Vegan Fudge


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Happy Superbowl Sunday to all the Football Fans!  And Happy Superbowl Sunday to all you non-fans because this just means that places like grocery stores and parks are less crowded.  Or, if you’re planning on making an escape to the mall while the football fans are crowded ’round the tv set, the mall will probably be nice and mellow and you can shop in peace!   I may or may not wish I was doing this. 

Seriously though, I’ve had a nice day and weekend.  I went to a wonderful hot power yoga class today, got my teacher training groove on Saturday morning because I’m pursing the highest level of yoga certification and today, Sunday, I’ve hung out with Skylar, and we’re going to have a girls-only dinner before Scott makes his way back from the sports bar just in time to play Barbies with us.  haha!

I am really glad you enjoyed my Highlights of the Week Post yesterday!
Thanks for the lovely feedback on my Quick Almond Milk, or Peanut Butter Milk, Recipe

and the Vegan White Chocolate Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups 

Vegan Dark and White Chocolate Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup on plate

Vegan Dark and White Chocolate Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup split in half on paper liner

To No-Bake Vegan 3-Ingredient Flaxseed & Maple Cookies

No-Bake Vegan 3-Ingredient Flaxseed & Maple Cookies on white plate
Up close of No-Bake Vegan 3-Ingredient Flaxseed & Maple Cookie on plate with syrup

To All My Mailbox & Grocery Finds and Product Reviews

Sun Warrior Chocolate Protein Powder in container
Probiotics in pill packaging
Tropical Tradition Virgin Coconut Oil in container
Side of jar of Coconut Oil
Trader Joe's Organic Fair Trade Coffee
Grey t-shirt with the phrase be present

To Oat Based Recipes

Two Raw Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls in container


High Raw Vegan Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Balls on white plate

To Vegan Chocolate Desserts & Recipes

Raw Vegan Chocolate Fudge Balls up close in container
Raw Vegan Chocolate Coconut Snowball on white dish

But since it’s a new week, it’s time for a new recipe:  Vegan Fudge

The Recipe is Inspired by Hannah Kaminsky, author of My Sweet Vegan which I previously reviewed here

My Sweet Vegan Cookbook
Back Cover of My Sweet Vegan Cookbook

 And Alisa of One Frugal Foodie, author of, Go Dairy Free which I reviewed here and she has much of the fudge recipe on her website, Go Dairy

Go Dairy Free pamphlet
Go Dairy Free Pamphlet with authors name

Vegan Fudge–Soy, Tree Nut, & Gluten Free; and a 10 Minute Recipe
Ingredients & Directions

  • 1 Cup Vegan/Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips (such as Enjoy Life brand or see This Post for those not requiring certification, TJ’s semisweet chocolate chips are vegan-friendly)
  • 3.5 Cups Confectioner’s Sugar
  • 1/2 Cup Cocoa Powder
  • 2 Tablespoons Dairy-Free Margarine (for soy-free people, I enjoy the Earth Balance Soy Free)
  • 1/2 Cup Regular Coconut Milk *DO NOT USE LIGHT Coconut Milk*
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract

Yields 32 Small Squares

In a large bowl, combine the chocolate chips, sugar, and cocoa.  

Chocolate chips, sugar and cocoa powder in bowlUp Close of Chocolate Chips, Flour and Cocoa in bowl

Separately, place the margarine and coconut milk in a small saucepan, and stir together over medium heat.

Margarine and coconut milk in saucepan on stove

Cook the mixture until the margarine has melted, and bubbles just begin to break at the surface.

Melted margarine mixture with coconut on stove

Remove it from the stove, and immediately pour the liquid over the dry chocolate & sugar mixture.

Coconut milk mixture poured over flour mixture in bowl

Let everything sit for a couple of minutes (and if you wait too long and it hardens up on you, feel free to nuke it for 15 seconds at a time or until melty), and then stir vigorously to melt the chocolate and incorporate the dry ingredients. 

Spoon stirring milk and flour mixture together in bowl

Continue stirring until a completely smooth mixture forms.
Mix in the vanilla, and quickly pour everything into your prepared pan, a lightly greased or cooking-sprayed 8×8 pan (or another similar size)

Lightly greased baking pan on stove


Vegan Fudge Batter in prepared baking pan

At this point, some people may choose to sprinkle flaked coconut (about 1 cup) evenly over the entire exposed surface.  Press the coconut gently into the fudge with the palm of your hand.

My Sweet Vegan: Five-Minute Fudge Recipe

Picture from Here

I wanted to kick my vegan fudge into the chocolate stratosphere so I used Chocolate Sprinkles rather than coconut

Vegan Fudge sprinkled with Chocolate Sprinkles

It’s Raining Men  It’s Raining Chocolate Sprinkles!

Close up sprinkles on fudge

Press the coconut or sprinkles gently into the fudge with the palm of your hand or the back of a spoon.

Sprinkles pressed gently into fudge

Let cool completely before cutting into squares.  This required me to refrigerate it and then freeze it because I used light coconut milk.  Silly me.  Don’t ever use light coconut milk in baking because it will not set up as well as full fat (regular) coconut milk.   But no worries….

Fudge in baking pan in refrigerator

.The Only Real Worry I had was hoping Skylar didn’t dig into it when my back was turned!

Little girl smiling over counter at fudge

Mischievious Grin.

Little girl next to fudge on countertop with tongue out

The vegan fudge was just fine after I removed it from the freezer.

Fudge on countertop after refrigeration

Then I cut it into squares

Fudge slice on plastic wrap
Side of cut slice of fudge

Totally delicious vegan fudge! 

