Bella Bars Giveaway


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I recently received these Bella Bars


Bella bars keep it simple — simple nutrition, all natural, and delicious


No preservatives or fillers

No sugar added

Made with 100% natural ingredients

100% raw ingredients


200 calories per bar

One reader will win one dozen of each flavor, Chocolate Nut and Cinnamon Nut


Bella bars are awesome bars.

I really like their flavor and the focus on natural ingredients for those times when I am feeling like putting down a more dessert-oriented bar for something more natural.

These Chocolate Chip and Cherry Blondies are as close to a natural bar as I’ve made lately. Cherries are natural, right?

Chocolate Chip and Cherry Blondies with cherries next to them

If you’re looking for a bar that’s perfect for fall with plenty of cinnamon and spice, and are a snap to make, try Pumpkin Peanut Butter Oatmeal Bars (Vegan, GF)

Stack of Pumpkin Peanut Butter Oatmeal Bars

 Microwave Chocolate Peanut Butter and Oat Snack Bars (vegan, GF) became popular again on my site thanks to Pinterest

Yield size of 3 bars, can be made in 5 minutes, and are vegan and gluten free. And chocolaty.

Three Microwave Chocolate Peanut Butter and Oat Snack Bars

If you like bars and want to enter the Bella Bars giveaway to win 12 Chocolate Bars and 12 Cinnamon Nut Bars, comment below to enter:


 1. What’s your favorite granola, snack, energy, or dessert bar of all time? (be specific, recipe links welcome if it’s homemade)

2. For a second entry, Twitter Follow @AverieCooks and and then tweet the following:

I entered to win 2 Cases of  all-natural & healthy Bella Bars in the @AverieCooks Giveaway

3. For extra entries and you must leave a separate comment for each (please don’t do these ‘just’ for the giveaway and then unsubscribe or unfollow immediately):

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or post this Giveaway on your blog

Contest ends Sunday, August 5, 2012 and winner will be chosen randomly. Open to continental U.S. residents only. In full disclosure, I was given the Bella Bars shown here but am not being paid to post a review or host the giveaway. My thoughts, opinions, and review are 100% my own.

The winner of the Capresso Espresso and Cappuccino Machine Giveaway is Alison @ Ingredients, Inc.

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. favorite kind of bar is probably a Clif White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Bar and then larabars are also a favorite, and Kind Bars are really good.