Watching Movies


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Did you watch the Oscars Sunday night?  I didn’t.

I haven’t seen a movie in over 5 years.  I know, shocking.  But I have lived.

The last movie I saw was when I was pregnant with Skylar because we had no air conditioning in the 1925 era house we were living in at the time and I was so sick with morning sickness all day sickness and just wanted to be in the a/c.  So we went to the movies.  I was sick the whole time and in the bathroom and can’t even remember what movie I “saw”.  But at least I was cool.

After giving birth, not sleeping, and caring for a baby the last thing I wanted to do or had time to do was go sit somewhere for 3 hours.  And pay a babysitter for the pleasure on top of it.  It just wasn’t happening.

Netflix, online videos, and other ways to see movies without actually going to the theater?  Well, honestly, I’d rather spend my limited unstructured free time blog-reading, magazine-reading, or watching some of my favorite TV shows that I DVR rather than movies.

And that’s how I fell out of the habit of seeing movies.  And have never fallen back in.  Crazy but true.

What’s crazier is that I eat a salad every day.  No, that’s not really crazy.

Mixed green salad with vegetables on white plate

What’s crazy is that I never get sick of them!  It’s a food groove, not a rut.

It’s all about mixing up the dressings and adding some kick to your greens.  Try Horseradish Relish Dressing to spice up your plants.

Horseradish Relish Dressing

I like to pair my salads with edamame or tofu.  Such as Sesame Ginger Maple Tofu

Close up of Sesame Ginger Maple Tofu

Or Pumpkin “Bread” Honey Tofu.  If you freeze the tofu first, it almost turns into a pumpkin bread-like texture.

Close up of one Pumpkin "Bread" Honey Tofu

It’s really good.  Try it!

Pumpkin "Bread" Honey Tofu stacked container


And every day, I have coffee.  I choose from my stash ‘a plenty that I’ve reviewed here

Bay Blend Ultra Dark Roast Coffee Container

And most every day, I have chocolate in some form.

Vegan GF Rice Krispy Treats with Vegan Chocolate Frosting

Vegan GF Rice Krispy Treats with Vegan Chocolate Frosting stacked on one another

From my last post about Being Debt Free and Saving Money, thank you for the wonderful comments you left.  And thanks to new readers for finding my blog and also for those of you who have de-lurked recently and are commenting.  Many thanks.

Many of you are debt-free.  Congrats!

Many of you aren’t and feel it weighs on you at eats at you.  I feel for you and understand.

And all of us seem to want to be better at saving money and putting money away for the future or unexpected situations like job losses or illnesses or babies coming and mom-to-be can no longer work.

I think it’s so important to acknowledge these things, even though talking about money and facing reality can be tough.  It’s better to think about it and plan and make life choices with a full complement of information rather than sweeping these thoughts and conversations under the proverbial rug.

Nor would we want to sweep a dessert idea under the rug: Raw Vegan Mexican Wedding Cookies

Raw Vegan Mexican Wedding Cookies in white dishNo-Bake and comes together in less than 5 minutes with one bowl and a spoon



1. Did you watch the Oscars?  Did any movies you wanted to win, win anything?


2. Did you watch the Red Carpet Shows?  Any thoughts about what everyone was wearing?

Since I was clueless about the movies, I did see some red carpet dresses that were both amazing.  And awful.

3. In general, do you watch movies?  And if so, how often?

I used to watch tons when I was younger.  And then parenthood happened.  But kids aren’t going to change your life.  Sure.

And as I said in the post, I’d rather read blogs, write and keep up my own blog, watch my favorite tv shows on DVR, read magazines, talk a walk outside, or play with Skylar.

Young girl wearing purple with hair down smiling in dining room

4. Favorite movie(s) of all time?

Some movies I’ve liked over the years: Pretty Woman, Titanic, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, Brokeback Mountain, Erin Brokovich, gosh this is hard to just name drop off the top of my head, so I will stop.

Oh and I was in the movie A Walk to Remember.

I’ve done two posts on it:

Part 1

and Part 2 with a video clip

Give me your top movie picks!


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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.


  1. Ok – So, finally I’ve found another person who a) didn’t watch the Oscars and b) doesn’t watch movies… How refreshing – I’m not alone! :)

  2. I watched it all, and I thought that Gwyneth Paltrow looked the best. Her dress was awesome, and only someone like her could pull that look off. I never watch movies either, though I do go to the movies perhaps 5 times a year?

