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In general, I tend to prefer crunchy foods and when it comes to snacks, crunchy is usually where it’s at for me.

Red and green apples in bowl

You can have your bowls of soup and oatmeal.

And your pudding and (green) ice cream, too.

Vanilla Avocado Banana Ice Cream

I’d rather crunch.

It’s partly a texture thing.  That, or an effort to give myself a case of TMJ, but whatever it is, I just like crunchy.

As usual in Aruba, I never know what’s going to be in stock or available.  As fast as it comes in, it goes.

So when I saw fresh, green, sugar snap peas at the grocery store, it was like manna from Heaven.

Fresh sugar snap peas container

Or at least manna from a Boeing 767 jet.

I can buy a bag that’s about three times the size from Trader Joe’s for about what I paid for these but beggars who love to snap and crunch can’t be choosers.

Bag of trader joe's sugar snap peas

Green sugar snap peas

I also found these crunchy Asian rice crackers.  Asian rice snacks are another item that TJ’s sells for $1.99 for a bag twice the size and with a flavor I slightly prefer, but these satisfy my crunchy cravings.

Bag of crunchy Asian rice crackers

I hit the crunchy jackpot with these dried peas.  At about $3 US Dollars, these are awesome.

And insanely crunchy.  My dad would probably break a tooth which means they are right up my alley.

Bag of dried green peas

I don’t know why I’ve never tried dried or dehydrated peas back home but sometimes it takes traveling or new surroundings to break out of your food rut usual foods and try new things; simply because the things you usually have just don’t exist.

I am so glad I discovered dried peas. If someone can get excited and all worked up about peas, I have.

Bag of asian crackers and bag of green peas

Other crunchy snacks that I love include:


Red grapes

Red or yellow pepper wedges

Yellow bell pepper wedges

Popcorn.  Sometimes I’ll sprinkle nutritional yeast on top, or sometimes a cinnamon and sugar (or stevia) blend. Other times I’ll top it with cocoa powder and I’ve topped it with chocolate protein powder.

Sometimes I drench it with coconut oil, sometimes with melted butter; but I love popcorn and there’s really no wrong way to eat it for me.  Popcorn recipe ideas here

Popcorn sprinkled with cinnamon

White Chocolate Vanilla Peanut Butter Puppy Chow will satisfy the crunchy devil in you but this stuff is sorta devilish because it’s highly addictive.

White Chocolate Vanilla Peanut Butter Puppy Chow

But it’s cereal.  How bad can it be?  That’s what I tell myself anyway.

My latest crunchy snack is the Double Chocolate Caramel Corn & Cocoa Rice Krispies Candy Bars.

Double Chocolate Caramel Corn & Cocoa Rice Krispies Candy Bars

Chocolate cereal, candy, two kinds of chocolate chips, Crunch ‘n Munch caramel corn included.  What’s not to like?

Even if you don’t love crunchy snacks, this is an equal opportunity snack I recommend.

Single Double Chocolate Caramel Corn & Cocoa Rice Krispies Candy Bar

They liked them.  I was happy.

That’s not to say I don’t like some smoother or less crunchy foods.

Ho-hos with cream cheese frosting

Ho-hos with cream cheese frosting and candles in them

Never met frosting I didn’t love.  The smoother the better.

Bowl of frosting with electric mixer next to it

Cookie butter spread.  Smooth perfection.  Bring it.

Open jar of cookie butter spread

And if you’ve haven’t jumped on this bandwagon it’s time to hop aboard.  It’s not some random blogger trend.  The stuff is amazing and I wouldn’t continue to blabber about it if I didn’t think so.

I wish I could grab a handful of Rosemary Chipotle Roasted Almonds

Rosemary Chipotle Roasted Almonds

They would hit the spot big time right now.


Do you like crunchy snacks?  Or crunchy foods in general?

Texture is so important and generally I prefer crunchy or at least some degree chewiness.

I know some people gravitate to traditional comfort foods like mashed potatoes or macaroni and cheese or foods that tend to be softer and smoother.  Or their dessert of choice is ice cream.

Not me.   If I don’t break a tooth on it, or come close, I get bored with it.

I’ve always been a cruncher.  Except I do not chew or crunch on ice and when people do it, it’s like nails on a chalkboard for me.  Eeeek.  Hate that sound!

That said, I do like some smooth foods like a Peaches & Coconut Cream Smoothie or a Pineapple Banana & Coconut Cream Smoothie or Krispy Kreme style Vanilla Donuts at home.

What’s your favorite crunchy snack or crunchy food?

Happy Holidays!

P.S. The winner of the 30 Day Home Fitness Program Giveaway is: Kris |


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  1. Yum, lots of great inspiration here! Think I’m a crunchy girl too mainly for snacks – nuts, popcorn, veggies, etc.

  2. I saw that cookie butter just a few days before you first posted about it and after your rave reviews I tried it. Omg. I wished I hadn’t only because I’m totally addicted. In two days the jar is already half empty! I hope it’s not seasonal, they already ran out of egg nog cookies at my store. Those were amazing too.

    Merry Christmas : )

  3. I love love LOVE crunchy apples! I eat several a day. I also eat WAY too many crunchy almonds on any given day, haha…

    That being said, I don’t think I have a favorite food texture, just depends on my mood!

  4. I’m so predictable. There are healthy things like capsicum here, and all I have eyes for is the puppy chow. I wish we could make puppy chow here, but we have no Chex and I honestly can’t think of another cereal that would work!

  5. I am a big fan of crunchy foods, and snap peas are one of my faves. I also love potato chips, and veggie straws from Costco!