Thursday Things & LinkUp


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Here are this week’s Thursday Things

1. I was nominated to The Kitchn’s Best Food Photography on a Blog list.

The Kitchn's Best Food Photography Nomination

I only have a couple votes, but hey, I’ll take them. Better than none.

If you want to vote for me, I’d love it. If you want to vote for other people, they’d love it. You can sign in with your Facebook or Twitter name to register and voting is anonymous. Takes about 1.18 seconds to do.

Voting ends on March 2 (tomorrow) so do your voting now. There’s a million super talented photographers, professional photographers, and fabulous bloggers on the list, so to even make the list and be nominated, I was honored.

2. International Delight York Peppermint Pattie Creamer has been making it’s way into my coffee and I really like it.International Delight York Peppermint Pattie Creamer

I like Peppermint Coffee-Mate better, but I thought it was seasonal, until I just realized it just became a year-round offering. I think the Coffee-Mate is a little smoother; more pepperminty without being overkill, slightly less sweet, and not quite as thick.

However, so far I’ve only been able to find it at Target and not at my regular grocery store. I’ve made a few Target runs recently.

Coffee-mate peppermint mocha creamer

3. After I saw Jessica post about Girl Scout Cookie lip balm, I had to have it.

Girl Scout Cookie lip balm

I ordered it here. Thin Mints and Samoas on my lips. So wrong, but so right. (Thin Mint-ish brownies have in my belly, see #8 below)

4. I also ordered these because I never met a Starburst that I didn’t love, even if it means applying Starburst lip balm. Beware, you may be tempted to chew lick your lips quite a bit.

Starburst lip balm

5. Pinterest Not a Pirate Anymore, Helps Site Owners Disable Pins

Read more

Very interesting discussion and many of us love our Pinterest, but not everyone loves it.

6. The winners of the Green Smoothie eBook Giveaway are:

jackie @ marin mama cooks


7. Lightroom Presets. This is called the Beauty Collection and is just one of many preset collections offered for $19 bucks.

Examples of lightroom presets: the beauty collection

There’s also the Baby Collection, the Fashionista Collection and many more.

I love Lightroom and playing around with and tweaking images with different tones, washes, and colors and could go on a preset-buying bonanza. If you told this to me ten years ago, or even a few years ago, that I’d want to spend money on presets, I would have laughed in your Beauty Collection face.

8. If you would have told me a few years ago that I’d be posting St. Patrick’s Day treats ahead of the holiday, or that I even paid attention to food “holidays”, I would have laughed in your face.

That is, until you fed me a Triple Layer Fudgy Mint Oreo Brownie. Then I would have stopped laughing so I could concentrate on chewing. Reminiscent of a Thin Mint meets a brownie. We’re back to the Girl Scouts (item 3 above).

Triple Layer Fudgy Mint Oreo Brownie

9.Scott and I used to run at least two, and somethings three or four, races per month many years ago (usually 5 & 10k’s, sometimes half marathons). They are fond, cherished, and amazing memories we have of our early days together when we had nothing but time on our hands to just…run.

Not to mention, when you don’t have a child and are ten years younger, getting up at the crack of dawn to run a race, and pay race entry fees x2 people, racing doesn’t seem as daunting.

I’d love to run in the Hot Chocolate Racing Series with Scott, but we don’t have anyone to watch Skylar from oh about, 5:30-8am on a Sunday morning. Surprise, surprise that sitters are in short supply on Sunday mornings at that hour.

Hot chocolate racing series website front page

Awesome goodie bag: all participants will receive a wind and water resistant running jacket with reflective piping and vented back in their goodie bag.

Post races are usually orange slices and bananas and water. This one includes post-race chocolate fondue. I wish it didn’t start at 6:45am. However, chocolate may be worth getting up for.

Amazing post race party: Join your fellow chocoholics for a soiree of chocolate fondue, hot cocoa and a variety of chocolate treats from the Ghiradelli Chocolate Company.

10. Tip: Buy some of these.

Birthday cake oreos

I made something like these meets these with them. Holy moly. Recipe coming soon.

What are your Thursday Things?

