Vegan Peanut Butter Banana Bread Cake (Gluten & Soy Free)


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Ahhh, Saturday morning.  (Or if you’re still on your computer on Friday night, you’re ahead of the game.)  How are things going so far today?  We are off for a 4 mile run as a family.  Well, Scott and I are running and Skylar is getting pushed in her stroller and then later today we’re going to the neighborhood block party that I mentioned before.  What are you up to today?

Thanks for the props on the little Vegan Banana Nut Muffins I made…so easy and good.  I hope you can put that recipe to good use!  Sounds like some of you were going to find homes for your overripe bananas pronto using this little diddy so that’s always awesome when I hear that in the comments!

Vegan Banana Nut Muffin in paper liner

Hand holding a portion of muffin showing moistness

And I also appreciated all the comments about what format of blogs you enjoy reading.  I was not as articulate as I had hoped when I posed the question because judging from the myriad of people telling me I don’t need to make changes to my blog, well lucky for both of us, I wasn’t planning on making any changes.  I have my groove and it works for me and I am soooo glad it’s working for you, too!  haha

Instead, I just wanted to know what you enjoy in other people’s blogs.  I know we all have our favorites and I was just trying to pick your brain about what makes something a favorite vs. just another blog.   For me, it’s the person’s personality, great food pics, original recipes, and no word verification on the comment form which will make me comment more when I go back to that blog.  And if you’re hot, you get extra vegan brownie points and I’ll come back more, too.  Kidding! 

But moving right along to the Banana Recipe du Jour!  You may also remember me saying we had 8 Really Ripe Bananas that needed immediate use?  Well, hope you’re not sick of banana creations this week (i.e. the banana bread loaf and the banana muffins) because today I made a Vegan Peanut Butter Banana Bread Cake.

You may recall that when I made the Vegan Peanut Butter Banana Bread Loaf (Gluten/Soy-Free) that although it tasted and looked (I am not humble my friends) absolutely awesome, I felt that maybe it would be even better as a cake?

Vegan Peanut Butter Banana Bread up close in loaf pan
Finished Vegan Peanut Butter Banana Bread in loaf pan topped with banana slices

So, what did I do?  I turned Vegan Peanut Butter Banana Bread Loaf into Vegan Peanut Butter Banana Cake.  Of course, it’s still Gluten and Soy Free with no added oil.

Averie’s Vegan Peanut Butter Banana Bread Cake (Gluten & Soy Free)
3/4 c Oats (that I ground into oat flour)
1 c Almond Flour (or 1 c almonds that you grind)
3 Large Ripe Bananas (Optional: reserve approx 12 little slices for garnishing your cake)
1 Peeled & Cored Apple (Large)
1/2 c White Sugar
1/2 c Brown Sugar
Dash Vanilla Extract
1 Tsp Baking Soda
1 Tbsp Blackstrap Molasses

In the VitaCakeMaker there’s the 3/4 C of oats that I just ground.   And the Almond Flour. 

Ground oats and almond flour in blender

And then just dump everything else on top.  Bananas, sugar, vanilla, molasses, baking soda and blend.  I have been asked why I do this recipe in the Vita?   
Because I don’t own a stand mixer or food processor.  Vita or nothing kids, so clearly, this is my beast for the job.

Bananas, sugar, vanilla, molasses and baking soda added to blender

Blend til Smooth

Overhead of blended ingredients in blender

Dollop in 1 c (or more!) of Peanut Butter

Peanut butter added to blended ingredients

Blend again, pour into 9 x 13 pan (or you can use a 9 x 5 loaf pan like I did before).  Garnish with cute banana slices that you reserved.

Finished cake batter poured into cake pan and topped with sliced bananas

Get ready to bake at 325F Convection for 27 minutesClearly, this is not an exact science.  Depending on what you’re working with in terms of batter moisture, oven temp, size of pan, you name it, I’d be prepared to roll with anything from 22 minutes to 38 minutes, just guessing though.

Side view of cake batter in baking pan with bananas on top

Take it out and marvel at your Gluten Free, Soy Free, Vegan, No Additional Oil Used, Tastes Awesome, Cake.

