Vegan White Chocolate Chocolate-Peanut Butter Cups


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Happy Sunday, almost Monday morning!  Well, hey, at least you had fun this weekend, right?  What did you do?  I did yoga on Saturday, and it was awesome to find out that I am nearly finished with my 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Program, as I mentioned yesterday!   Sunday morning, I did some yoga at home, had Scott get lost with Skylar for 3 hours, and I ran around like a freak mommy on a mission! I was in 3rd Birthday Party Decorating, Shopping, and Organizing Mode!  I managed to hit CVS Pharmacy for a card and cute wrapping bag, the grocery store for some last minute eats and candy Sprinkles which are a party necessity, and Target for everything from Sesame Street books to a pink tutu.  Here’s a couple sneak peak pictures and I promise lots more birthday party pics tomorrow!

Young girl opening birthday presents

I flew home, got everything wrapped, house decked out in pink streamers, cupcakes with sprinkles ready, just in time for the Birthday Girl to walk in!  

Woman and young girl sitting on floor smiling

And she loved every second of her party!!!  

Young girl sitting at Childs table wearing birthday hat

I am really glad you enjoyed my Highlights of the Week Post, where I recapped everything from Vegan Gluten Free Pancakes

Vegan Pancakes with butter, blueberries and syrupUp close of Vegan Gluten Free Pancakes

to Greenery with Homemade Salad Dressing

Salad with Creamy Tahini Cesar-Inspired Dressing
Salad with Homemade Slaw Dressing

 to Mailbox Finds

Eat Smart Food Scale 
Various Zevia Drinks
Refresh Glo Bars in Chocolate Peppy-mint and Coconut Carob Brownie Bomb Flavors

To my Homemade high Raw Vegan Desserts:
Raw Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls

Two Raw Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls in container

Chocolate Coconut Snowballs

Chocolate Coconut Snowballs in white dish

and No-Bake Vegan Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Bars

Up close of No-Bake Vegan Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Bars


Overhead of No-Bake Vegan Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Bar

 But, it’s a new week and time for a new recipe!!! 

Remember when I made my Raw Vegan Peanut Butter Cups?

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup cut in half and stacked on paper liner
Stacked No-Bake Vegan Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups
And Please, make the Peanut Butter Cups if you haven’t because they are sooo easy, seriously it will take you 10 minutes, and you’ll never buy a Reese’s again!
 Close up of filling inside PB Cups

And while you’re at it, my high Raw Vegan Chocolate Turtles are a snap, too!

Hand Holding one Raw Vegan Chocolate Turtle
Underside of Raw Vegan Chocolate Turtle

Anyway, I thought it was time to re-make and tweak my high Raw Vegan Peanut Butter Cup Recipe using Vegan, Gluten-Free White Chocolate!

White Chocolate Bar by Organica

Don’t like store-bought?  Make your own!  Use Hannah Kaminsky’s Recipe.

Vegan, Gluten-Free White Chocolate Bar

Hannah also happens to be the Author of This Book: My Sweet Vegan which I previously reviewed and completely adore!  Stay Tuned for my spin on Vegan Fudge inspired from this book coming up soon…

My Sweet Vegan Book
Backside of Book
Back to today’s recipe, If you’re not a vegan and don’t care about the vegan status of your white chocolate, just use Baker’s White Chocolate or something that catches your eye at the grocery.  $3 bucks or so for a large slab ‘o white.

Recipe & Directions for: Averie’s Vegan White Chocolate Chocolate-Peanut Butter Cups

The White Chocolate Outer Coating
1 c of white chocolate chips, chunks, or hunks (if using Baker’s Chocolate, about 10 squares)
Optional: 1/4 c dark chocolate (about 4 squares), see below

Chocolate Vanilla Peanut Butter Filling
1/3 c Peanut Butter (could also use Almond, Sunflower Seed, or Cashew Butter)
1 Tbsp Raw Cocoa Powder (if you don’t want to chocolate-ize your Nut Butter, then omit this)
1 Tsp Vanilla Extract
2 Tbsp Agave (Or use maple syrup or yacon syrup.  This is optional but you may find that after adding the cocoa powder to the PB that the PB becomes quite thick.   If you’re using Almond Butter or Sunflower Seed Butter for the filling which are naturally thinner and runnier than PB you may omit the additional liquid.  If you want it sweeter, add sugar or stevia.)
The Filling Recipe Yields 8 discs.  
Note:  This filling alone makes awesome snacks (more on this below)!  The cocoa powder turns the Peanut Butter into a dough-like consistency, without sticky PB-fingers!