Pan of Vegan Fudge with some slices removed

It’s rich, decadent, fudgy, wonderful.  Good vegan stuff.  And it’s soy/nut/gluten free which is a bonus in my book.

Up close of Vegan Fudge on plastic wrap

You really only need a small square.  

Overhead of sprinkle covered Vegan Fudge

 You may, however, help yourself to a large square!

Overhead of Fudge in pan cut into slices
Ahhh, good stuff!
Close up of cut slice of fudge on plastic wrap

If you like the looks of today’s fudge, but want something along the Girl Scout Thin Mint Variety, check out my Raw Vegan Girl Scout “Thin Mint”-Inspired Fudge

Raw Vegan Girl Scout "Thin Mint"-Inspired Fudge on tinfoil


Raw Vegan Girl Scout "Thin Mint"-Inspired Fudge batter

Or maybe your more into brownies than fudge.
Try my Raw Vegan Chocolate Brownies
Raw Vegan Chocolate Brownies in clear containerClose up of Raw Vegan Chocolate Brownies
Raw Vegan Chocolate Brownie ingredients being blended in blender
Or Maybe You’re Just wanting to drool over peruse my Chocolate Recipes Post
Like Raw Vegan Chocolate Pie
Raw Vegan Chocolate Pie on countertop
Or No-Bake Vegan Creme de Menthe Bars

No-Bake Vegan Creme de Menthe Bars showing layers

If you Need Chocolate like I Need Chocolate, my Chocolate Recipes Post is a Good One to Bookmark!

Some Veggies I’ve Devoured in the past day, in addition to chocolate, of course:
Brussels, cukes, zukes, tomatoes, red, orange & yellow peppers

Various raw vegetables in dish

Dressed with my Holiday Orange Spice Vinaigrette Recipe & Black Pepper

Raw Vegetables dressed in Holiday Orange Spice Vinaigrette Recipe and black pepper

 And Mixed Greens with Brock, Cukes, Brussels, Carrots, & Tomatoes

Mixed Greens with vegetables on white plate

Dressed with a With a Fresh Batch of Vegan Slaw Dressing that I made yesterday

Vegan Slaw Dressing in jar
Side view of Vegan Slaw Dressing in lidded jar
Mixed salad topped with Vegan Slaw Dressing

Dessert was No-Bake Vegan 3-Ingredient Flaxseed & Maple Cookies

Four No-Bake Vegan 3-Ingredient Flaxseed & Maple Cookies on white plate
Close up of No-Bake Vegan 3-Ingredient Flaxseed & Maple Cookie

 and Vegan Fudge!!!

Gooey Vegan Fudge close up
Overhead slice of Vegan Fudge with sprinkles

Yoga Today is Sirsasana (headstand)

Woman doing Sirsasana yoga pose

And Ardha Sirasana (Half Headstand).  Go into full headstand and then carefully lower so that your legs are parallel with the floorGot Milk Abs anyone?  Holding your legs 90 degrees from your body while fighting gravity is a sure-fire way to help increase your core strength.  Core strength is so important for everything from balance to remaining injury-free, and as a benefit, you’ll whip your abs into great shape!

Woman doing Ardha Sirasana yoga pose

And please, when going up into headstand, DO NOT DONKEY KICK UP!   You need to go up slowly and with control; start in downward dog, make a crown for your head with your hands, and start to walk your toes forward, forward, til you go up, up, and away.  No kicking up into headstand as it’s a sure-fire way to fall and get injured, severely.

Tips of the Day:
Michael Pollan’s latest book, Food Rules, has simple and powerful tips like these…

Food Rules an Eater's Manual Cover

#3 Avoid food products containing ingredients that no ordinary human would keep in the pantry.
#19 If it came from a plant, eat it; if it was made in a plant, don’t.
#36 Don’t eat breakfast cereals that change the color of the milk.

Have you Read Michael Pollan’s latest or have you read his previous books?  (In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto or The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals)
What are your Thoughts about What he Says?

Did you watch Oprah with Alicia Silverstone and Michael Pollan  Thoughts?

What do you think of Alicia’s Book, The Kind Diet?

My take on it all is that you don’t have to be a vegan, you don’t have to be raw, but you should be mindful and conscious about your food choices.  Know where you food comes from, what’s in it, and be mindful about what you’re putting in your body.  As I have said before, I don’t always purchase Organic Foods and here’s why, but if I can, I choose to purchase locally grown foods, which are likely organic, even if not certified organic.   I am mindful to try to eat seasonally, locally; and “mostly plants” as Pollan says.  Chocolate fudge not withstanding…haha!

I also don’t think food choices don’t need to be complicated and we shouldn’t beat ourselves up if we eat something that others may shun or that someone else thinks is “bad” because it’s your path, your body, your choices.    Really, who cares what they think! So what; you ate it, move on.  The beauty of food and our food choices is that in 3 hours, you can eat again and choose more wisely next time.   Keep it easy, relaxed, and mellow is what I try to do!  

Tell me your thoughts!

And on far lighter matters…Do You Like Fudge?  Or, what’s your favorite format to get your chocolate fix in?  Chocolate cookies, chocolate cake, fudge?  Can there ever be too much chocolate?  I will say, I love white cake with chocolate frosting and I think I prefer regular chocolate chip cookies to double chocolate cookies, but really, chocolate in any form is good by me!  How bout you, What’s your Fave Chocolate Food or Fave Way to Eat Chocolate?

Stay Tuned For A Give Away…

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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