnog on hand)

1/2 tsp vanilla extract

1 tsp baking powder

3/4 c + all-purpose flour  (Note: depending on the type of eggnog used, you may need to add more flour.  Batter should be fairly thick.  Thicker than pancake or waffle batter, not as thick as cookie dough.  Add enough flour to get a fairly thick batter, possibly 1/4 c more.  I used nearly 1 c flour because my eggnog was on the thinner/runnier side.)

Yields: 4  donuts in this Wilton doughtnut pan and 1 dozen mini donuts in this Wilton mini-doughnut pan Pans vary by size but this is not a “huge” recipe.  Double or triple, or halve (beat the egg and then divide in half) the recipe as desired.

Notes: If you have an extra bit of batter, rather than waiting for one donut pan to come out of the oven, make a few small muffins in a muffin pan with it, about 16-19 minutes for the muffins to cook through.

Or simply make muffins rather than donuts if you don’t have a donut pan.

Directions for the Donuts

Pre-heat oven to 325F and cooking-spray or grease the donut pan (or muffin tin).  Spray it down very well.

In a microwave safe bowl, melt the butter and to it add the sugars and egg and stir by hand for about 1 minute or until creamy (or use a mixer but I did it by hand)

To the bowl, add the remaining ingredients and stir to combine.  Do not over-mix as that increases the likelihood of tough donuts.

Use a pastry bag fitted with a large round tip (or a Ziploc bag with a corner cut off) to pipe the batter into donut pan(s).  Or just be extra neat and do this with a spoon which is what I did.  Do not overfill the cavities especially if making mini donuts.

Bake 9-11 minutes in the preheated oven if making larger donuts or about 5-7 minutes if making mini-donuts.  Bake until donuts spring back when touched or until dough is set.  Donuts should be springy and may not be golden brown in color so don’t necessarily judge doneness by color; judge by texture. (I prefer to underbake my baked goods but in my oven these took about 10 minutes to set up for the larger donuts and about 6 minutes for the mini donuts)

Allow to cool slightly before removing from pan, about 5 minutes.

Ingredients for the Rum Eggnog Glaze (Rum Optional, but encouraged) – Or try this vanilla glaze or this cream cheese glaze

1/2 c (or more) powdered sugar

1-2 tbsp eggnog

1/2 tsp vanilla extract (use more if you like a stronger vanilla flavor)

Optional but encouraged: 1-2 tbsp rum (or brandy, cognac, Grand Marnier, etc.)

Directions for the Glaze

While donuts are baking or cooling, make the frosting by combining all ingredients and whisking or stirring, until desired consistency is achieved.

Frost the donuts after they have cooled (you can do it hot but the frosting will run; that’s okay too)

Add a final dusting of coconut flakes, orange zest, cinnamon-sugar mixture; sprinkles, or other extras at the end, as desired.

To make Gluten Free: use your favorite gluten free flour blend

To make Vegan: Use soy-based eggnog such as Silk or coconut-based eggnog such as So Delicious; use melted margarine or Earth Balance, and use a flax/chia egg or other egg replacer rather than regular egg.

I didn’t make these with the rum glaze because I knew a certain 4 year old would be going to town on them.  The rum glaze would have added just a certain somethin’ somethin’ to them.

Baked Eggnog Vanilla Donuts with Eggnog Rum Glaze

And it probably would have helped ease the pain of a long travel journey for mommy.

These were moist and were a nice travel treat.  You know, that snack you have in your carry-on bag that simply knowing you have it in there and can dive in once you’re settled at the gate makes full-on frontal pat-downs by TSA a little less uncomfortable.

And yes, that really happened with about 20 male TSA screeners watching as a female TSA agent frisked me.  Up and down.  She didn’t miss a spot.   I was going to ask her if she wanted to check for donut crumbs inside my sports bra, too, but figured my humor may not go over so well.

Baked Eggnog Vanilla Donuts with Eggnog Rum Glaze

Even if you don’t “love” eggnog, that’s okay because the eggnog taste is present but not overpowering.

Mini Baked Eggnog Vanilla Donuts with Eggnog Rum GlazeThere is nearly as much vanilla flavor as there is eggnog flavor.

Essentially a vanilla donut that’s been taken to the next level without being over the top.

Baked Eggnog Vanilla Donuts with Eggnog Rum GlazeIf you want over the top, then wash these down with some actual eggnog.

Or with an Eggnog Chai Smoothie.

Eggnog Chai Smoothie

Or just lick the bowl with the eggnog glaze.  I did.

It was fantastic and got my travel day started off in prime form.

And these helped kick off, err continue, my holiday baking season.

Baked Eggnog Vanilla Donuts with Eggnog Rum Glaze


1. Do you like eggnog?

2. What’s on your holiday baking list?

I have so much on mine.

Have you seen my 12 Bars of Christmas recipes post?  I want to make at least 3 or 4 pans of those bars.

And I also have a Pinterest addiction that fuels my baking fire.  The more I read, the more I want to make and bake!

It’s been cloudy and rainy our first 36 hours in Aruba, and I took full advantage of the dreary weather and stayed inside and baked.  Scott went to a sports bar and watched The Bears.  I baked.  Skylar ate sports bar food and then came home and ate baked goodies.  She got the best of both worlds I think but she runs around all day long, swimming, playing, and goofing around and she’s a bottomless pit.

P.S.  If you still haven’t gotten a donut pan, get one.  Or make any of these donuts as muffins.  But donuts are cuter.

Baked Chocolate Peanut Butter Donuts with Vanilla Peanut Butter Glaze
Baked Cinnamon Bun Donuts with Vanilla Cream Cheese Glaze (like a Cinnabon in donut form.  Who needs the overcrowded food court at the mall, anyway)
Baked Savory Cream Cheese & Herb Donuts
Baked Vanilla Donuts with Vanilla Glaze (the closest version to a Krispy Kreme at home; and baked, not fried)

Have a great week!

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. I added 1/4 tsp of nutmeg to mine to give it more of an “eggnoggy” taste. Also baked mine as muffin/cupcakes, for about 23 minutes. Very tasty!

    1. Funny you made these because I was JUST thinking about these because I have a carton of eggnog that I bought this year to bake with and remembered back to these donuts! Which you made as muffins…sounds perfect!

  2. Thanks! I was so inspired today when your link was shared that I rushed out to get a donut pan. We didn’t have any eggnog or vanilla extract. I used rice milk, nutmeg and vanilla sugar in it’s place. Absolutely fantastic. I made them gluten-free for my husband. Thanks for sharing. I’ll be checking out more of your donut recipes!

    1. I am so glad that you tried the donuts – and bought a donut pan in order to do so! And that you used ricemilk/nutmeg/vanillasugar for the ‘nog. Sounds heavenly! And..that you made them GF – WOW! I am so impressed and thank you for trying them and for the report about what you did and that you had success!