First, I melted the White Chocolate

Chopped white chocolate in bowl

In the Microwave, 45 seconds, remove & stir.  

Spoon stirring semi-melted white chocolate

Then, 30 more seconds & Stir.  Watch chocolate in the micro like a hawk, checking every 10-15 seconds so you don’t scorch it!

Spoon Stirring Melted White Chocolate

Pour the White Chocolate into paper muffin liners

Multi-color paper liners in muffin tin
Melted White Chocolate in bottom of paper liners

Let it Harden for 5 Minutes in the Fridge and get busy Creating the Filling.

The FillingSee Above for Amounts
Peanut Butter, Cocoa Powder

Peanut Butter and Cocoa Powder in bowl

Agave, Vanilla Extract

Bottles of Agave and Vanilla Extract

Stir.  Tastes really divine as you now have chocolate peanut butter sweetened with a little agave and flavored lightly with vanilla.

Chocolate and peanut butter stirred with agave and vanilla in bowl

Make disc shapes with the Filling

Disc shapes of chocolate peanut butter mixture

Mentioned Above but Bears Repeating!  This filling alone makes awesome snacks!  The cocoa powder turns the Peanut Butter into a dough-like consistency, without getting sticky PB-fingers! 

Hand holding peanut butter cocoa filling mixture

Fetch your Muffin Liners from the Fridge & Place the Discs into the Liners

Chocolate Peanut Butter Filling topping white chocolate in paper liners

Cover with more White Chocolate

Filling covered with more melted white chocolate
White chocolate over half of the filling in paper liners

And for those of you who Can’t Decide Between White or Dark Chocolate…
….melt some Dark Chocolate (Baker’s Chocolate, Semi-Sweet, vegan chocolate chips, other chocolate chips, whatever you enjoy)

Melted dark chocolate in bowl being stirred with spoon

And Cover the other half with Chocolate!

Other half of filling covered with melted dark chocolate

Refrigerate for 10 minutes to fully harden

Vegan White Chocolate Chocolate-Peanut Butter Cups in refrigerator

After Refrigeration

Vegan White Chocolate Chocolate-Peanut Butter Cups out of refrigerator in muffin tin

Then, Unwrap an All White

Unwrapped Peanut Butter Cups, cut in half and stacked
Close up of one unwrapped Vegan White Chocolate Chocolate-Peanut Butter Cup

The Center

Center of White Chocolate Chocolate-Peanut Butter Cups
Overhead of Peanut Butter Cup on paper liner

Unwrap a Half White/Half Dark

Half white chocolate and half dark chocolate peanut butter cup on plate
Hand holding half white and dark chocolate peanut butter cup

The Center

Split open Peanut Butter Cup showing filling
Close up of split peanut butter cup

Posing Together

Vegan White Chocolate Chocolate-Peanut Butter Cup and half and half peanut butter cup on plate
Close up of Vegan White Chocolate Chocolate-Peanut Butter Cup and half and half Peanut Butter Cup on Plate
I love the Ruffled Edges!
Both Peanut Butter Cups Sliced and Stacked on top of one another

Showing their Middles

Both Peanut Butter Cups Split showing Filling
Split Cups stacked on one another

And Skylar wants In On The Act!

Young girl ready to eat peanut butter cups at countertop
Devilish Grin that I Love!
Young girl smiling in front of plate of peanut butter cups
Sticky Fingers, Mischievous Eyes!
Peanut Butter Cups on plate with young girl peaking over counter

Then I wrapped them up.  Guess who’s Getting these?

Wrapped up peanut butter cups in plastic wrap

My Secret Valentine Is!!!
I signed up for Janetha’s Secret Valentine ExchangeI hope the recipient likes them!  And no, you can’t sign up now; the deadline has already passed, sorry!

