Cheezy Hemp Nacho Dip


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Hi Friends!  How was your weekend?  What did you do?  On Saturday I spent the day with Scott and Skylar before Scott had to leave for a business trip.  We decided to take a nice leisurely walk through Balboa Park with Skylar in the stroller.  It was 72F, sunny, with a decent breeze.  Pretty much perfect walking weather!

The hibiscus bush in my front yard.

Hibiscus Bush

Close up of flower on bush

Moving On to Some Food I made this weekend…


Cheezy Hemp Nacho Dip

Yield approximately 1 1/2 cups

1/3 cup water
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 red bell pepper, seeded, rough chopped (approximately 1 cup)
1 cup hemp seeds
2 1/2 tablespoons nutritional yeast flakes
1 tablespoon chili powder*
2 teaspoons tamari
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder, or to taste
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/8 teaspoon turmeric powder

Blend all of the ingredients in a blender until smooth and creamy. This can be stored in the refrigerator for 4-5 days.


The Ingredients
Ingredients to make Cheezy Hemp Nacho Dip
Cayenne, Chili Powder, Turmeric and Sea Salt containers
Red pepper and lemon
Hemp Seeds
Organic Shelled Hempseed bag
Inside Hempseed Bag
They’re a very soft seed and blend easily

Combine Everything in the Vita

Ingredients for Cheezy Hemp Nacho Dip in blenderSide view of ingredients of Cheezy Hemp Nacho Dip in blender

After a quick blending

Overhead of blended Cheezy Hemp Nacho Dip

Pour into a container and serve!

Cheezy Hemp Nacho Dip in clear container
 Snap Pea dipped in Cheezy Hemp Nacho Dip
Skylar and I loved sugar snap peas dipped in the Cheezy Hemp Nacho Sauce!
Young girl with ponytail smiling in kitchen
As she’s about to drool half-chewed sugar snap peas while cheez-ing it up for the camera!
Bonus: Scott loved this dip and said that at a party, it would be devoured.   Fast!  Truth be told, he likes 95% of my “crazy” raw vegan concoctions and recipes.  It’s taken 12 years, but I’ve pretty much converted him by just making things, leading by example, not forcing the issue, and making the finished product actually taste darn good!
Cheezy Hemp Nacho Dip topped on three crackers
Crackers topped with Cheezy Hemp Nacho Dip
Close up of Cheezy Hemp Nacho Dip on cracker
Remember Spicy Doritos?  I haven’t had them in a decade or more, but this dip kind of reminds me of their flavor.
Edited to Add because I just remembered…

The Cheezy Hemp dip uses very similar ingredients to the my Raw Vegan Kale Chip Coating
except the kale chip coating uses soaked cashews, not hemp seeds.  Hemp seeds are generally more expensive than cashews, cup for cup, in my experience so perhaps try cashews to save money.

Raw Vegan Kale Chip Coating
Apply the coating to the kale or just use it as Dip!
Raw Vegan Kale Chip Coating poured over Kale
Hand holding Kale Chip
Close up of coated Kale Chips

And if you like Nooch, Try My Nooch Recipes Link for a Dozen More!

Raw Cheddar Dipping Sauce for Veggies or as a Salad Dressing

Raw Cheddar Dipping Sauce in blender

Speaking of Party Hits & Crowd Pleasers, this is another one: Raw Vegan Chocolate Mousse

Raw Vegan Chocolate Mousse in clear container
Close up of Raw Vegan Chocolate Mousse
 Raw Vegan Chocolate Mousse takes about 5 minutes to make!  So easy!
While other 3 year olds eat processed string cheese and Teddy Grahams, my kid eats Cheezy Hemp Dip on Raw Veggies and my homemade GF Vegan Sweet Seed Crackers.
Vegan Sweet Seed Crackers stacked in container
Hand holding one Vegan Sweet Seed Crackers
And as I mentioned yesterday, she happily ate her way through the farmer’s market with everything from Rice Milk Horchata to Raw Zucchini to White Peaches.
Young girl smiling in blue shirt and purple pants

Yoga Today is the Summer Solstice!

It’s hard to believe that I posted about the Winter Solstice 6 months ago…wow.  Time flies!  I was in Aruba over the holidays and I remember the day quite wellas it was just 2 days after Scott’s birthday.