Feel free to Link Up anything fun, exciting, tasty, or noteworthy you’ve made, seen, or want to showcase by clicking on the blue button.

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.


  1. I voted- I think- best wishes!
    I want me some of that girls scout lip balm in thin mint to go with the St. Patricks oreos…stat!

  2. Congrats on the nomination … good luck!

    I need to get Lightroom and those presets are amazing … I need to invest in it and start editing my pics!

  3. Congrats on making it on the list — me too! I feel so honored just being on there :)

    That fudgey mint oreo brownies has my name all over it!!!!!

  4. Great list, congrats on being nominated, that rocks! I don’t, those Oreos look dangerous! :-P

    My things are Dr. Pepper lip gloss, new cheaper hair products I discovered that work great thanks to Mama Pea, and I need the weekend to be here now!

    1. glad your hair products are working for you and I would have not guessed you to ever be a fan of Dr. Pepper lip gloss..but I love that you are!

  5. Congrats on your nomination–I just voted for you because your photos and recipes are great! Today I attended a really good seminar given by a psychologist on the topic of living and working with toxic people. I’m a physical therapist but this was also helpful for my professional practice as well. It was nice to be out of the clinic and learn something new today.

    1. Thanks for your vote and what you said and your support, Paula!!

      living and working with toxic people and how to handle this is something I think everyone could benefit from!

  6. Congrats on the nomination! So many good blogs nominated on the list, it’s almost impossible to choose! btw-my coworker and friends ran the hot chocolate race in DC which was an epic failure. It was horribly organized, dangerous and apparently the directors took absolutely no responsibility for the issues, instead blaming other things. There’s been quite a bit of controversy on that race and their subsequent races in other cities which I have no first hand experience with but it might be a good one to sit out ;)

    1. Other readers have told me the Hot Choc was an epic failure for all the reasons you just listed. Thanks for the info..It’s off my list (happily!)..getting up at 4am to have a possible epic failure? No thanks :)

  7. Funny, I saw the York Peppermint Creamer yesterday at the store and thought of you! Looks delish! I made a trip to Whole Paycheck, I mean Whole Foods, to pick up some gluten free oreos to make your St. Patricks day brownies. So excited :) Congrats on the nom, I’m off to vote for you!

  8. congrats on being on that list!! you deserve it :)
    And thanks for the book, I have already written a review on Amazon- such a great book with amazing recipes!

    1. That is fabulous, and thank you! I forwarded that info to Hilary and she was thrilled about thanks :)

  9. just voted for you Averie!! hands down the best blog and food photographer in the world. and so helpful with all of the blog and recipe advice too. :)

    1. Aww, you are SO SWEET. Thanks, Sally..for reading, voting, and always being so supportive!

    1. Other readers have told me the Hot Choc was an epic failure, too. Thanks for the info..It’s off my list (happily!)..getting up at 4am to have a possible epic failure? No thanks :)

  10. Yay– congrats on the nomination!!! And I love the new sidebar pic of you in your apron– very Suzy Homemaker :-D

    1. I put it up there about a month ago b/c well, life moves on and I’ve turned into Suzy Homemaker baking cookies. :)

  11. Congrats on the nomination – and maybe I’m slow today, but having a hard time figuring out how to vote. Is it just commenting? I’m used to buttons LOL

  12. I’ve downloaded a bunch of free presets for lightroom before and love them! It just took a little tinkering around on google to find them but they are out there.

  13. I think you just made my day/life with that York Peppermint coffee creamer. I’m addicted to York’s and need to try that!

    ps just voted for you! Been a fan of your blogs for years now


  14. Hey you! I’m so excited that I won the green smoothies e-book. You know me and my vitamix, we are best friends :)

    You have me hooked on lightroom. I have 12 more days left on my free trial and I am definitely going to suck it up and purchase it. Should I get lightroom 3 or 4? I think lightroom 3 is cheaper since 4 just came out, so I may just purchase that.

    Congratulations on the nomination. I will be sure to stop by and give you a few more votes.


    1. Get whatever version you want…3 is super cheap right now, 4 is coming out soon…maybe you can extend your download til the 4 is available for purchase…otherwise the LR3 is money very well spent, regardless of how long you use it for.