Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 Giveaway


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In the past six months, I have fallen in love with Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3

I posted about it here when I first purchased it.  And since then, I use it

I could not imagine my life without it!

How else could I make Chocolate Coconut Cashew Butter jump off the page

Chocolate Coconut Cashew Butter

Or braids look so groovy

Skylar getting braids

Or Nutella & Peanut Butter Graham Bars look as sinful on the screen as they actually are in person

Nutella & Peanut Butter Graham Bars

Or boats look artsy


Or transport you with me to my local farmers market and make you feel like you’re right there, too.


Or make you want to reach in and devour a Magic Eight Bar?

Magic Eight Bar

I use Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 to help bring back in what my eye actually saw but that sometimes doesn’t always translate in photography.

I love it, and I can’t wait for one lucky person to win a copy of it, too!


Ready to win a copy of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 for yourself?  It’s valued at $299

To Enter:

1.  Tell me why you want to win this, what your biggest challenges are with photography, or what special photography projects you will use Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 with?

2. For a second entry, Twitter Follow Me and Twitter Follow Adobe Lightroom and then tweet the following:

“I just entered to win free Adobe Photoshop Lightroom software @loveveggiesyoga @lightroom″

3. For a third entry, do one of these things (or more if you’d like but you can only claim one for contest purposes)

Facebook Like Me, Facebook Fan Adobe Lightroom, Stumble Follow Me & Stumble It or post this Give Away on your blog.

Contest will run until Friday, June 24, 2011 and winner will randomly be chosen and announced.  Adobe will ship directly to the winner.

Open to everyone, worldwide.  Everyone can enter!

Get your entries in now!

Leave a Comment

Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

The maximum upload file size: 4 MB. You can upload: image, video. Links to YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and other services inserted in the comment text will be automatically embedded. Drop file here


  1. My blog is currently in the very early phases, and I’d like to change that; I think Lightroom is exactly what I need to bring it to the next stage.

  2. I’ve taken many photography courses throughout high school and college and have even had a art show showcasing my work. But I always find that there is more and more to learn and experiment with in photography and want to learn more and more!

  3. I think it was yesterday that I “liked” your page on Facebook. I would use Lightroom for my food photography for my blog. That seems to be what I’m taking pictures of mostly lately, but I’d also love it for my travel photography and pet photography. I have heard wonderful things about lightroom.

  4. I would use Lightroom to improve my food photography! I always seem to have a problem getting the lighting justttt so.

  5. Ooh I would love to have this software. I blog menus for my personal chef business. The biggest weakness is I don’t have photos! I need to start posting pics of my food, but the pics I take never look as fantastic as the food so I get frustrated and give up.

    With Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 I think I could make photos I love, and then have more motivation to take more photos! Win win!