Thrifty Dishes & Registries


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Over the weekend I ventured into my fave thrift shop and scored 7 items for $7 bucks.   $7.53 but who’s counting.  One bowl was inadvertently left out of the photo sesh.  Oops.

The bowl in the very center was a dime.  10 cents!

Thrifted white bowls and pans, three in front with floral patterns

You can’t even buy a tampon in a vending machine a gumball for a ten cents anymore, but you can buy a little dish.

The little dish came in very handy for a photoshoot I did yesterday for a new recipe.  It involved a Chip-fecta

I filled it up with one of my fave items: butterscotch chips

Bowl of butterscotch chips

Next score were these plates.  They are so pretty, dainty, and delicate in person.  White with a fade into a pale green with green flowers.  Very spring-like.

front and back of plates, pale green floral patternEven if I can’t use them until pre-Easter season since we’re still in the throes of black and orange and pumpkin peanut butter oat bars and candy corn cookie dough pretzel bites and caramel maple pumpkin smoothies, that’s ok.  Because at 50 cents each they were a find.  They’ll keep til spring.  <– My dad always used that expression “it’ll keep” when I was growing up for things like shoes a size too big or extra notebooks or things like that.  I digress.

I found this little Corningware baking dish and it’s the perfect size for something I’ve been wanting to make forever.  No excuses now not to formulate the recipe.

Small baking dish with plant patterns on the frontI am thinking late 1970s or early 80s on this little number,too.  I feel like it could have been in Jack, Chrissy, and Janet’s kitchen and since I am a huge Three’s Company fan, I’ll just go with that mental image.  I would have loved to cook with Jack Tripper.

And this bowl is a perfect size for melting a stick of butter with chocolate chips.  Not that I’d know.  Ok, maybe I do know.

Stack of white bowls on floral patterned plates50 cents.  The price was perfect, too.

I love


Thrift store racks with mannequins on top of the shelves

for dishes

divided dish with floral patterns in each section

and other things

The plate underneath the Oatmeal Raisin Cookies was a 50 cent thrift find, too

Oatmeal Raisin Cookies on white plate with oats


1. Where do you like to shop for dishes?  Any scores or finds lately?

I’d love to have some of the dishes on my Pinterest board or in this post or this post but they’re not in the cards.  But with thrift shop dishes the price is always right.

Plus, there are certain things I really only have a specific use for, i.e. as a prop for food photography.

I have dishes that I eat from and dishes that I photograph from and rarely do the two mix.  So why spend more than a few bucks on an item that is a prop is my rationale;  unless of course you’re Matt and Adam and then props are your life and budgets are much more unlimited.

2. If you’re married or getting married or one day if you get married, did you register for dishes or will you?  What kind and how did you decide?

We got married 10 years ago in Vegas.  Eloped, baby.  No registry.  I didn’t even have a real ring.  It was a 25 cent hot pink plastic ring that lit up.  Yes, for real.  My real ring came after we got home.

Back then I couldn’t boil water so had no idea that one day I may want dishes, or gasp, a Vita-Mix or a stand mixer or anything other than say wine glasses or champagne flutes. Ahem.

I have outfitted my kitchen on my own over the past decade, filling it with everything from these appliances to dishes to blog/photography props <– could have never predicted that one

If I did have a wedding registry, I likely only register for items that I would use regularly.  No fine China or fancy stainless flatwear.  Nothing to put in a china hutch and collect dust.  I always wonder if today’s brides really enjoy getting fine China and if they will ever use it, or not really, and just do it out of tradition.

Do they put their “dream items” on the list and hope for the best, i.e. that Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer or Vita, or keep it more down-to-earth such as $10 plates they will eat dinner from?

What did you register for or what will you put on your wedding registry in terms of kitchen items and dishes?

Thanks for the KeVita Drink Giveaway entries

P.S. Thanks for your continued patience with old (2009 & 2010) links to posts & recipes.  Still working on a fix.  Just a little fallout from my blog server/hosting move last week to keep everyone on their toes.

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  1. I was just catching up on posts… I love to go thrifting! Sometimes I think they want too much money and actually prefer yard/garage sales. I can get some beautiful dishes for 5 to 10 cents at the right sale!! I also get a lot of my son’s clothes at garage sales. I can get like new name brand clothes for 25 cents each. Sometimes if they have a lot I ask if they will take $5 for all of them and I leave with several bags of clothes! I love a good bargain! Leaves me more money for grocery shopping and lots of yummy food!!

  2. The hubby and I didn’t register for dishes because I bought the dishes I wanted when I was about 16 and stored them under the (future) hubby’s bed for our life together someday. Since then I have given those dishes to my sister and moved on to other ones. We never buy expensive dishes because I like to switch them up quite often.