iPhone Stolen


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It was not my day yesterday.  After a series of small annoyances throughout the day, the final straw was that my iPhone was stolen out of my purse.

iPhone with purple case in hand

Yes, this is a recycled photo because that phone is long gone.

I only had it for 6 weeks!  I have never had a cell phone stolen and only lost one (left it on an airplane) in the decade+ that I’ve had cell phones.  And yet my nicest, and most expensive phone, was stolen in 6 weeks.

I don’t want to go into the specifics and nitty gritty details, but yes, it was stolen and not lost.

I don’t “know” the person who did it.

I did not witness the actual act of the stealing with my own two eyes but did witness the person (whom I’m 99.99% certain stole my phone) running for the door.  I thought, that’s odd but didn’t think much of it.

Five minutes later I realized my purse zipper was open half way, and my purse seemed lighter, but I didn’t really think much of it.

Twenty minutes later, I connected all the dots when I went to see if I had any new emails and my phone was not in my purse.

My heart sunk.  Ba-bye phone.

iPhone with purple case in hand

I had purchased insurance on it (twisted foreshadowing, see Question 3) and I filed a claim on it.

I still had to pay $199 for a “new” iPhone (but it’s probably going to be a re-furbished phone and not a brand new one.  Ugh) but at least it’s not the full retail price of $750.

An ironic twist was that when I was trying to pay the $199 fee with my American Express to have a new phone sent to me, Amex thought that was a fraudulent charge and so mid-claim and mid-transaction, I had to hang up with the phone replacement company, call Amex, and let them know the charge was legit.  I have been cardmember for 10 years and that has never happened.

The iPhone is being shipped overnight to me and I should have it Wednesday.  In the meantime and using my old BlackberryIt feels like such a relic!

Service was supsended on the stolen iPhone within hours or the crime and the serial number was reported as stolen so if anyone tries to activate that phone, it will come up as stolen and they won’t be able to turn it on.  I am sure there are ways around this because sadly, thieves can be very clever but I did what I could to make it very difficult for my stolen phone to be easily used by someone else.

I tried to track and Find My iPhone and had even set up my iPhone with the Find Me capabilities, but unfortunately, there is no data/GPS position coming up for my phone. Boo hoo. If you do have an iPhone though, check out those links.  Worth a shot to set it up because you never know.

The only thing left to do at a time like this is eat chocolate.

No Bake Vegan Chocolate “Turtles”

No Bake Vegan Chocolate “Turtles”
No Bake Vegan Chocolate “Turtle"


No Bake Vanilla Cake Batter Chocolate Truffles

No Bake Vanilla Cake Batter Chocolate Truffles

From my last post on Tofu Tips, I am glad you found my tips helpful.  Yes, tofu can be tricky to make at home but once you have it down, it’s so easy and you’ll be glad you know how to make it at home.

Thanks for sharing your favorite recipes and ways you like to prepare your tofu, too!  I loved reading everyone’s strategies and tofu making tips and tricks.


1. Have you ever had anything stolen?

I think we all have had things stolen from childhood bicycles to hair brushes in the high school locker room to various electronics or gadgets that just seemed to “walk off” on their own in college dorm room living to whatever else.

Sadly, I have had my car broken into before and the thieves did steal my purse but I was young and the purse itself was cheap and there wasn’t anything too valuable in it.

However, just the act of having to call all your credit cards and stopping them, waiting for new ones to arrive, getting a new driver’s license or ID, it all takes hours and hours and hours of valuable “life time” just handling it.

And it seems to go on and on because six months later I’d be looking for someone’s business card and realize that oh, that was part of the stolen purse situation and then I’d have to track down the person’s info and number another way.  Such a frustrating timesuck!  The gift the just keeps giving, so to speak. Ugh.

As a kid I had bicycles, Barbies, dolls, toys and that kind of thing stolen.  As a kid it’s so hard to wrap you mind around why someone would steal.

My sister’s apartment was robbed when she was in college and she lost everything from money, electronics, to my Grandma’s jewelry and family heirlooms.  So sad.

As an adult, I still don’t get it!

What good was my phone (I also had it password protected!) to someone else?  They can’t use it because the service is suspended and they can’t turn it on because it’s on the blacklist of Hot phones, and therefore can’t sell it.  And, in the process it costs me time, money, energy, and frustration to replace it.  I just don’t get it!

2. Have you ever lost or had your phone stolen?  How did you feel?

We are all so dependent on our phones to do more than just be our phones.  They are mini computers, they hold our music, photographs, contacts, our appointments, and are really lifelines to the modern world in which we live.

At least I have my Blackberry to use, but I feel lost without my current phone.  For the record, love the iPhone wayyyy more than Blackberry.

I feel lost, violated, mad, and frustrated, but hey, it’s only a phone and a new one is coming.  Now I just have to set it up, import my 1000 contacts, my 10,000 iTunes, my photos, etc.  All over again.  Fun.

But whatever.  At least I “got this out of my system” now for awhile.  I should be good to go for a long time without any black clouds, right!  The only thing you can do at times like this is just let out one big GAH!!! Scream, then shrug it off because stressing about it (or replaying the events and how or why things happened) isn’t going to bring my phone back.   So just shrug it off and…

…I have something fun that I am off to do this afternoon.  It couldn’t come at a better time.

Have a great day!

