Malibu Rum Fruit Loops Treats


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No matter how old I get, Rice Krispies Treats don’t get old. How could anyone ever outgrow dense cereal bars glued together with gooey, sweet, melted marshmallows and butter?

Or in the case of these treats, gooey, sweet, melted marshmallows and butter with Fruit Loops.

Malibu Rum Fruit Loops Squares

Fruit Loops were a favorite childhood cereal, but they were something special and only served at Grandma’s house. I haven’t bought them in years but saw them in a local Aruban grocery store and the brightly colored rings beckoned me to place them in my cart.

Drizzled with white chocolate (I’m keeping good on that white chocolate promise) and sprinkles, and these little no-bake bars have many of my favorite ingredients rolled into one.

Malibu Rum Fruit Loops Squares

And let’s not forget the Malibu. It’s almost the weekend, right?

Because what better way to trash up some sugary cereal and sprinkles than to combine them with Malibu Rum?

Don’t mind if I do.

Malibu Rum

Clearly no one is going to get tipsy from 3 tablespoons of Malibu in an entire pan, but if for some reason adding a splash of Malibu isn’t appropriate for you, simply omit it and make these as virgin Fruit Loops Treats. And I’ll have your share.

Malibu Rum Fruit Loops Squares

Malibu just screams Caribbean Vacation, and since I’m on one, it was only fitting. It adds a hint of coconutty-pineapple flavor to the bars makes me think of spring break in Cancun where $20 all-you-can-drink specials really means, all-you-can-drink-and-still-walk.

I like Malibu much better with Fruit Loops and on my couch than in chintzy plastic cups with watered down orange juice and in smelly clubs.

Aruba White Sand and Ocean

Because Fruit Loops are larger in size than Rice Krispies, these treats don’t hold together quite as well as Rice Krispies Treats, but the one-of-a-kind flavor of Fruit Loops makes any slight holding together issues a no biggie.

The Malibu-infused marshmallow buttery gooey lovely stuff sinks to the base of the bars and holds them together below while the white chocolate melts into the crevices at the surface and seals them at the top.

Malibu Rum Fruit Loops Squares

The best part of these treats is they’re literally a 5-minutes two-bowl project. One bowl for the marshmallows, butter, Malibu, and cereal; and another for melting the white chocolate.

The hardest part was waiting for them to chill so I could slice into them. I store them in the freezer and the white chocolate hardens and snaps perfectly when I bite into it, the cereal is extra crunchy, the Malibu-infused marshmallow mixture is chilled but doesn’t freeze solid and keeping them cold helps keep them intact better.

Kiddie cereal never tasted so good until it got liquored up.

Malibu Rum Fruit Loops Squares


Malibu Rum Fruit Loops Treats with White Chocolate and Sprinkles (no-bake)

Makes one 9-by-9-inch pan, about 9 generous squares

one 10.5-ounce bag mini marshmallows

1/4 cup butter (half of one stick)

3 tablespoons Malibu Rum*

about 6 cups Fruit Loops Cereal

1/2 cup white chocolate chips

2 tablespoons sprinkles

Prepare a 9-by-9-inch pan by lining it with aluminum foil, spray with cooking spray; set aside. In a large microwave-safe bowl, combine the marshmallows and butter and heat on high power to melt, about 90 seconds. Keep a watchful eye because the marshmallows will grow and swell to the top of the bowl. Immediately upon removing the bowl from the microwave, stir vigorously for about 10 seconds to combine the butter and marshmallows. Add the Malibu and stir to combine. Add the cereal, one cup at a time, and toss to coat. (I wanted to keep these gooey so I suggest not more than 6 cups of cereal, possibly only 5. I used about 5 1/2 cups) Pour mixture into prepared pan and lightly pack it down and smooth it with a spatula; set aside.

In a small microwave-safe bowl, melt the white chocolate on high power, about 45 seconds. Stop to stir and heat in 10-second bursts until chocolate can be stirred smooth, taking care not to scorch the chocolate, noting that white chocolate scorches very easily. Drizzle the melted chocolate over the bars with a spoon. Garish with sprinkles before chocolate sets. Place pan in the freezer for about 1 hour or until bars have set up before slicing and serving. Because of the alcohol in the Malibu, these will take a bit longer to set than traditional Krispy Treats to set up. Store bars in an airtight container at room temperature or in the refrigerator for up to 1 week, or in the freezer for up to 3 months. I prefer them chilled and store them in the freezer

*Note: Bars are not intended for children or for those who do not consume alcohol. Bars can be made without alcohol with no recipe adaptations needed, or add 2 teaspoons vanilla extract in it’s place.


Malibu Rum Fruit Loops Squares

I love Rice Krispies Treats in all forms and ways, and a trip to Aruba just isn’t complete without making a batch. I tend to make at least one batch of Rice Krispies Bars or cereal bars of some form on almost every trip here because they’re no-bake and easy.

Here are a few of my favorite cereal bars:

Double Chocolate Caramel Corn & Cocoa Rice Krispies Candy Bars (No-Bake with Vegan & GF options)

Double Chocolate Caramel Corn & Cocoa Rice Krispies Candy Bars

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough & Marshmallow Stuffed Rice Krispie Bars (No Bake)

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough & Marshmallow Stuffed Rice Krispie Bars stack

Butterscotch Rice Krispies Treats with Vegan Chocolate Frosting (No Bake)

Butterscotch Rice Krispies Treats with Vegan Chocolate Frosting

Deep Dish Double Chocolate Golden Grahams Smores Bars (Vegan & GF options)

Deep Dish Double Chocolate Golden Grahams Smores Bars

Rice Krispies Treats with Vegan Chocolate Frosting (Vegan, GF)

Rice Krispies Treats with Vegan Chocolate Frosting

Peanut Butter Cocoa Krispies Smores Bars -One of my highest viewed recipes, thanks to Pinterest

Peanut Butter Cocoa Krispies Smores Bars stack

Special K Bars (No Bake) – My grandma’s recipe and one of my favorite treats ever. I never tire of them.

Special K Bars
Special K Bar bottom
Special K Bars

Do you like Rice Krispies treats or any variation of cereal bars?

If you have any favorite recipes using cereal bars, link them up.

I wanted to post these before the weekend just in case you have a summer bbq, party, or are dying to liquor up some kiddie cereal.

Fruit Loops or Malibu – Any fun memories of either?

Fruit Loops remind me of my childhood and my grandma buying them for my sister and I, something my mother would never do.

And Malibu reminds me of spring breaks in Cancun, a trip to Jamaica and to Grand Cayman with Scott almost a decade ago. Sun, fun, and plenty of happy memories.

Thanks for the Vegan a la Mode Cookbook Giveaway entries

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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