Recent Greenery Included Raw Brock, Sugar Snap Peas, Tomatoes, Carrots, and Brussels’s that I steamed for 1 minute in 1 inch of water in a microwave-safe bowl.  I am asked this frequently, so I am just repeating it for all my awesome newer readers! 

Raw Vegetable Salad with dressing

And dressed my Greenery with homemade Vegan Slaw Dressing

Jar of Homemade Vegan Slaw Dressing
Close up of salad dressed with Vegan Slaw Dressing

And Dessert
….well, yes, a White

Vegan White Chocolate Chocolate-Peanut Butter Cups

…And a Half-White/Half-Dark.

Half-White/Half-Dark Peanut Butter Cup on plate
Split Half-White/Half-Dark Peanut Butter Cup on paper liner

And The Birthday Girl (February 2 to be exact) had fun eye’ing them, too.

Half-White/Half-Dark Peanut Butter Cups on plate with girl peaking over counter

But she loved her birthday cupcakes.  Her first cupcake ever in life was eaten today.  Age 3.  She’s looking at it like it’s the holy grail of sugar and honestly, I was glad to give it to her to make her day exactly what she wanted as she’s been requesting cupcakes for the last few months!  My little vegetarian gobbles raw veggies better than most adults and you only live once, right!  And you’re only 3 once, live it up sweetie, I love you soooo much!!!!!!!!!!!  One day I hope you read this.  Love, Mom! xoxoxo

Young girl wearing birthday hat eating mini cupcake

Yoga Today is Kukkutasana
Full lotus first, but be sure to warm up your Hips and pay attention to your hip opening, rather than just thinking this pose is about the knees, when entering full lotusThen, insert your arms through the holesThen lift off.   Lean Forward if you’re lifting off.  Lean Forward far more than you think you need to.  You need to bring your center of gravity forward or else your bootay is going to weigh you back and downward and you won’t achieve liftoff.  As I’ve mentioned before, these are poses to work towards; not feel bummed if you’re not there today.  And really just have fun with yoga!

Woman doing Kukkutasana yoga pose

Tip of the Day: My Yoga and Raw Vegan Foods Retreat!
Empty room with multiple lights and fans

Large room with multiple lights and fans

On the Beach in San Diego
San Diego Beach by

Photo of ocean with part of mountain in background
This Summer in August!
Photo overlooking beach with multiple people

Be there and get your Om Shanti Shanti on while eating your weight in veggies.
 Olden statue surrounded by flowers and lit candles
Next Tip: Questions:
Which PB Cup would you Grab: A White? or a White-n-Dark Combo? Or Both?! haha!
I loved both! 

Two cups stacked on top of one another on plate

I normally love my Chocolate Dark, but in the Spirit of Valentine’s Day, I wanted to do something White!  And that inner Filling!  Mmmm….PB, Cocoa Powder, Vanilla Extract, and Agave….what’s not to Love?

If you could receive something in the mail, up to $25 bucks, what would you like to receive?  And yes, I am sorta fishing for my Secret Valentine’s present in addition to the homemade goodies I’m sending.  Or would a big stash of homemade goodies from me be ok?

Valentine’s Day Plans!  Have any?  What are they?  Anyone just trying to get a date think that you’re getting engaged, getting married?  Or maybe you’re going out for dinner and hoping your date at least popped for some Godiva!  We will be doing precisely nothing.  Especially on a Sunday night with a 3 year old.  Romance would be someone other than me unloading the dishwasher.  Please all you young hot things, tell me what you have in store for the big V-Day!  I need to live vicariously…haha!

This Week Stay Tuned For Birthday Party Pics, a Mega Oats Post, and other good stuff…

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. How much of the chocolate do you pour into the cups at one time to get the top and the bottom even like that?

    1. Saw your email, too. Replying here so others see it…but about 1 1/2 ounces per cup. Pour the bottom so it’s flat and covered fully in the liner. Chill and harden. Fill. Top with more chocolate until it’s even! Easy!

  2. How is that I missed both blogger secret santa AND valentine?! I was so up on this last year!

    Some of the people I know eat the way I do, some don't. One thing we DO have in common: we all love food!