About the Author

Welcome to AverieCooks! Here you’ll find fast and easy recipes that taste amazing and are geared for real life. Nothing fussy or complicated, just awesome tasting dishes everyone loves!

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  1. Oh, honey, I’m so sorry! :-( What a bummer! Let’s face it, some people suck.

    I have indeed had things stolen: from my high school class ring, to backpacks, to parts of a my lunch that a girl used to steal in 3rd grade.

    Like some of others’ comments said, it’s a feeling of violation that’s just really icky.


    Sending you big hugs.

  2. Oh no that’s awful! I just don’t understand it either. It really really bothers me. Do people like that think at all? I was always taught as a child if you wouldn’t want it done to you don’t do it to anyone else. I apply that in every area of my life(or try to) so the thought of stealing something that someone else worked hard for, or doing something to make someones life harder just makes me so angry. I actually haven’t had anything major stolen. I remember my parents being upset because people stole things out of the garage and when they had a yard sale and stuff like that. I remember my gramma always had a lot of jewelry, lots of gold and she had a thing for big stones on rings and pendants and things like that.. Once her apartment was broken into and it was all taken :( Pretty pathetic.

  3. Oh no! Getting your possessions stolen seriously sucks! How DARE someone go into your bag and steal your things?!

    We’ve had someone blatantly walk into our house and steal a laptop, camera, phone, car keys including the house keys and even my dad’s cigarettes and lighter WTH! It makes you shudder to know someone’s been so close to you who’s got that kind of mentality. :(

    Hope you get your new phone quick! Skylar is getting so big now, she’s absolutely stunning! :D

  4. oh, averie, that is just terrible. (huge hug!!) – yes – the sense of violation, and the pain in the butt of having to replace your phone, do all the personalizations etc. it just stinks because YOU are the victim yet have the task of ordering the new phone, paying for it, etc etc… just terrible.
    our house was broken into about 10 years ago and the thieves made off with the tv (out the back door, into the green space behind the house) and some smaller stuff. the worst feeling was just knowing that someone had gone through personal belongings.
    hang in there. you def need something FUN today. take care!

  5. That’s awful! I’d probably turn to chocolate too though, what else can you do?
    Our house was burglarized when I was 10. Those a-holes took *everything* including family board games and my brother’s nickle collection. It took a long time to feel secure again.

  6. Oh Averie, I am so sorry. That is horrible! I don’t get people some times. We had our lawn mower and some lawn equipment stolen when we left the house one time. It felt awful. The worst part is that not only do they take stuff from you, but then you have to pay more to replace it. I hope they get the person that is doing this to people!

  7. DUDE that blows. Were you at work?

    I’ve had my car broken into twice. Once they just (ha! just!) stole the stereo, but another time I was parked at Lake Mead on a four trip on the River in the Grand Canyon, and I came out of the most amazing trip of my life and my car window was rolled down. My wallet, my phone, my friends’ wallet and phone, all our cds (back before ipods) and TONS of epensive camping gear were all gone. Luckily someone was with us, or we’d never have been able to get home.

    Shockingly they found the guy and I got every thing back. The cash was gone, but everything else was there. Of course, it was 6 months later and I’d already replaced everything, but still.

  8. Sad to hear, and it totally sucks that Find My iPhone did not work. But the good news is that Apple will not send you a referbished iPhone. It will be brand new, but not in official retail packaging.

  9. Ugh what a bummer! Seriously though, why do people steal? I could never live with myself after stealing someone else’s property. I wonder how that person sleeps at night….that makes me so mad! On a lighter note, your desserts look awesome! :)

  10. What a nightmare!! I would totally cry if my phone was stolen. And it’s not even a cool iPhone!

  11. :( sorry about your phone! I don’t know why people steal, its just so sad.
    Once someone broke into my car and stole my macbook, wallet, and my ipod. To make matters worse, it was my birthday and I had just gotten the ipod….so it was brand new in the package:( Luckily, I had my macbook backed up on an external hard drive but my mom still had to buy me a new mac & the adobe suite for school!

    Once I lost my phone and felt naked almost, I was super worried that something was going to happen and no one would be able to reach me. It sucked.

  12. I can’t think of anything right now that has been stolen from me (lucky me, right? :) ) but I know how you feel being without your phone. I still have my phone but the touch screen stopped working a few days ago and you need it to get around my phone. All the foodie pictures and pictures of my cats (aka my babies/my life/my everything) are pretty much lost to me now, since I don’t have a backup memory card or anything, and the last time I talked to my phone company people about another phone I had they told me that they couldn’t do anything about the pictures. Heartbroken? Check.
    If I can’t get my phone fixed then I’m thinking of getting an iPhone after hearing how much you love yours!

  13. oh no! That is so terrible. I will never understand why people do things like that. Makes me sad. Glad you at least had the phone insured so you don’t have to pay the full price. I would have definitely opened up those No Bake Vegan Chocolate “Turtles” after that experience!!

  14. Gah, what is wrong with people?! I’m so sorry that happened. It’s such a personal violation. It feels terrible. I’ve never had a phone stolen, but I did have my first Cannon camera stolen right out from under me while we were at EPCOT center in Florida a couple of years ago. It had 200+ pictures from our vacation on it (it was day 8 of a 10-day trip) and I never saw it again. I stood there and cried, and I never cry in public.

    I kept thinking that certainly someone would see all of my pictures of my kids and my nephews and feel bad and turn it in. Wishful thinking. I don’t understand how people can be so callous and greedy.