Woman and child playing in sand at beach
Child sitting in sand playing
 I think she has definitely grown and looks so much older in the 6 months since this photo was taken.  What do you think?

In Yoga, on Solstices, we do 108 Sun Salutations.
You’re thinking what?!  Why would anyone do so many?!  (Don’t know what a Sun Salutation is?  Here’s the flow of one salutation. Or here’s another.)

What is the significance of the Summer Solstice?

The Summer Solstice, which occurs today is the longest day of the year and the sun’s position in the sky is the highest. The seasonal significance of the Summer Solstice means that until the Winter Solstice, the amount of daylight decreases with each day until Dec 21.   Many people celebrate Summer Solstice as a time of rebirth, a new beginning, and a chance to marvel at the power of transition and mark change in their lives that corresponds with seasonal change.

It’s customary in yoga traditions to mark the Solstices with 108 Sun Salutations.

Why 108 Sun Salutations?

I found this info which gives a succinct and clear explanation:
There is a special significance to 108 in the Hindu and Buddhist traditions. For instance, there are 108 beads in the mala of both traditions; there are 54 letters in the Sanskrit alphabet and each has masculine and feminine, totaling 108; 1 stands for Higher Truth, 0 stands for Emptiness and 8 stands for Infinity. As we reflect on the significance of the sun, we are reminded that the sun is the illuminator of our world, that it is our primary source of heat and the giver of life. So come, honor the sun!

Or here’s Yoga Journal’s take on it.

You don’t have to do all 108 Sun Salutations; do as many as you feel is appropriate.  Heck, just do one!  Just be mindful and present, joyfully aware, and notice how being in tune with the seasons effects your daily life.  

Tip of the Day:  My Bora Bora Bars & Prize Pack Give Away!!!!

Various Bora Bora Products
Bora Bora Bars
Click Here to Enter Now!!!!

1. Best thing you ate or did this weekend?
Me = Spend time with Scott before he left.  Make seed crackers and dip.  Think about my Tattoo.  Go to the farmer’s market.   Ok, I had a lot of best’s this weekend!  What were yours?

2. Favorite dip?
I know I am going to hear hummus a lot.  I actually love spinach and artichoke dip but haven’t tried my hand at a vegan version.  That’s next on my agenda!  I know there’s a version in ED & BV but if anyone has one they love, let me know!  Also, not a huge fan of salt and garlic so any recipes with 12 cloves of garlic won’t work for me…haha!  And in general, if you have a killer dip, I am all ears since I am the condiment queen!

3. What did you do for Father’s Day Weekend?  Did you get your dad a gift and if so, what was it?  Did he like it?
Saturday we hung out as a family, I gave Scott a card and a box of chocolates (no other gifts), and then he left for his trip.  I am sad he’s gone and that we didn’t get to spend the day together but we try not to dwell on stuff like that and just make up for it by celebrating each other all the other days of the year as if it’s Mother’s Day or Father’s Day.  A mindset shift.

4. If you have a tattoo, how did you decide what to get?  Did you put thought into it?  Was it a custom piece or Flash? (flash is an “off the rack” tattoo, i.e. the #52 a heart with a dagger in it special)
Considering I am going to have this the rest of my life, and I have spent many years thinking about this piece, I am not rushing into it and am thinking it through and really pondering what is important to me, and why, and would it translate into a beautiful tattoo.  What, if anything, do you want to get?

5. Do you meditate?  Do you have quiet time in your day?

I have done 108 Sun Salutations before and it’s challenging but you go into a zone and don’t think about it too much.   Moving meditation I like to call it.  Do you meditate or have a way to center yourself?  I know Susan just posted that she’s going to meditate more and have 20 minutes of silence every day.  I have forced silence daily while Skylar naps and when I do a quick 20 minute run outdoors, I never use an ipod because I enjoy the total silence.  It’s not sitting still and meditating, but it’s quiet reflection and a moving meditation.   What do you do to quiet, calm, and center yourself?

I’m off for a super full day of the gym and then headed to the beach for a “Park Day” at the beach with my unschooling friends, provided the weather cooperates.  It’s not looking too promising at the moment but I hope the fog burns off.   I am excited since it’s my first time back at the beach since moving back to San Diego a whopping 10 days ago.  I have been so busy in 10 days!  Anyway, we are off for the day.  Wish me luck that the Parking Karma and Weather Gods smile down on us and we don’t have mile(s) to walk and that the weather clears!

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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