  3. I had an errand day too! And i managed to make it to TJ's as well :) I finally have some down time tonight after my exam today and i wil be making a version of those no-bakes you have up there… Hopefully successfully. I'll let you know how they turn out!! And as for my family… My mom is now a vegetarian and she has been for 3 years! :) I'm proud of her, but in no way "made" her switch or eat anything she didn't want to, i simply educated her on the benefits of an animal-free diet and she slowly converted! As for my father and sister, they don't live with me so it is harder to keep an eye on what they are putting into their systems, but i try my best to fill them in! :) Hopefully my bars turn out as good as yours look…

  4. Ms. Averie, I have a question … can I use nooch to stand in for Parmsean cheese as a sprinkler/topper for whole grain noodles dressed in olive oil infused with garlic?

    P.S. Love your site!


  5. Sorry I haven't been around as much. We keep getting snow, which has made the school schedule off. Jacob has been home or going in late. When I have both kids to juggle, things get a bit crazy.

    Speaking of snow, we are getting 1 to 2 feet this weekend, so our Super Bowl plans include staying home. At least we get to spend time as a family.

  6. Well, I think my friends all thought I was weird to begin with, but now they are not only accepting, but they try to accommodate me/us with our food allergies and intolerances. Hummus is our favorite party food to take wherever we go! I am the only one in our group that does not eat meat, so I still get a lot of looks, but I think they are getting more and more interested in how I eat. Some of them are over weight, so I get asked a lot of questions about what I eat and how I prepare things. I like to think that I can help in some way with all the useless knowledge I have!

  7. Yaaayy to whoever gets your secret bloggie valentine. *I still need to send mine!* aagh. Lucky for me I'm in the mecca of culinary schools right now and they have a mecca of goods all around so I'll have no issues in finding something to send. :)

    Whenever I used to make your pb cups I would use the mini muffin tins.. but it looks very tempting to make the big ones! those are ginormous!

  8. Hi Averie! Thanks for writing me, I was a little intimidated being comment number 40 something :) I have been by your blog so many times…gotta love veggies and yoga! I actually went to Coastal Carolina for 2 years in 95/96 then moved and finished college here in Charleston. We just moved back here from St.Thomas USVI, so I am actually loving having some like minded yogis and foodies to hang with. The yoga community here is starting to grow and grow, there are all kinds of choices, even a Bikram studio (which I have not tried yet). There are 3 other Studios with heat and more in most every discipline. (no Anusara yet though, much to my chagrin:( We even have a raw food resturant (expensive but fun) and lots of veggie options. So, while it's not San Diego, it's getting better!! It is actually a little over stimulating to me coming from to really contemplative years in St.T doing yoga on the porch everyday and eating LOTS of coconuts! Have a great day, Namaste, Mandy KIT

  9. ohh I hope you are my secret valentine so I can get your goodies :) I am so jealous of the person whoever it is!! butterfinger in oats?? amazeee

    as for the jay robb protein powder, I tried the brown rice one and honestly it tasted almost exactly the same as the sun warrior. I could barely tell the difference, btu i didn make them with some different fruits. I think the real test would just ot be to mix it with some soy milk and take sip for sip to see the difference, I did like it alot though and for free?? ILL TAKE THAT!
    my fam eats very healthy and we all love tok cook my brother is an AMAZING cook I am so jealous of his girfriend because he cooks everything for them! I wish my BF could cook like that! growing up we generally ate the same thing, but sometimes I craved something else so I made it!!

  10. hey love!!!!

    Thanks for the sweet comment as always!!!!!!

    I hope Im your secret bloggie Valentine!! U got some amazing stuff you sent!!! Whoever gets that is hitting the jackpot!!!

    My son and Mike dont eat as healthy as me, I actually eat my own seperate dinner every night, lol, and I make them what they want, Mike is really great about me eating so healthy though, so it's nice he doesnt mind, being healthy is a lifestyle!

    Love ya girl, and as for superbowl plans, we are supposed to get a blizzard here tomorrow, so Im thinking we will be snowed in!! Just watching the game at home!!