    Also, Avery, everytime I come here and I am just sooooo impressed by your recipes that I end up clicking through multiple posts to read all your recipes. They all look so good, that I forget that they are healthy and natural as well.

  3. I used to love love love going to the movies, but a few years ago when I had a lot of fatigue and health problems I just stopped going tothe movies – this was a phase in my life where any time on a weekend where I could fit in a nap, I would, so a nap was always better than a movie. So at theaters, I saw one movie in 2007, none in 2008, two in 2009 (both indie movies), and none in 2010. I know this because my husband keeps track of the movies he watches, so we just had to look at the list to see what I had seen. This year we did go to see the King’s Speech, which was really lovely and reminded me why I like going to the movies. That said, I do think there are tons of bad movies out there too LOL.

  4. I also didn’t watch the Oscars Sunday night, but who cares about the Oscars? It’s not an important event in my book.
    And yeah, last time i watched a movie was…. i believe last year sometimes in the summer, i just don’t have the time. I sometimes watch some funny clips on youtube, but i don’t have the patience to stay glued to the tv for 1-2 hours watching a film anymore. I prefer reading a book, i learn and enjoy it more.

  5. Avery – yes, I’m a lurker and I LOVE your blog! The topics you touch on are very interesting and diverse, your recipes – delish! Not to mention your beautiful pics – I live in Iowa and love seeing the sunshine, ocean and green plants! Please keep up the great work and the reflection of your straight-forwardness and outstanding personality, not to mention your strong womanly side!! Onto other items – I’m a sucker for Sweet Home Alabama – I’m a Reese fan!!!!

  6. I didn’t see many of the movies that were nominated, other than the Social Network. I am waiting for Black Swan and the King’s Speech to come out on DVD and as for the rest of the movies, I don’t really have a desire to see them, even if they were nominated.

  7. I watched the Oscars for about 10 minutes — I used to watch the entire show with my mom when I was in high school. My mom loves that stuff! Me? Not so much, especially since this year I haven’t seen any of the top nominated movies.

    I probably watch 1-2 full movies each week – usually on Netflix. We go to the movie theater maybe once per month at the most. It is so expensive and I’d rather watch at home where I can do laundry at the same time!

    Favorite movie? The only one that comes to mind now is Amalie — I could watch that a million times and still love it.

  8. I did not watch the Oscars – not really into awards shows really. I’m not a big movie watcher either. They must really really grab my attention. Now Pretty Woman.. LOVE. It’s the one movie I can actually quote.

  9. I watch the red carpets but rather watch the show! I try and eat a salad a day-i’ve been slacking lately and am craving them!!!!!

  10. I’m convinced that every picture you post of Skylar she is at least 3 inches taller than she was in the last one! I love going to the movies, and Colin and I have seen a couple in the last few weeks. Something about seeing them in theaters and getting the whole “audience” experience gets me every time

  11. I am so NOT a movie person, either! Whenever people ask me if I’ve seen ___ I always give them a blank stare and a “never heard of it.” This also means I never get ANY jokes people tell that involve a movie (which is many of them) and I always feel so dense. Sitting (and paying attention) for 2+ hrs is just too much! Even when I sit down for computer work I can’t do much more than 30m at a time without some sort of intermission, but I much prefer blog or mag. reading ;)

    The worst thing is that I’m so out of the loop I hardly know who the famous people ARE any more!

  12. I didn’t watch the Oscars – I don’t get to watch much TV. I live a full live and have better things to do —- Not trying to be sarcastic when saying that but it’s the truth.
    I do however enjoy movies. I watch them when I can fit them in – My husband and I enjoy them very much. Mostly horror flicks.
    But the real reason for my post is that I wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog. I think your a very neat lady and wanted to thank you for sharing so much with us – from yoga to your recipes.
    I tried the No Bake Vegan Peanut Butter Protein Bars recipe and love love love it. It’s a keeper in my house – Have been looking for a good recipe that is easy to make and yours is the winner.
    Also wanted to let you know how excited I am to try your Tofu recipes. I have been looking for a good and easy recipe for that too. They look so delicious in your pictures.
    Thank you again for all the great posts.

  13. Wow — five years w/o movies? I can understand that ,though, because I’ve gone 5 years w/o having a television in my house! We watch movies all the time (last night we watched Sphere…not good to watch before bedtime!) but only watch tv if we’re at my in-laws and they’re watching something. I miss Jeopardy and the food network.

  14. Haha…too funny. I LOVE movies, but I also go through phases where I don’t see any for a long time– but not five years!!! :-)