Food Blogger Bake Sale


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Last year I participated in a nationwide Food Blogger Bake Sale to fight childhood hunger and I am participating again this year.

Food Blogger Bake Sale Advertisement from 4/28/2012

If you’re not familiar with the event, it’s the brainchild of Gaby Dalkin of What’s Gaby Cooking. Last year thousands of food bloggers in 26 bakes sales across the country participated and collectively we raised $25,000 to fight childhood hunger. Our goal is to raise $50,000 this year!

If you’re in the San Diego area, our sale will be held at Great News! in Pacific Beach on Saturday, April 28, 2012 from 10am to 2pm. That’s 3 weeks from today, Saturday.

Here’s a list of some the San Diego-area bloggers involved and we have our own website.

Food Blogger Bake Sale 2011 flyer

Our group is being organized again this year by the lovely Marie, with whom I had the pleasure of attending this event and this event in the past few weeks.

Ways to Get Involved:

Check Gaby’s site to see if there’s a bake sale happening in your area.

If you’re a blogger, and want to participate, reach out and see if you can jump in to an existing sale in your area.

If you’re not a blogger, but are a blog-reader and a baker and want to bake something to donate, reach out with an email and see if you can jump in.

If you want to volunteer something else, there may be a way to put your good intentions to use. Letting bakers borrow your extra folding table and chairs for the day of the event or if you know someone who makes labels and they can donate some labels as price stickers or if you have access to a great venue or ice packs or umbrellas in case of bad weather; whatever it is that you may be able to provide, reach out because it may come in handy.

If you’re a blog reader who wants to show your support for this cause, that’s fabulous. Get out there and buy some goodies at the bake sales in your area!

You can also donate money online here

Thank you in advance to anyone who participates, at any level. It is appreciated!

There’s nothing as “too small” but reach out sooner, rather than later, since the event is coming up so quickly. It will be held nationwide on Saturaday, April 28, 2012.

Now for the big question: What should I make?

If you were a buyer, what looks the best to you? – I gave pros and cons for each choice:

1. Fudgy Nutella Brownies

Fudgy Nutella Brownies

I made these last year for the sale and you can’t go wrong with brownies (pro).

However, I didn’t frost them last year because frosting is messy and I didn’t know how well climate-controlled things would be (con) so skipped the frosting, which felt like a crime to me.

Fudgy Nutella Brownies in bags without frosting

2. White and Dark Chocolate Cream Cheese Chocolate Cake Bars – These are rich, chocolatey from the cake, the two kinds of chocolate chips (white and dark chocolate chips) and people love chocolate (pro).

However, not everyone loves cream cheese (I think that’s crazy) and the cream cheese layer, although it’s been baked, is gooey and can be messy. Also, these bars taste optimally when well chilled and at a bake sale, that’s not likely to happen (con). They’re fine even if they’re not chilled, but they’re heavenly when they are.

White and Dark Chocolate Cream Cheese Chocolate Cake Bars

3. Coconut Peanut Butter Magic Cake Bars – These are one of, if not my favorite, dessert of 2012. They are truly fabulous and combine so many layers of flavor in each bite (pro) and for a  bake sale, they are not messy to package and don’t require frosting. And did I mention, I personally think they’re the best thing since sliced bread.

The negatives are that not everyone likes coconut (crazy) and I don’t believe they have the “curb appeal” and wow factor that chocolate does. If this recipe was  house, I fear that this house is like a 3 bedroom ranch and the two previous choices are 6 bedroom sprawling mansions and people may not see the glory and charm in these.

Coconut Peanut Butter Magic Cake Bars

4. Special K Bars (No Bake) – A favorite recipe, from my Grandma, and I grew up eating these and adore them. Everyone who tries and readers who have made them tell me they love them and are instant favorites (pro).

They can be a little messy and I don’t know if they are “fancy” enough to catch people’s eye (con). However this is a bake sale; we’re not cooking for the President so I don’t know if “fancy” is needed or even desired.

Special K Bars

Special K Bars

5. Nutella and Peanut Butter Graham Bars (No-Bake) – These are dense, rich, and combine Nutella, Peanut Butter, and Chocolate in one tightly packed bar (pro). Can’t go wrong with that trifecta of ingredients.

However, these, like the Special K Bars, don’t necessarily feel fancy enough or special enough for a bake sale (con). But maybe it’s all in my head.

Nutella and Peanut Butter Graham Bars

Have you ever participated in a bake sale? Donating, volunteering, or showing support by buying some bake sale goodies?

The buying and eating is the best part of a bake sale. So many great, homemade, wonderful goodies under one roof. It’s usually hard to know what to buy and taste next.

I wish there was a tapas menu so I could try one or two bites of just about everything I saw.

Which recipe of mine would you be most inclined to purchase?

I purposely didn’t include cookies because bars are faster and easier to make than cookies. I also think my bars have some uniqueness and are different from standard-issue chocolate chip or peanut butter cookies.

Taking into account daytime temperature, wrapping and packaging them, transporting them, the messy or melty factor, the curb appeal and wow factors, and flavors that the average person likes (chocolate and peanut butter) are all reasons I am leaning toward what I chose.

However, if there’s anything here that just jumps off the page at you, please tell me.

Thanks for the KitchenAid 7-Quart Stand Mixer Giveaway entries

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. I know where that place is! How funny! Never actually been inside, though. Fun event and great cause – will definitely try to stop by. :)

  2. I would be most inclined to buy the cream cheese chocolate ones … great combo!

  3. I am excited to come buy some food and support the cause. The choices all look so amazing. It is hard just to pick one:)

  4. The blogger bake sale it way cool! Also, I don’t comment much but your pictures are some of my favorites ever!

    1. Thanks for reading and delurking and saying hi today! I really appreciate that compliment :) THANKS!

    1. You can make your item ahead of time and coordinate a drop off with someone else if you’re just going to miss it by a day or so but otherwise…well, there’s next year :)

  5. What a great cause, how fun and good for you! I’ve never participated in a bake sale, but it looks great. Any of your recipes look great, anything vegan would be awesome. :-)

  6. Avery thats wonderful! I just checked it out and there is one on San Francisco. I’m thinking about joining. If I did, what would be best to make and package?

    Anything you bring would be wonderful. I’d buy one of each well, maybe two of the Coconut Peanut Butter Magic Cake Bars (that is what you should make). Those sound fantastic!!!

    Happy Easter

  7. Although I would be so excited to buy, especially eat anything you make I think my favorite would be the white and dark chocolate cream cheese bars.

  8. Well, since this is a bake sale, I think your best bet is #2. The reason for that is because it is chocolate and it looks like a deliciously decadent brownie with awesome frosting. And, since your aiming for the masses, probably the majority will go for chocolate. I mean, for all of us foodies, we know (because we have made them all) that those magic 8 bars are to die for!! But, #2 recipe is to die for too!! YUM! :-)

    1. Oh, and the only reason I am not suggesting #1 is because you made them last year. Those are incredible, too! But, give me frosting with a side of cake any day! ;-)

      1. I love the way you think: give me frosting with a side of cake any day!

        I am the same way with all dips, dressings, and sauces. I like a little food with my HUGE bowl of dip :)

  9. Hello, I’m from the UK have been looking at your blog for a while. Been eating healthy and on my ‘cheat day’ taking some inspiration from your dessert recipes. They are delicious, especially St.Paddy’s Mint Brownies!!! Would you be able to send me a pinterest invitation please,

    Many thanks, for your great recipes.

    P.s been looking at your streamlined workout been implementing some of your workout into mine.