Finished egan Peanut Butter Banana Bread Cake right out of oven

Let it cool a bit and dig in!  Even though I hate this word as does Erica, it’s a really Moist cake!  Understatement.  It’s dripping wet.  (So much TWSS potential that I will just move on now…)

Slice of cake on patterned plate

I know you probably think I’m gonna turn into one big banana from all the banana action ’round here, but I have been eating my veggies.  Greens, cauli, tomatoes, B.S., all dressed with OJ, agave, and cracky blacky.

Mixed greens with vegetables topped with dressing

And I also dehydrated a tomato to see if I could duplicate store bought sundrieds.  The result? Better than store boughts, by a long shot.  If you do have a Magic Box and you’re reading this, I sliced the tomatoes about 1/8th of an inch thick, so thin but not paper thin.  And I also applied a touch of my kale chip coating in all it’s noochey glory.  These were my results after 7 long hours in the Box.

Dehydrated tomatoes on lined tray
Up close of dehydrated tomato slice

Dessert?  I’m still rocking out with the Raw Vegan Chocolate Coconut Snowball action.

Up close of Raw Vegan Chocolate Coconut Snowball mixture

VeganMofo in the house today.
Veganmofo III logo   

….And Moving Right Along, Yoga Today is Navasana (Boat Pose)

Woman doing Navasana yoga pose

Tip of the Day:  Glo Bars Anyone?  Check out this Give Away!

Sarah’s Campbell’s Give Away Action!

Are there any kind of food (or beverage) treats or splurges that you allow yourself on the weekend that you don’t during the week?  Mine would definitely be an extra cup of coffee while leisurely reading blogs while my husband watches Skylar and so I can just veg out with my java and my GoogleReader.  That’s my little treat.  What’s yours?

Or here’s a better question, is there any drama, gossip, or dirt that went down this week you wanna vent about?  I’d love to hear all about it….fill me in!

Stay Tuned For a Huge Highlights of the Week Post plus a new Kale Chip Recipe…

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.


  1. Hi Averie!
    Looks like I’m 6 years late but anyways… I would love to try this one! Can I eliminate the sugar and add more bananas. And is peanut butter a must?

    1. I haven’t made this any other way than I wrote so can’t speak to results, but feel free to experiment and see what happens. Enjoy!

  2. Averie, I stumbled onto your website from FB and the purefit bar give away. I think it was meant to be as I am GF and my daughters name is Avery (spelled differently) and I am in your home town Minnesota! I wanted to tell you I just made this delicious cake! I am so excited to try many more of your recipes. I made the microwave banana blueberry oat cake – yummy!

    1. What a small world, indeed! The name Averie/Avery, Minnesota, and being GF. I am glad you liked this and the microwave banana blueberry oat cake. Keep in touch and LMK if you try other things, too!

  3. I found your site recently while doing some research on the raw food diet. I just wanted to tell you I love your site and cannot wait to try some of these recipes. I came on today looking for pumpkin recipes and was not dissapointed. Thank you so much.

  4. you can puree raw pumpkin into puree yourself. most/all canned pumpkin is not raw that you'd buy in a store. however, if you want something, i would have it, "truly raw" or not, but to each their own and one's motives, desires, etc.

  5. Just a quick question – is canned pumpkin raw? I'm British so not familiar with it at all (though living in NYC so it's easily available!). Anyway, I'm being strictly raw for21 days and would LOVE to make these but a bit hesitant as google searches come up with comments like "all canned goods are cooked" etc and I'm confused! Thanks

  6. Yummm these pumpkin donut holes look so delicious. Especially with all the "feelings of fall" in the air — these are on my list to make!

  7. You make that pose look so easy! Gosh. I can only dream that one day I'll be able to pull that off.

    Loving your Balls recipe (you crack me up: "You don't want Sloppy Balls or worse, Greasy Ball Syndrome!")

    Halloweens only really starting to become popular over here. We have a few decorations up at our place, but I'll be avoiding the candy since our apartment block isn't really set up for trick or treating and there aren't many kids around. We will however be eating a squash feast!

  8. Read you loud and clear on the trick or treating tendencies. I was a total hoarder, despite the fact that I took home tons of candy each year and could have made myself ill on it. My favorite part of the night was overturning the bag and sorting everything out into little individual baggies. I don't think I ever made it through all that candy before xmas…or staleness.

  9. Hi! I have found myself coming back to your site all week…I can't stay away from your awesome raw goodies and recipes…Ahhh they all look SO GOOD!

    Adding you to my bloglist asap! :D